Show #844 - Thursday, April 14, 1988


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Kate McDonough, an attorney from Yonkers, New York

Marty Montgomery, an IRS agent originally from Chicago, Illinois

Ron Karr, a software engineer from Mountain View, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $13,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
Decade in U.S. history referred to as both "Gay" & "Naughty"
    $100 9
In "Airport 1975", Gloria Swanson played this person
    $100 6
In "Texaco", the "CO" originally stood for this
    $100 4
It wasn't until 1970 that the British ended the daily rum ration to men in this service
    $100 1
Bees do it, & so does a boss trying to get his secretary on the intercom
    $200 22
The land rush in this territory began at noon April 22, 1889, but some started sooner
    $200 29
At least 3 of these have been based on Count Carlo Gozzi's play "Turandot"
    $200 10
Appropriately, this 1962 WWII film has a long roster of stars as well as a long running time, 3 hours
    $200 7
In an address on a letter, "c/o" stands for this
    $200 5
As Schlitz reminded us, "You only" do this "once in life"
    $200 2
From the Latin "currere", to run, it's someone who runs diplomatic messages
    $300 23
The last decade during which an amendment was added to the Constitution
    $300 28
Though he wrote sonnets, this "Renaissance man" is better known for his ceiling
    $300 13
In this '81 film, Jack Nicholson & Jessica Lange played the roles John Garfield & Lana Turner played in 1946
    $300 8
In the army, you might salute a "C.O.", one of these
    $300 17
Originally marketed here as white whiskey with no taste & no smell, it's now the #1 selling U.S. vodka
    $300 3
Color of the flag waved to start the Indianapolis 500
    $400 24
Absentee voting was 1st permitted to the men in the field of this war
    $400 16
He 1st met his beloved Beatrice, the inspiration for much of his work, in 1274, when he was 9
    $400 14
In "Coming Home", these were the 2 stars who came home from Vietnam
    $400 11
It's the element whose symbol is "Co"
    $400 26
This worldwide religious order is noted for their California vineyards
    $400 19
It stands for private branch exchange
    $500 25
U.S. minister to Mexico who arranged the purchase of a strip of borderland in 1853
    $500 18
In 1883, Carlo Lorenzini used the pen name "Collodi" to write this fairy tale
    $500 15
Guinness says this distinction is held by the 1930 movie "The Poor Millionaire"
    $500 12
In a gazetteer, "co." stands for this
    $500 27
Pilsner beer originated in Pilsen, a city in this country
    DD: $900 20
Roget's also calls an operator of one of these a brass pounder or dit-da artist

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ron Marty Kate
$900 -$200 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ron Marty Kate
$2,800 $600 $3,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 9
Luke Chapter 6 sets a sermon by Jesus on the Plain, while Matthew Chapter 5 sets it "on" this
    $200 23
The plant named for French botanist Pierre Magnol
    $200 4
In 1985, this former first lady's horsemanship won her the Lady Ardmore Challenge Trophy
    $200 5
The thigh bone
    $400 8
A tree is named for this man who legend says hanged himself on it
    $400 20
From the German words for "coffee" & "gossip", it's an informal gathering for coffee & gossip
    $400 22
Though it has African roots, the samba is said to have originated in this country
    $400 6
In 1987, this "Love Story" star became an editor-at-large for Architectural Digest
    $400 10
What the Rh stands for in Rh factor
    $600 3
Paul was also known by this Hebrew name, the one he was given at birth
    $600 19
From a Latin word for these objects, "campanology" is the art of casting & using them
    $600 13
It's the city of the Taj Mahal
    $600 21
Named after a type of transportation, it's a girl paid a fee to dance with patrons
    $600 7
Jacqueline du Pre, inspiration for a play, "Duet For One", was famous for playing this instrument
    $600 14
The tube leading from the middle ear to the throat
    $800 2
2 of the only 3 disciples Jesus took with him to witness his transfiguration
    $800 17
Word for a gourmet derived from the name of an ancient philosopher
    $800 11
The Indian independence Act provided for Indian membership in this political grouping of nations
    $800 25
In 1969, ballet dancer Arthur Mitchell formed the dance theater of this neighborhood
    $800 15
In 1987, she was given another title, "The Princess Royal", for her charity work
    $800 24
The lower jaw
    $1000 1
Joseph Barsabas lost out to this man in a drawing to pick the new 12th apostle
    DD: $1,400 18
The name of this product comes from "bous" & "tyros", the Greek words for cow & cheese
    $1000 12
Nehru & Indira Gandhi belonged to this highest Hindu caste
    DD: $1,500 26
Musical from which the following dance number comes:

"Anytime you're ever quiet/ Any evening any time..."
    $1000 16
In September 1987, the press revealed that Jillie Mack had done this secretly on August 7, 1987
    $1000 27
It prevents food from entering the windpipe during the act of swallowing

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ron Marty Kate
$5,400 $5,600 $4,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The number of states completely west of the Mississippi River that border Canada

Final scores:

Ron Marty Kate
$0 $200 $0
2nd place: trip on Eastern to Bermuda & stay at the Elbow Beach Hotel + Jeopardy! box game New champion: $200 3rd place: Colortyme TV + Jeopardy! box game

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ron Marty Kate
$5,000 $7,000 $5,500
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-12-15
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