Show #412 - Tuesday, April 8, 1986

Donald Burgo game 2.


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Sheila Balch, an international dog show judge from Monterey, Massachusetts

Larry Toppman, a journalist from Charlotte, South Carolina

Donald Burgo, a teacher from St. Louis, Missouri (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Not only "a bear who had no hair", but Kipling's poem about a bushy-haired "1st class fightin' man"
    $100 26
Most of the action in this prime-time soap takes place 1 mile above sea level
    $100 7
Both apples & milk are about 85% this
    $100 17
Female silkworms that engage in this live longer than their celibate sisters
    $100 6
This Asian country is one of few that played with dolls before contact with Western world
    $100 13
Here it is, the #1 source of college scholarship money for women
    $200 2
People's Almanac says this Nobel-Prize winning author is only 2nd citizen expelled by Soviets
    DD: $300 27
Show responsible for more hit singles than any other daytime soap, including the following:

"Kissing you is not what I had planned / And now I'm not so sure just where I stand / I wasn't looking for true love / But now you're looking at me / You're the only..."
    $200 8
Of chicken, beef, or pork, the one highest in percentage of protein
    $200 19
It's what Anton van Leeuwenhoek saw his "little animals" under
    $200 12
Cartoonist John Gruelle introduced this popular doll in 1918, & her twin brother in 1920
    $200 14
The IRS now charges $4.25 for a copy of this you gave them for free
    $300 3
In Marlowe & Goethe, Mephistopheles turned his head & stole his soul
    $300 9
The essential ingredient in sushi isn't raw fish but vinegar & this
    $300 20
Of amoebas, bacteria or viruses, the smallest
    $300 23
The word doll probably came from "dolly", diminutive for this name
    $300 15
After a python escaped from its owner, Wilmington, Del. passed a law requiring this
    $400 4
In "The Odyssey", the magic food of these "flower munchers" makes Ulysses' men forget their homeland
    $400 10
You could call this food Yiddish won ton
    $400 21
When man is called "Homo Sapiens", "Sapiens" represents this level of classification
    $400 24
In ancient Egypt, dolls were buried with adult males to serve as these in the afterlife
    $400 16
In Sept. 1985, Jersey City, N.J said they'd auction off this landmark if $1 mil. water bill wasn't paid
    $500 5
His "The Lady of the Lake" wasn't about the life of King Arthur but life in the Scottish Highlands
    $500 11
A basic recipe for this gravy-like mixture is 3 c. milk, 2/3 c. flour, & 1/4 c. melted butter
    $500 22
Seed plants are classified as angiosperms, producing fruit & flowers, or gymnosperms, producing these
    $500 25
1922's By-Lo Baby sold so well & was copied so widely, it earned this "valuable" nickname
    $500 18
China has recently limited their heights to a maximum 1 1/2" for men & 2 1/2" for women

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Donald Larry Sheila
$200 $600 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Donald Larry Sheila
$800 $1,400 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
1st European settler in what is now this Midwest state was French-Canadian was Julien Dubuque
    $200 2
A Major League pitcher who was 6'9" holds this record
    $200 21
Ironically, William Eno, "The Father of Traffic Safety", never learned to do this
    $200 18
Canada's highest peak, Mt. Logan, is located in this, Sergeant Preston's stomping grounds
    $200 1
This term for the 3 Wise Men comes from the same source as magician
    $200 5
From Old French for a monk's food allotment, it's come to mean a small amount
    $400 13
It's been called "The Second War of American Independence"
    $400 3
It was played on 9/28/19, when the Giants beat the Phillies in only 51 minutes
    $400 22
Ireland's 2nd largest city, it helps keep country's economy afloat
    $400 14
The Arabs claim to be descended from his son Ishmael
    $400 8
Telephone calls to this island must be booked in advance through New Zealand operators
    $600 19
The Wilderness Road was the pioneers' route into Kentucky through this mountain pass
    $600 4
He still holds the lifetime records for bases on ball & home run percentage
    $600 24
Repulse Bay is found in this British crown colony
    $600 15
From Greek word meaning "a garden", it came to mean "heaven" much later
    $600 9
The bushmaster, fer-de-lance, or rattlesnake, for example
    $800 20
In 1831 in Virginia, Nat Turner led the most famous of these
    $800 6
In 1983, Dan Quisenberry posted a record 45 of them
    DD: $2,000 25
Germany's Kiel Canal has in effect made this country an island
    DD: $2,000 16
Published in 1549, the "Prayer Book of Edward VI" is called this today
    $800 10
In this video game you try to keep a guy named Harry out of traps & danger
    $1000 23
In the 1780s, part of Tennessee was a self-proclaimed state named for this patriot
    $1000 7
Joe DiMaggio's consecutive-game hitting streak record
    $1000 26
This country of islands has largest number of active volcanoes in the world
    $1000 17
The pope only uses it as a seal of approval on papal briefs
    $1000 11
"Ban"ned & "tickle"d, common name of the oxter

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Donald Larry Sheila
$6,400 $6,200 $4,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of the only 2 films whose entire casts were nominated for Oscars, they were both based on plays

Final scores:

Donald Larry Sheila
$380 $0 $0
2-day champion: $7,380 2nd place: trip on Delta Hollywood, Florida & stay at the Diplomat 3rd place: Hitachi stereo system

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Donald Larry Sheila
$4,000 $6,500 $4,300
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
21 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $14,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-11-18
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