Show #1078 - Wednesday, April 19, 1989

Joel Sacks game 1.


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Sheldon Leemon, a writer from Huntington Woods, Michigan

Joel Sacks, an administrator from Columbia, Maryland

Saranda Schlotter, a housewife and caterer from Thousand Oaks, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $11,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the beers; you have to identify the country.)
    $100 25
The suburb of Oak Brook is home to this corporation's Hamburger University
    $100 1
On Washington's face on Mt. Rushmore, this organ of the respiratory system is visible
    $100 3
Kulmbacher Reichelbräu & Maisel's Dampf Bier
    $100 9
When we took him by surprise, Allen Funt told us he'd done 840 shows in this series
    $100 17
"Victress" is the feminine form of this word
    $100 7
Legend says a birthstone brings this to a person born in its month
    $200 26
One of this gangster's nicknames was "The Mayor of Crook County"
    $200 2
Each day, throughout your body, billions of these are replaced
    $200 19
Dos Equis &
Tres Equis
    DD: $1,000 13
Their variety show on CBS featured the following:

"They say our love won't pay the rent / Before it's earned..."
    $200 18
While a potter's wheel is used to make pots, a potter's field is used as this
    $200 8
Colombia is by far the most important source of these green gems, May's birthstone
    $300 28
World's tallest office building, it was put up for sale at about $10 million per story in November '88
    $300 4
It's no joke when this arm bone shifts out of the glenoid cavity socket
    $300 23
Atlas &
Aegean Hellas
    $300 14
The Beverly Hillbillies called it the cement pond
    $300 20
Add a letter to the front of rumple & you've got this synonym
    $300 10
The opal, October's birthstone, can be immersed in water to prevent these
    $400 29
The 1st home to burn in the great fire of 1871 belonged to her next-door neighbor
    $400 5
The thyroid gland needs this element to function properly
    $400 24
Gold Star & Maccabee
    $400 15
She was Gilda Radner's pawody of a top female news pewsonawity
    $400 21
As ursine refers to bears, taurine refers to these animals
    $400 11
One of March's birthstones, it's flecked with small, "sanguine" spots--hence, it's name
    $500 30
This museum is home to Seurat's "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte"
    $500 6
As arteries go, this one's the largest
    $500 27
Watney's &
John Courage
    $500 16
He called Mork "Mommy" & Mindy "Shoe" & his 1981 arrival was intended to boost the show's ratings
    $500 22
1 of the 2 synonyms for "perhaps" that also starts with "per"
    $500 12
This December birthstone is Arizona's state gemstone, often found in the state's silver jewelry

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Saranda Joel Sheldon
$3,500 $400 -$500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Saranda Joel Sheldon
$7,100 $1,900 $0

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
To the Romans, she was goddess of the dawn, though her last name wasn't Borealis
    $200 8
In 1957 this future president sang, "I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie" to Gisele MacKenzie on her TV show
    $200 13
Boris Pasternak, who turned out this novel about a Russian physician, had to turn down a Nobel Prize
    $200 18
When J. Carter put portraits of notable Black Georgians in the state capitol, this minister was 1st
    $200 1
If those swans in "Swan Lake" could talk, they'd tell you this was Tchaikovsky's middle name
    $200 22
Begorra, it's the sea in which the Isle of Man sits
    $400 7
Macedonian-born Ptolemy I served as a general under this man before becoming king of Egypt
    $400 11
He said the Supreme Court was his idea of heaven, & ultimately he got to sit there
    $400 14
While in medical school. he began writing short stories using the pseudonym Antosha Chekhonte
    $400 19
Buddhist concept in which a good act leads to a good result & a bad act creates a bad result
    $400 2
Actors Tommy Jones & Cathy Crosby both have this middle name
    $400 23
Syria has about 100 miles of coastline, all of it on this sea
    $600 9
Roman emperor Caracalla reportedly took "pride" in sharing his bed with one of these beasts
    $600 12
In "Notes on the State of Virginia", he wrote, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just"
    $600 21
This deported author's 1975 memoir "The Oak & the Calf" described his final years in the Soviet Union
    $600 20
Pope John XXIII in '62 declared all cardinals must also be these, & those who weren't were given the title
    $600 3
It was Marilyn Monroe's original middle name
    $800 10
Known in Latin as "Flagellum Dei", the "Scourge of God", he had the gall to invade Gaul in 451 A.D.
    DD: $3,000 16
On his 80th birthday, May 8, 1964, he became the 1st former president to address the Senate
    $800 26
This Russian poet was killed in a duel, as was a poet named Lensky in his greatest novel, "Eugene Onegin"
    DD: $1,000 24
In 1619 this church was established by law in Virginia
    $800 4
Confederate general who had 2 middle names, Ewell & Brown
    $800 28
It's believed biblical Sodom stood near this body of water the Arabs call the Sea of Lot
    $1000 15
Mesopotamia, which means "between the rivers", was located between these 2
    $1000 17
This Republican married a lady named Lou on February 10, 1899
    $1000 27
This novelist's "The House of the Dead" was a fictional account of his 4 years in a Siberian prison
    $1000 25
This huge statue was made from the metal of old Argentine cannons
    $1000 5
The Princess of Wales & Bing Crosby's daughter Mary share this middle name
    $1000 29
The river known as the Huang Ho dumps its uniquely colored sediment into this sea

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Saranda Joel Sheldon
$10,300 $10,100 $5,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

3 years after this William Kennedy novel won a Pulitzer Prize, it came out as a film starring Meryl Streep

Final scores:

Saranda Joel Sheldon
$100 $10,050 $8,000
3rd place: Emerson 27" TV New champion: $10,050 2nd place: trip on Eastern to Nassau, Bahamas & stay at Pirate's Cove Holiday Inn Paradise Island

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Saranda Joel Sheldon
$9,500 $7,700 $5,000
28 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
11 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $22,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-12-19
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