The heavyweight class in wrestling is 220 lb.s or this round number of kilograms |
100 kilograms
Millionaires Benjamin Guggenheim & John Jacob Astor went down with this ship |
the Titanic
Reach for the sky |
put your hands up
Process of printing through a piece of fine cloth, usually silk |
silk screening
According to John Donne what "No man" is |
an island
The "Ties" that bind Michael J. Fox |
family ties
In this event you can snatch, jerk or press |
In film it's been captained by Charles Laughton, Trevor Howard & Anthony Hopkins |
the Bounty
Redeye was only one term for it |
The art of molding paste & pulp, or a 1970 Dionne Warwick song |
2000 years ago the Roman poet Lucretius wrote that "One man's food can be" this "to another" |
They played "Saturday Night Live's" two wild & crazy guys looking for foxes |
Dan Aykroyd & Steve Martin
Gold medalist Johnny Weissmuller was the 1st to swim this distance in less than 1 minute |
(Michael: Let's try 100 yards, what is 100 yards?)
100 meters
Comic opera where you hear this song:
"We sail the ocean blue / And our saucy ship's a beauty / We're sober men and true / And attentive to our duty / When the balls whistle free / O'er the bright blue sea / We stand to our guns all day / When at anchor we ride / On the Portsmouth tide / We have plenty of time for play / Ahoy! Ahoy!..." |
(Michael: What is The Good Ship Lollipop?) (Alex: Oh, no, this is one of Gilbert and Sullivan's most famous, [*].) [The end-of-round signal sounds and the song was not reprised going into the break.]
H.M.S. Pinafore
A sodbuster was a farmer, but a sinbuster was this |
a preacher
Named for an 18th century French finance minister, these black paper cutouts came to mean "cheap portraitures" |
Town in which "There was no joy because Might Casey has struck out" |
Famous literary figure eaten by Foxy Loxy |
Chicken Little
Appropriately, flying Dutchman is one event in this sport |
sailing (yachting)
Hobble your lip |
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go in the round.)
be quiet (stop talking)
Display case of memento-filled compartments, sound like sparring with imaginary opponents |
shadow box
"My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here, My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing" these |
[Alex read the clue with a thick Scottish accent.]
the deer
Film where Richard Farnsworth played an Old West outlaw learning about modern times |
The Grey Fox
In 1968, a West German attacked his horse in frustration during this 5-event sport |
(Lynn: What is equestrian?)
(the modern) pentathlon
Oklahoma rain meant this kind of storm |
a dust storm
From French, meaning "noose", it's what every kid makes at camp |
a lanyard
He wrote, "All hope abandon ye who enter here" |
(Lynn: Who is Virgil?) ... (Alex: [*], from The Inferno.)
Dante (Alighieri)
This flower is the source for the heart-stimulating drug digitalis |
(Kim: Ooh, what are foxtails?)