Show #8777 - Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Ray Lalonde game 14.


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Lloyd Sy, a graduate student in literature originally from Rockford, Illinois

Claire Theoret, a high school registrar from Essex, Vermont

Ray Lalonde, a scenic artist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (whose 13-day cash winnings total $386,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
Now a term for any dreamy society, this Thomas More land from a 1516 work was Communist & populated by pagans
    $200 28
Here's this silversmith, a teapot in hand, in a portrait by John Singleton Copley
    $200 30
In a 1978 hit "It's fun to stay at" this place
    $200 26
This classic film gave us the line "Here's looking at you, kid"
    $200 21
Yellowcake, a compound of this element, is the raw stuff for commercial nuclear materials
    $200 27
The 16th, 2nd & 10th letters of the alphabet make up this favorite sandwich
    $400 14
In the illustration seen here, the title character is tied up on business in this land
    $400 18
In 1929 she painted "The Lawrence Tree", which she enjoyed gazing upon at D.H. Lawrence's New Mexico ranch
    $400 29
Fight intoxicated driving by calling 877-ASK-THIS
    $400 11
In this film Renee Zellweger tells Tom Cruise, "You had me at hello"
    $400 20
Type of instrument seen here, good for the homeowner who has limited space & budget
    $400 10
If your kids aren't from New England, they may enjoy this two-word dish made with a veggie, more than its clam or fish cousin
    $600 3
"The Hunger Games" says this country "rose up out of the ashes of a place that was once called North America"
    $600 13
One of Albert Pinkham Ryder's best known works is the macabre-toned painting "The Race Track", or this "On a Pale Horse"
    $600 15
A college conference, or an agency that protects investors
    $600 12
In "The Princess Bride", Westley says this phrase to Buttercup over & over, which she finally realizes means "I love you"
    $600 8
Collective term for the creatures seen here
    $600 25
Being a favorite of Eleven on "Stranger Things" boosted sales of this Kellogg's non-cereal brand
    $800 2
This shipwrecked character ends up on the island of Despair in 1659
    $800 5
In the 1930s this Iowa native designed a mural called "Breaking the Prairie Sod" for Iowa State University
    $800 6
It owns & operates Washington, D.C.'s Constitution Hall, opened in 1929
    $800 9
"I wish I knew how to quit you" is a line from this 21st century film
    $800 16
Here are ancestors of this tribe that let Salt Lake City college athletes use its name to build respect for its history & culture
    DD: $5 22
History professor Paul Josephson's definitive article on these breaded items is titled "The Ocean's Hot Dog"
    $1000 1
Macondo is a town that's originally isolated from the outside world in this 1967 Gabriel García Márquez classic
    $1000 4
Roy Lichtenstein's comic book style paintings include "Blam" & this! of 2 planes in combat, a title reminiscent of a pop music duo
    $1000 23
President Biden did not like its autumn 2022 production cuts
    $1000 7
In "Moonstruck", after Nicolas Cage says, "I'm in love with you", Cher slaps him twice & says these 4 words
    $1000 17
The first Italian king of this name formed the Triple Alliance with Austria, Hungary & Germany in the late 19th century
    $1000 24
San Diego's El Indio restaurant claims Ralph Pesqueira created these diminutive items by adapting flautas

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ray Claire Lloyd
$2,000 $2,400 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ray Claire Lloyd
$5,000 $3,200 $4,595

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 29
From c. 1640 & built using dovetailing, the USA's oldest of these 2-word symbols of hardy pioneer life is in western New Jersey
    $400 27
It was the "A" in NASA's DART, which hit the bullseye on one in 2022--maybe saving us from planetary doom one day
    $400 30
"Don't Get Above Your Raisin"' is a song from Flatt & Scruggs; it's also the name of an episode of this Ken Burns series
    $400 10
Cheers to Henry IV, who became France's first king from this ruling house in 1589
    $400 23
Played since the early 1700s, the French card game vingt-et-un lives on as this casino game
    $400 25
A water pipe with a bowl & a flexible tube used for smoking
    $800 28
A mound-building culture 1,000 years ago left monuments like the Marching these carnivores; you can see it from above in Iowa
    $800 26
Following a bone marrow transplant, in 2019 a patient was declared free of this virus, for only the second time ever
    $800 13
Her song "You've Got A Friend" came out the year after her pal James Taylor sang of "lonely times when I could not find a friend"
    $800 9
1804 to 1815 is known as the Empire Period; in the decorative arts it featured swans, a symbol of this empress
    $800 22
Utah ratified the 21st Amendment, ending this on Dec. 5, 1933 around 3:30 PM local time, letting New Yorkers celebrate at dinner
    $800 24
An area of land, or a pamphlet
    $1200 16
This sizable city a bit south of Seattle has re-created Fort Nisqually, the first British outpost on Puget Sound
    $1200 5
Gene-edited versions of the embryonic type of these cells have helped geckos regrow their tails more perfectly
    $1200 3
Alejandro Fernández' 2009 release "Dos Mundos", meaning this, held not one, not 2, but 3 spots on the Billboard Latin Album charts
    $1200 8
Named for a war minister, this 1930s "Line" of forts & small concrete bunkers, built to stop the Germans, didn't
    $1200 21
The U.S. 21-gun salute is fired to honor our president, a visiting head of state or this symbol of our nation
    $1200 12
Ridged steel rod used to strengthen concrete
    $1600 17
As well as a building material, it's a structure made of it; the Avila one is the oldest existing house in Los Angeles
    $1600 6
In 2019 the IAU announced the discovery of 20 new moons of this planet, putting it 3 ahead of Jupiter's total
    $1600 1
To tweak an '80s lyric from this band, lovin' would be easy if your colors were those on Ghana's flag, red, gold & green
    DD: $3,095 4
After WWI, Germany lost this hyphenated border region to France, got it back in WWII, then lost it to France again
    $1600 20
Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21 inspired this 1972 Neil Diamond song with "Song" in the title
    $1600 15
A gathering spot, like an ancient Greek marketplace
    $2000 18
Have an electrifying visit to this, "New York's Birthplace Park" at the southern tip of Manhattan
    $2000 2
An Australian study found that forests of these trees that grow around swamps & coastlines expand & contract with a 19-year lunar cycle
    $2000 11
Watching his bride out on the floor at his wedding, polio survivor Doc Pomus got the idea for "Save" this "For Me"
    $2000 7
The first examples of art by prehistoric people are Cro-Magnon, like at this French cave discovered by 4 teens in 1940
    $2000 19
In the 19th century this former gold coin of Britain was worth 21 shillings, one more than in a pound
    DD: $3,000 14
A type of tax, or to remove material, such as from a book or film

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ray Claire Lloyd
$12,000 $11,200 $12,490

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Early in her career she translated romance novels into Spanish, often changing the dialogue to make the heroines smarter

Final scores:

Ray Claire Lloyd
$24,000 $22,400 $24,490
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $24,490

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ray Claire Lloyd
$15,000 $11,200 $11,000
22 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
1 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $37,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2022-11-14
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