Show #696 - Monday, September 21, 1987

Roy Holliday game 1.


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Brenda Steere, a life insurance sales representative from New York City, New York

Roy Holliday, a radiologist from Brooklyn, New York

Tom Bendycki, a copy editor originally from Cleveland, Ohio (whose 3-day cash winnings total $39,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 7
At age 7, she won top prize on "Ted Mack's Amateur Hour", without the Pips
    $100 19
All 2/3 of all known species of fish live in this kind of water
    $100 6
Independent televisions "Frocks on the Box" is a show about this
    $100 24
"Slavery as an institution is a moral & political evil in any country," wrote this Confederate gen.
    $100 1
Billboards promoting religion in America say "The family that prays together" does this
    $100 9
Legendary pool champ Rudolph Wanderone Jr. is better known by this nickname
    $200 8
In a 1987 Beatles trivia contest in L.A., 5 of 21 questions were about this album's complex cover
    $200 20
The chief respiratory organs of a fish
    $200 17
It wasn't until 1911 that members of Parliament began receiving this for their work
    $200 2
O.J. Simpson has been seen running through airports headed for these
    $200 11
Since Jack Sprat ate no fat, this person ate it instead
    $300 10
It's said "The Chipmunk Song" got lowest record rating of all time on this TV teen show
    $300 21
When it matures, a flounder has both of these on 1 side of its head
    $300 18
On Feb. 12, 1987, this feisty member of the royal family picked up her pilot's license
    $300 3
In the '60s men were urged to "take it off, take it all off" in commercials for this
    DD: $1,000 12
300-pounder who wrote the following:

"Ain't Misbehavin'" plays
    $400 15
In a speech as governor of Georgia, Carter quoted this rock star born Robt. Zimmerman
    $400 22
This dark brown "ink" is secreted by cuttlefish of the family Sepiidae
    $400 26
Born a slave, she said, "There's 2 things got a right to... death or liberty--1 or the other I mean to have"
    $400 4
In the book & movie, gentlemen prefer blondes, but in the ad jingle, gentlemen prefer these
    $400 13
This Hawaii Five-O villain was brought back after a 5-year absence & sent to jail in the final episode
    $500 16
He engineered albums for Wings, the Hollies & Pink Floyd before starting his "Project"
    $500 23
Don't get close enough to call these bloodthirsty fish by their other name, the "caribe", or they may eat you
    $500 25
In 1828, Jefferson Davis completed his college education, ironically, at this institution
    $500 5
This company says call them, & "away goes trouble down the drain"
    $500 14
In this 1941 film Sydney Greenstreet played a real "heavy"--Caspar Gutman, "The Fat Man"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Tom Roy Brenda
$600 $2,800 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Roy Brenda
$1,600 $5,100 $300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
In packs of African wild dogs, aggression is more intense among members of this sex
    $200 1
Nathaniel Hathorne added this letter to his name when he began writing
    $200 4
The Emerald Isle
    $200 3
In 1924, Los Angeles had an epidemic of this virulent disease spread by fleas
    $200 10
Joseph Jr., John, Robert & Edward
    $200 18
A well-known phrase comes from reports that at one time daring people did skate there
    $400 23
This class of animal is the main prey of the peregrine falcon
    $400 2
As "Edith Van Dyne" he wrote books for little girls, but wrote about Dorothy using this name
    $400 17
The name of this country in French, its official language, is Republique de Cote d'Ivoire
    $400 7
Tho experiments began in 1902, the 1st successful transplant of this "pool-shaped" organ was in the '50s
    $400 13
Robert, James & Cole
    $400 19
It was during the Depression that impoverished people 1st referred to this coin as thin
    $600 24
Technically not a "big cat", this North American feline is the largest of all "small cats"
    DD: $1,000 5
Born Eric Arthur Blair, his pen name was on everyone's lips a few years ago
    $600 27
It's home to the University of Miami
    $600 8
It's said a 19th c. newspaper poll voted him the greatest Frenchman, ahead of Napoleon & Charlemagne
    $600 14
Robert, Keith & David
    $600 20
In a 1957 hit song, Larry Williams described Bony Moronie as "skinny as a stick of" this
    $800 25
The common name for this canine also called the "prairie wolf" comes from an Aztec word
    $800 6
He used the names Michael Angelo Titmarsh & George Savage Fitzboodle before he wrote "Vanity Fair"
    $800 28
You can see Ruby Lake from Ruby Dome in the Ruby Mountains in this "Silver State"
    $800 9
Only 29 died, but the spread of this disease in Philadelphia in 1976 was called an epidemic
    $800 15
Harry, Albert, Sam & Jack
    $800 21
In the Bible he interpreted a dream about 7 thin cows that ate 7 fat cows but didn't get fat
    $1000 26
Tree climbing is common among the gray species of this genus "Urocyon" or "Vulpes"
    $1000 30
His books for teens are written by "Paul French", but he put this name on "I, Robot"
    DD: $1,300 29
The 2 "must-see" Honolulu tourist sights that fit this category
    $1000 11
In 1796, Edward Jenner began a new era of preventative medicine by inducing immunity to this
    $1000 16
George Rogers & William
    $1000 22
Expression "Thurgh thikke & thurgh thinne" comes to us from this medieval author

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Roy Brenda
$6,400 $9,900 $1,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Justice Wm. J. Brennan, the current senior member of the court, was appointed by this president

Final scores:

Tom Roy Brenda
$12,400 $13,000 $2,799
2nd place: Marcy Fitness Products home exercise module & Pannill clothes New champion: $13,000 3rd place: Maytag Jetclean dishwasher

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tom Roy Brenda
$6,400 $9,200 $2,300
17 R,
2 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
8 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-06-17
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