"The Great Emancipator" |
Song which could have been titled "I Love You Five Pecks" |
(Phyllis: What is "I Love You And [*]"?) (Alex: [*], from Guys and Dolls, right, go.)
"A Bushel And A Peck"
At Nagasaki, recordable amounts of this will remain for over 24,000 years |
Shakespeare said even the sails of her barge were perfumed |
60 people died in this Washington State volcano's 1980 eruptions |
Mount St. Helens
Dot, dot, dot- dash, dash, dash- dot, dot, dot |
"The Great Communicator" |
Ronald Reagan
"It's the force needed to lift 550 pounds 1 foot in 1 second", says Mr. Ed |
1 horsepower
This pipe-chewing general was a distant cousin to both Churchill & Roosevelt |
(General Douglas) MacArthur
She said, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" |
Mt. Aconcagua, the highest point not in Asia, is on this continent |
(Alex: Mount Aconcagua is in the Andes of [*].)
South America
The aftermost deck of a ship, or the inside scoop |
[Laughter] (Mark: Among other things.)
a poop
"Old Tippecanoe" |
(William Henry) Harrison
It's the measure of gold in an alloy |
(Mark: What is find?)
a carat
According to Eisenhower, the bazooka, DC-3, A-bomb, & this vehicle won the war |
a jeep
Name of the shrew to whom Petruchio says "Kiss me" |
According to the New Testament, Jesus ascended to heaven from this mountain near Jerusalem |
the Mount Olivet (the Mount of Olives)
"Old Rough & Ready" |
(Phyllis: Who is Teddy Roosevelt?)
Zachary Taylor
The Kentucky Derby, a 1 1/4-mile race, is this many furlongs |
(Rick: What is... 8?) (Alex: I'm sorry, there are 8 furlongs in a mile, mile and a quarter is [*]... We've got less than a minute to go.)
10 furlongs
On Dec. 11, 1941, these 2 countries declared war on the U.S. |
(Mark: What are Germany and Japan?) (Alex: Oh, I'm sorry, no, Japan has bombed Pearl Harbor before that; they were already at war with us.)
Germany & Italy
Comedy partly based on a novel by Thomas Lodge entitled "Rosalynde" |
As You Like It
Russia's highest peak, Mt. Communism, was, formerly named after this leader |
(Alex: It used to be named Mount [*].)
A hope, or a haircut |
a bob
"Old Buck" |
James Buchanan
A surveyor might "spare the rod & spoil the child" since to him a rod is this many feet long |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
16 1/2 feet long
20,000 Russian guns opened fire on this city in April of 1945 |
2 plays featuring women named Portia |
The Merchant of Venice & Julius Caesar
Precedes "talk", "squad", & "pill" |