To the Romans, she was goddess of the dawn, though her last name wasn't Borealis |
In 1957 this future president sang, "I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie" to Gisele MacKenzie on her TV show |
(Ronald) Reagan
Boris Pasternak, who turned out this novel about a Russian physician, had to turn down a Nobel Prize |
Doctor Zhivago
When J. Carter put portraits of notable Black Georgians in the state capitol, this minister was 1st |
(Saranda: Who is [*]?) [Alex does not rule.] (Saranda: Who is [*]?) (Alex: All right, we'll give it to you. Normally we call him [*], but we mean [**] to differentiate him from his father.)
Martin Luther King (Jr.)
If those swans in "Swan Lake" could talk, they'd tell you this was Tchaikovsky's middle name |
(Alex: Pyotr [*] Tchaikovsky, correct.)
Begorra, it's the sea in which the Isle of Man sits |
the Irish Sea
Macedonian-born Ptolemy I served as a general under this man before becoming king of Egypt |
He said the Supreme Court was his idea of heaven, & ultimately he got to sit there |
While in medical school. he began writing short stories using the pseudonym Antosha Chekhonte |
(Anton) Chekhov
Buddhist concept in which a good act leads to a good result & a bad act creates a bad result |
Actors Tommy Jones & Cathy Crosby both have this middle name |
Syria has about 100 miles of coastline, all of it on this sea |
the Mediterranean
Roman emperor Caracalla reportedly took "pride" in sharing his bed with one of these beasts |
a lion
In "Notes on the State of Virginia", he wrote, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just" |
Thomas Jefferson
This deported author's 1975 memoir "The Oak & the Calf" described his final years in the Soviet Union |
(Aleksandr) Solzhenitsyn
Pope John XXIII in '62 declared all cardinals must also be these, & those who weren't were given the title |
(Joel: What's an archbishop?)
a bishop
It was Marilyn Monroe's original middle name |
(Alex: Norma [*] Baker, right.)
Known in Latin as "Flagellum Dei", the "Scourge of God", he had the gall to invade Gaul in 451 A.D. |
Attila (the Hun)
On his 80th birthday, May 8, 1964, he became the 1st former president to address the Senate |
Harry Truman
This Russian poet was killed in a duel, as was a poet named Lensky in his greatest novel, "Eugene Onegin" |
Alexander Pushkin
In 1619 this church was established by law in Virginia |
(Alex: [Prior to the wager] We've got one minute to go in the round.)
the Episcopal Church (Church of England)
Confederate general who had 2 middle names, Ewell & Brown |
(Alex: Jeb [*]--James Ewell Brown [*].)
(James Ewell Brown) Stuart
It's believed biblical Sodom stood near this body of water the Arabs call the Sea of Lot |
the Dead Sea
Mesopotamia, which means "between the rivers", was located between these 2 |
the Tigris & Euphrates
This Republican married a lady named Lou on February 10, 1899 |
Herbert Hoover
This novelist's "The House of the Dead" was a fictional account of his 4 years in a Siberian prison |
Fyodor Dostoevsky
This huge statue was made from the metal of old Argentine cannons |
[Joel got credit on the score display for this correct response that lasted for two clues before the error was fixed on the fly without interruption or announcement.]
Christ of the Andes
The Princess of Wales & Bing Crosby's daughter Mary share this middle name |
The river known as the Huang Ho dumps its uniquely colored sediment into this sea |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the Yellow Sea