Show #764 - Thursday, December 24, 1987


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Bea Cottrell, a retired senior vice president from Fairfax, California

John Sobiski, a machine operator originally from Manchester, Connecticut

Jeri Anderson, a housewife from Las Vegas, Nevada (whose 2-day cash winnings total $12,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 10
Lancelot's lover
    $100 16
In 1555, French Huguenots made the 1st settlement on the site of this Brazilian city
    $100 19
Jehovah's Witnesses are not pacifists but will only fight when His word commands them
    $100 26
In 1984, Cheryl Miller led the U.S. team to Olympic gold in this sport
    $100 6
She made so much noise as a baby that she earned the nickname "Babbling Brooke"
    $100 1
This kind of bacon comes from the loin of a pig, but it doesn't have to come from Quebec
    $200 11
The most fearsome Philistine
    $200 17
Though it spans 5 time zones, China decided to use only this many
    $200 20
The term "Adventist" indicates a belief in this
    $200 28
In the '80 boycott, this president threatened to revoke passports of U.S. athletes going to the games
    $200 7
Allie's daughter on "Kate & Allie" today, Allison Smith used to sing "Tomorrow" in this musical
    $200 2
This noun once referred to the edible flesh of all wild game, not just deer meat
    $300 13
Hungarian dish whose name means "herdsman's stew"
    $300 18
Hawaiian island you'd visit to see Mauna Kea & Mauna Loa
    $300 21
Of Baptists, Methodists & Presbyterians, the denomination that does not baptize infants
    DD: $700 27
While they were suspended to hold Ancient Olympics, they caused cancellation of 1916 & 1940 games
    $300 8
Ex-James Bond who said, "I replace everyone. I'll be replacing Mickey Mouse in about three years"
    $300 3
The name of this meat derives from the Latin "vitellus", meaning small calf
    $400 14
Hungarian dishes whose names are Magda, Eva, & Zsa Zsa
    $400 22
5 or, by some counts, 6 of the 10 longest rivers in the world are on this continent
    $400 23
In the Roaring '20s, this evangelist was known as "The Queen of Heaven"
    $400 29
Olympic event for which athletes need skis & a rifle
    $400 9
This "Psycho" star turned down LBJ's offer to become ambassador to Finland
    $400 4
The "honeycomb" variety of this organ meat comes from the stomach of a ruminant
    $500 15
    $500 25
The largest of the Greek islands
    $500 24
Oldest Protestant church still in use in U.S. was built in 1698 by Swedes in this Mid-Atlantic state
    $500 30
In de Coubertin's Olympic creed, "The most important thing in the Olympic games is to..." do this
    $500 12
Still a TV heartthrob, he starred as Uncle Bentley 30 years ago in "Bachelor Father"
    $500 5
Order these & you'll get thymus glands or pancreas, not a bakery treat

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jeri John Bea
$700 $1,300 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jeri John Bea
$0 $2,900 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Hydrotropism is the tendency of plants to grow toward this
    $200 9
A result of the 1870-1 Franco-Prussian War was the unification of this country
    $200 1
The usual translation of "Adeste Fidelis"
    $200 3
In 1952, Democrats described themselves as "madly for" him
    $200 20
He said that like these floating objects, only the tip of a writer's knowledge should appear in a novel
    $200 17
Webster's defines this as "the natural noise of a hog"
    $400 26
The primary photosynthetic organ of most green plants
    $400 12
The U.S.S. Phoenix survived Pearl Harbor only to be sold to Argentina & sunk in this war
    $400 2
Carol written on Christmas Eve in Oberndorf, Austria, where all was calm & all was bright
    $400 4
An 1884 Democratic rhyme called James G. Blaine "the continental liar from" here
    $400 21
In 1937, he went as a war correspondent to this country to cover its war
    $400 18
To dwindle, like your paycheck does after you pay your psychiatrist
    $600 28
In plant organs, the hypodermis is the layer of cells immediately beneath this
    DD: $1,300 13
War with which the following song was originally associated:

"How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm / After they’ve seen Paree? / How ya gonna keep ’em away from Broadway / Jazzin’ aroun’..."
    $600 8
Written by 2 Pennsylvanians, it could be about a city in Pennsylvania or the Holy Land
    $600 5
"No man is good 3 times" was the Republican slogan in the election campaign against this man
    $600 24
Story about a writer who composes stories in his mind the last hours before his death in Africa
    $600 19
A style of ragtime piano, or the tawdry nightclub where you'd expect to hear it
    $800 29
After a seed germinates, this is the 1st thing to emerge
    $800 14
113 men & 475 horses died in the celebrated Charge of the Light Brigade against this country's forces
    $800 10
A Victorian insurance co. executive added words to the tune of "Greensleeves" to create this carol
    $800 6
In 1856 pres. race, Republicans called for free soil, free men, free speech & election of this man
    $800 25
In 1954, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature, 1 year after he won the Pulitzer for this novel
    DD: $800 22
From the Old English word for "he-goat", it can be a male rabbit, antelope, or sheep, too
    $1000 30
From Latin "put together", it's a mixture of decayed material used to fertilize & condition soil
    $1000 15
In the 17th c., his New Model Army made him the 1st British ruler to conquer all the British Isles
    $1000 11
This "nocturnal" carol is often subtitled "Cantique De Noel"
    $1000 7
"Ma, ma, where's my pa? Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha!" referred to his illegitimate child
    $1000 27
In 1920s Paris, he was spokesman for a group of disillusioned writers dubbed this by G. Stein
    $1000 23
To dismiss summarily, or to plunder piratically

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jeri John Bea
$3,200 $6,600 $3,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He murdered Augeas, the king of Elis, when he refused to pay his cleaning fee

Final scores:

Jeri John Bea
$3,200 $7,800 $7,800
2nd place: Berkline Wallaway sofa & Bruce hardwood floors + Jeopardy! computerized version or box game New co-champion: $7,800 New co-champion: $7,800

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jeri John Bea
$3,200 $6,300 $3,900
13 R,
5 W
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
8 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $13,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-09-15
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