Show #741 - Monday, November 23, 1987

Kate Waits game 5.


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Michael Compton, a payroll supervisor from Los Angeles, California

Ray Stoddard, a computer programmer from Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Kate Waits, a law professor from Albany, New York (whose 4-day cash winnings total $49,804)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We give you the quote; you give us the film.)
    $100 19
World Book lists it as the national flower of turkey, as well as the Netherlands
    $100 7
This word for a Catholic church comes from the Greek for king, "Basileus"
    $100 17
Table tennis rackets or paddles are also called this, even though they're not used for hitting home runs
    $100 13
Norway & Great Britain are among those who share the oil fields in this sea
    $100 21
"Mr. Kane was a man who got everything he wanted, & then lost it"
    $200 10
After he proved that lightning is electrical, he invented lightning rods
    $200 20
Botanists force certain white lilies to do this early so they can be sold at Easter
    $200 25
The Italian word for "pity", it's used to describe a sculpture of the Virgin Mary in mourning
    $200 16
Golf balls can have 491 more of these than Kirk Douglas
    $200 5
The Northern Territory, with its capital, Darwin, takes up about 1/6 of this country
    $200 4
"It's a white whale. Skin your eyes for him."
    DD: $500 12
Weather phenomenon which caused E. Coast radio stations to play the following in 9 1985:

"... calling Gloria? /
Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'? / If everybody wants you, why isn't anybody..."
    $300 26
Though its name is from Spanish for "bleeding", it's a fruit punch made with wine
    $300 15
In the U.S., bicycles must be equipped with these safety features on the front, rear, & pedals
    $300 6
Name of the Mexican land mass containing La Paz & Ensenada
    $300 3
"Laugh now, Heathcliff. There's no laughter in hell."
    $400 18
As Dennis Conner could tell you, the "Fremantle Doctor" is 1 of these
    $400 23
From Old French for "lily flower", it's an iris as well as a heraldic device
    $400 27
From the Russian words for "self", & "to boil”, it's the urn you use to boil yourself some water
    $400 11
All that's needed to play this sport in the U.S. are 16 stones, 8 brooms, & an ice rink
    $400 8
Columbus named an island he found "Dominica", Italian for this day on which he 1st saw it
    $400 2
"Please don't call me Mr. deWinter"
    $500 22
These days are named for the star Sirius, not the pooped-out way canines look in late July & August
    $500 24
While Russians celebrate May Day on the 1st Hawaiians celebrate this
    $500 14
Hotdoggers in this sport might own a "Tony Hawk" "Gonzo" or "Stonefish" model
    $500 9
Once a term for mythical lands w. of Europe, Caribbean isles are divided into Greater or Lesser ones
    $500 1
"Years from now, when you talk about this--and you will--be kind"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Kate Ray Michael
$700 $900 -$200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kate Ray Michael
$1,800 $1,100 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
Webster's 3rd International is one example of this "non -condensed" type of dictionary
    $200 26
Some operas have one before each act, but most just have one before the curtain rises
    $200 14
The 1962 Cuban Crisis ended when the Soviet Union removed these
    $200 21
A cromlech is a prehistoric monument of upright stones placed, like at Stonehenge, in this shape
    $200 12
Term for a camera's long-distance lens
    $200 1
Herb Caen once said this 1964 presidential candidate was "as American as Apple Strudel"
    $400 7
What began as "The N.E.D.," in 1884 is known as this today
    $400 6
In a sermon about this 1925 trial, Billy Sunday called evolution "jackass nonsense"
    $400 15
Relative & absolute dating are not terms for an archaeologist's social life, but for this
    DD: $1,000 13
The only sign of the zodiac with a Latin name, that fits this category
    $400 2
Golf's "Golden Bear", described as having "a face as innocent as milk, & a build like a chocolate eclair"
    $600 23
The 16-volume Deutsches Worterbuch was begun in the 19th century by these brothers
    $600 18
Composer of "Fidelio", this German once looked so sloppy he was thrown into jail as a vagabond
    $600 3
In 1937, Republicans angrily accused FDR of trying to "pack" this
    $600 8
A tawdry tragedy, or a 3-hanky movie
    $600 9
"He labored like a mountain and brought forth a mouse"
    DD: $1,600 24
"Odd Couple" playwright & "Odd Couple" actor who are both on American Heritage's usage panel
    $800 19
This Italian who conducted the premieres of "La boheme" & "Pagliacci", later directed the NBC Symphony
    $800 4
When "Boss" James M. Curley was fined $42,629 for fraud, many of this city's citizens chipped in to pay
    $800 10
Dangling decoration found on a mortar board or a stripper
    $800 16
Author of "The Affluent Society", he was once dubbed,"the non-economist's economist"
    $1000 25
Term for the marks which indicate phonetic quality
    $1000 20
This Russian, an absent-minded professor, may just have forgotten to finish "Prince Igor"
    $1000 5
While serving as Speaker of the House in 1820, he promoted the Missouri Compromise
    $1000 11
A small, slender seagull
    $1000 17
A critic said she had "two expressions--joy & indigestion", & apparently 2 were enough for Wm. R. Hearst

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kate Ray Michael
$4,000 -$500 $7,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In vast majority of states, in order to marry without parental consent, you must be at least this old

Final scores:

Kate Ray Michael
$8,000 -$500 $10,399
2nd place: trip to Solvang, California & stay at Petersen Village Inn + Amelia Earhart luggage 3rd place: Spring Crest draperies New champion: $10,399

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kate Ray Michael
$4,000 $0 $5,800
18 R,
6 W
11 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $9,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-08-26
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