Show #462 - Tuesday, September 16, 1986

Roger Storm game 3.


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Mitch Fujita, a student from Kaneohe, Hawaii

Eve Belson, a freelance writer originally from Australia

Roger Storm, a teacher from Fairview Park, Ohio (whose 2-day cash winnings total $11,600)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: All of these clues have to do with telephone numbers.)
    $100 25
In 1930, investments in miniature golf were hailed by some as a cure for this economic disaster
    $100 2
He's usually shown in art as a naked, winged infant, often blindfolded, carrying a bow & arrow
    $100 21
Call directory assistance for this state, 808-555-1212, & the operator will say "What island, please?"
    $100 1
Girl to whom Neil Diamond exclaimed, "good times never seemed so good"
    $100 13
Having to use the product he endorsed, this male athlete adorned his legs with panty hose on TV
    $100 6
In Disney cartoon version of the story, the 3 little pigs sang, "Who's afraid of" him
    $200 26
At start of 1880s this branch of the U.S. military reportedly ranked 12th in world, behind Chile
    $200 9
He performed Hercules' 11th labor while Hercules held up the sky for him
    $200 22
1960 Elizabeth Taylor film that in today's terms would be called "288"
    $200 3
In 1960, Ray Peterson asked her mother to "Tell" this girl "I love her"
    $200 14
This strong-arm man for 1920 N.Y. gangsters was nicknamed "Legs"
    $200 7
Stringfellow Hawk recovered this stolen helicopter but wouldn't give it back to the govt.
    $300 27
During an 1850s craze, many Pacific islands were claimed due to presence of this fertilizer
    $300 4
In "The Last Dragon", Leroy aspired to be like this actor-turned-legend
    DD: $400 23
Telephonic title of this hit recorded April 28, 1940"

"Instrumental music plays followed by sound of telephone ringing"
    $300 18
In 1965, The McCoys urged her to "Hang On"
    $300 15
Actress & 1940s pinup nick-named "The Million Dollar Legs"
    $300 10
According to Aesop, the smart-alec wolf was killed for supper because he was dressed this way
    $400 5
The eagle, serpent & cactus that appear on Mexican money are from legends of this civilization
    $400 24
The only number on a standard push button telephone with no letters over it
    $400 19
Jan & Dean recorded this song originally written about the future Mrs. Paul McCartney
    $400 16
In "Moby Dick", Capt. Ahab's artificial leg was made of this
    $400 11
The term "heavy metal" came from this rock group's 1968 hit, "Born To Be Wild"
    $500 8
On radio, he "... led the fight for law & order in the early Western United States..."
    $500 20
Neil Sedaka told her, "I am but a fool, darling I love you, though you treat me cruel"
    $500 17
"Sam" on TV's Richard Diamond, you heard her voice & saw only her legs
    $500 12
When he's startled while watching a girl exercise, things get hairy for Landon in this '57 film

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Roger Eve Mitch
$1,000 $1,000 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Roger Eve Mitch
$2,000 $1,300 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...we need both words in the correct response.)
    $200 19
His make-up took 5 hours, but Keir Dullea was on screen for only 3 minutes in this "2001" sequel
    $200 11
Besides quakes, fire, & lava, volcanos can produce this electrical phenomenon
    $200 1
In 1958, 14,300 Marines were sent to battle Moslem rebels in this land adjoining Israel
    $200 3
The state of Florida has declared this its official beverage
    $200 5
Where you'd buy a jib for your cutter at 25% off
    $400 22
Intentionally committing a wrongful act, its "Absence" was subject of 1981 Paul Newman film
    $400 23
Since he started doing it in 1954, Hal Holbrook has done this over 1200 times on stage
    DD: $1,000 12
On spruces they hang straight down; on fir trees they stand straight up
    $400 2
Secret bombing raids preceded 30,000 troops into this nation now called Kampuchea
    $400 4
Lord John Montagu gave his name to both what is now Hawaii & this food combination
    $400 6
Yogi without his hat, collar & tie
    $600 24
"Stunt Man" star who did stunts in England under stage names "Arnold Hearthrug" & "Charlie Staircase"
    $600 13
To make the California fire poppy grow best, plant the seed & heat with sun & this
    $600 10
Troops went to this capital in 1900 to quell the Boxers' siege of foreign embassies
    $600 16
Espresso coffee drink named for hooded order of Roman Catholic friars
    $600 7
To employ female sheep
    $800 25
Amazingly, this buxom star disguised herself as a male "Outlaw" in "Son of Paleface"
    $800 14
Blinded in 1867, he vowed to "see God's wilderness", recovered his sight, & ended up in Yosemite
    DD: $1,500 20
Following the U.S. invasion of Veracruz in 1914, these "ABC" nations mediated the Mexican crisis
    $800 17
On the tag on the bag, Lipton uses this adjective to describe its tea
    $800 8
Notation for a crash in a percussionist's score
    $1000 26
David Lean wanted Charles Laughton for this film, but Alec Guinness got the part & the Oscar
    $1000 15
Nemesis theory says that deadly hail of comets caused their extinction
    $1000 21
To fight a 1965 rebellion, LBJ sent 20,000 U.S. troops to this Caribbean country
    $1000 18
"Reg... Dept. Agr." on baked goods labels indicates the bakery meets this state's standards
    $1000 9
The main fundamental law

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Roger Eve Mitch
$8,800 $3,900 $2,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This early 13th cent. king was so despised that no other British monarch has borne his name

Final scores:

Roger Eve Mitch
$7,801 $0 $4,800
3-day champion: $19,401 3rd place: Pilot stereo system 2nd place: trip on Eastern to New York & stay at Roseland Ranch in Stanfordville

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Roger Eve Mitch
$8,200 $4,300 $1,700
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
11 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $14,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1986-08-06
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