Show #298 - Wednesday, October 30, 1985

Mark Leinwand game 5.


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Phyllis Kornov, a bank support officer originally from Miami Beach, Florida

Rick Giles, an event coordinator from Los Angeles, California

Mark Leinwand, an attorney and a businessman from Los Angeles, California (whose 4-day cash winnings total $43,700)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 17
Better known name of the "European Economic Community"
    $100 21
All insects have this many legs
    $100 12
Java, or joe
    $100 1
"H2O" is not only the title of their best-selling album, it has this duo's initials
    $100 11
Date Cinco de Mayo always falls on
    $100 3
Dan Aykroyd & John Belushi as soul siblings
    $200 18
Formed in 1960 at Venezuelan initiative, this group greatly influences world oil prices
    $200 22
In German this beneficial insect is called the marybug, after our lady
    $200 19
A bun pup
    $200 2
His grandmother appears as herself in his Pepsi TV commercials
    $200 13
In Scotland, the victim is a "gawk"; in France, un "poisson d'Avril"; in America, this
    $200 4
Elvis Presley "lei"s around in the sun
    $300 27
Though the League of Nations was an idea of this country's leader, it never joined
    DD: $2,000 23
Insect that this song's about:

"...Just lookin' for a home / He was lookin' for a home..."
    $300 20
A bowl of red
    $300 5
She's "Jinxed" in the movies but "Divine" on records
    $300 14
Caesar wanted New Years to be on a solstice or equinox, thinking this day insignificant
    $300 6
Movie that starred Roy Scheider & a hovering peeping Tom
    $400 29
This mutual defense alliance, which dates from 1955, is headquartered in Moscow, not Poland
    $400 25
While males of this "gadfly" species feed on nectar & sap, the females feed on blood
    $400 24
Hold the hail
    $400 7
New Wave band that has driven through "Heartbeat City" to the top of the charts
    $400 15
It commemorates the date of his death, not birth, March 17, about 461 A.D.
    $400 9
Emil Jannings "Falling in Love Again" with Marlene Dietrich
    $500 26
Male crickets produce their well-known chirp by rubbing these together
    $500 28
Squeeze one
    $500 8
The Commodores' "Nightshift" is a tribute to these 2 soul singers who died in 1984
    $500 16
Union General John Logan is credited with 1st naming May 30th as this holiday in 1868
    $500 10
Troubled teenagers in dungarees

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Mark Rick Phyllis
$700 $1,900 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Rick Phyllis
$300 $4,100 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
"The Great Emancipator"
    $200 17
Song which could have been titled "I Love You Five Pecks"
    $200 7
At Nagasaki, recordable amounts of this will remain for over 24,000 years
    $200 11
Shakespeare said even the sails of her barge were perfumed
    $200 23
60 people died in this Washington State volcano's 1980 eruptions
    $200 3
Dot, dot, dot-
dash, dash, dash-
dot, dot, dot
    $400 2
"The Great Communicator"
    $400 18
"It's the force needed to lift 550 pounds 1 foot in 1 second", says Mr. Ed
    $400 13
This pipe-chewing general was a distant cousin to both Churchill & Roosevelt
    $400 14
She said, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"
    $400 24
Mt. Aconcagua, the highest point not in Asia, is on this continent
    $400 5
The aftermost deck of a ship, or the inside scoop
    $600 4
"Old Tippecanoe"
    $600 19
It's the measure of gold in an alloy
    $600 20
According to Eisenhower, the bazooka, DC-3, A-bomb, & this vehicle won the war
    $600 15
Name of the shrew to whom Petruchio says "Kiss me"
    $600 27
According to the New Testament, Jesus ascended to heaven from this mountain near Jerusalem
    $600 8
She's a sheep
    $800 6
"Old Rough & Ready"
    DD: $1,000 25
The Kentucky Derby, a 1 1/4-mile race, is this many furlongs
    DD: $800 21
On Dec. 11, 1941, these 2 countries declared war on the U.S.
    $800 16
Comedy partly based on a novel by Thomas Lodge entitled "Rosalynde"
    $800 28
Russia's highest peak, Mt. Communism, was, formerly named after this leader
    $800 9
A hope, or a haircut
    $1000 12
"Old Buck"
    $1000 29
A surveyor might "spare the rod & spoil the child" since to him a rod is this many feet long
    $1000 22
20,000 Russian guns opened fire on this city in April of 1945
    $1000 26
2 plays featuring women named Portia
    $1000 10
Precedes "talk", "squad", & "pill"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Rick Phyllis
$100 $6,500 $5,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Famous American after whom B.F. Goodrich was named

Final scores:

Mark Rick Phyllis
$100 $9,000 $11,300
3rd place: Action recliner by Lane 2nd place: trip on Eastern to Florida & stay at Quality Inn The High Q Orlando New champion: $11,300

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mark Rick Phyllis
$900 $5,800 $5,800
8 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $12,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-08-06
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