Reportedly, on January 23, 1780, Georgia became the 1st state to name a town after this president |
(Ted: Who is Jimmy Carter?) ... (Alex: Yes, the date was January 23, 1780, Ted.) [Laughter] (Alex: Just a couple of years before Mr. Carter.)
George Washington
"Nectar" in feeders is tinted this color, believed to be the hummer's favorite flower color |
In the lyrics that end ring-a-ring the roses, this occurs |
all fall down
On location in California for months, she went "nutsy" playing mom to this actress in the film "Nuts" |
Barbra Streisand
During the 1940s, kerosene burners were used along airport runways to dissipate this |
Mendicants are forbidden options |
beggars can't be choosers
The Cherokee Phoenix, printed at New Echota in 1928, was 1st Indian one of these |
[ERRATUM: The Cherokee Phoenix was printed 1828-1834, not 1928.]
a newspaper
Good at hovering, hummingbirds inspired Igor Sikorsky to design this type of flying craft |
a helicopter
"Here we come looby loo, here we come looby light" all on this night |
No, Maureen & this "All in the Family" actress aren't related, let alone sisters |
(Ted: Who is Edith Stapleton?) ... (Alex: [*], who played Edith Bunker; Ted got his tongue twisted on that one.)
Jean Stapleton
Halos around the Sun or Moon are caused by refraction of light by these crystals |
A quill beats out a claymore |
(Ted: The pen is mightier... what is [*]?)
the pen is mightier than the sword
Atlanta was 1st named "Terminus" because these lines terminated there |
(Alex: Yes, the Western & Atlantic [*].)
During cold weather hummers can "torpidate", lowering this to conserve energy |
(Alex: We've got a minute to go.)
their body temperature (their metabolism)
The 2 colors of the tisket tasket basket |
(Ted: What is brown & yellow?)
green & yellow
In 1959, she received an Oscar nomination in this category for her 1st film, "Lonelyhearts" |
(Alex: Great film, too.)
(Best) Supporting Actress
Encyclopaedia Britannica says this has no predictive value; it's just sunlight reflected in rain |
Procure but with one melody |
buy it with (for) a song
This conquistador came marching through Georgia in 1540, not riding in the car that took his name |
de Soto
The shapes of these, straight or curved, are adapted for feeding on particular flowers |
beaks (bills)
She swallowed a fly, I don't know why she swallowed a fly, I think she'll die |
the old lady
Her advice to actors is "Get a lot of" this "and talk loud" |
The time lag between these 2 phenomena allows the calculation of distance between observer & storm |
(Chuck: The time between [*]; you see the [**] and you hear [*].) (Alex: That's a nice explanation but always remember the phrasing)
the thunder & the lightning
Mummies, for example, don't gossip |
dead men don't talk (dead men tell no tales)
Indians called this half-million acre swamp "trembling earth" |
the Okefenokee
It's the only U.S. state where the hummingbird is not a native |
(Ted: What is Alaska?)
Type of choral arrangement heard here:
"Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream Row, row, row your boat..." |
(Chuck: I have a phenomenal amount of confidence in myself, I'll bet $5.) [Laughter] ... [The song was not reprised going into the break.]
a round
Maureen, an accomplished gamester in real life, played this "Game" with E.G. Marshall on Broadway in 1978 |
The Gin Game
It's estimated Earth's mean temperature may rise 4°C by the mid-21st cent. due to increase of this gas |
(Dave: What is hydrocarbon?) (Ted: What is ozone?)
carbon dioxide
An orbiting tart |
[Titters from Dave and audience after the clue is read] ... (Alex: Don't read too much into it, what is [*]? I wanted to cut in in case you guys got a little funny.) [Laughter]
pie in the sky