Show #403 - Wednesday, March 26, 1986

Gary Palmer game 3.
A contestant faints during Final Jeopardy!
Missing 7 clues in Jeopardy! Round.


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Jeff Goldstein, a law student originally from Baltimore, Maryland

Sherry Reiter, a writer from North Hollywood, California

Gary Palmer, a physician from Palm Springs, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $6,600)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 4
Usual number of brides married in a double ring ceremony
    $100 13
It is the male heron who begins building this
    $100 3
In Bingo, the free space is under this letter
    $100 12
    $100 18
The abbreviation for decibel
    $100 1
From Latin for "warm bath", you could take one in this large kettle
    $200 27
From French for "thicket", it could be spray, arm arrangement or nosegay
    $200 14
Under artificial conditions, animals may slip out-of-phase & enter this state during spring or summer
    $200 5
A variation of this board game is Acey Deucey
    $200 21
Originally, water buffalo milk exclusively was used to make this popular lasagna topper
    $200 19
An L.E.D., it lights up your life if you're a digital clock
    $200 2
Name of this food wrap combines "cellulose" & a suffix meaning "showing through"
    $300 28
Traditionally, he pays for the minister, the bride's bouquet, & the marriage license
    $300 15
"Soaking up" life around them, these creatures are theoretically immortal
    $300 6
    $300 22
Candy bars caught on after they were mass-produced to meet military demand during this war
    $300 20
Used in 98% of U.S. homes, this household device forms images on a phosphorescent screen
    $300 9
    $400 16
Kind of insect with the longest known migration, 2000-3000 miles
    $400 7
    $400 23
A good protein source, scientists have found ways of growing these fungi on petroleum & industrial wastes
    $400 25
Because they literally found one inside an early computer, computer problems are called these
    $400 10
    $500 17
Under stress, some species of the horned lizard squirt this from their eyes
    $500 8
    $500 24
Used to flavor vermouth, this pickling spice is the dried, unopened flower bud of a tree
    $500 26
1st widespread use of radio transmissions was for this purpose
    $500 11

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Gary Sherry Jeff
$1,300 -$100 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gary Sherry Jeff
$2,600 -$100 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
It's claimed Duke Ellington's song "It Don't Mean A Thing" was the 1st to use this term
    $200 1
Gene Kelly said this hoofer "...can give an audience pleasure by just walking across the floor"
    $200 15
In 1501, the 1st printed music book appeared in this city of canals
    $200 20
The dall, stone, & desert bighorn are North American species of this game animal
    $200 2
In 1803, Marbury vs Madison became 1st case in which a law was declared this
    $200 7
According to Elvis, it's "down at the end of Lonely Street"
    DD: $600 26
Typical of boogie-woogie, number of beats to the bar heard here
    $400 9
"She's 7 going on 29" was director Spielberg's description of this actress in "E.T."
    $400 16
When armies invaded Rome in 1527, horses were stabled in this famed section of the Vatican
    $400 21
About 1560, the modern type of these originated in Redditch, England, a needle-making region
    $400 3
Instead of settling the slavery issue, as was hoped, this 1857 case helped bring on the Civil War
    $400 8
Of Dracula's Transylvania, Dynasty's Moldavia, or Zenda's Ruritania, 1 that really is unreal
    $600 27
Though famous for band music, John Philip Sousa mastered this string instrument
    $600 13
He said portraying Elmer Gantry "...wasn't really acting-- that was me!"
    $600 17
Led by Lorenzo the Magnificent, this banking family ruled Florence & made it an art center
    $600 22
Type of fishing done by towing bait behind a moving boat, especially under bridges in fairy tales
    $600 4
In 1972, the court ruled that this was cruel & unusual punishment
    $600 10
From Greek for "not a place", Thomas More devised this name for his paradise
    $800 28
Associated with antebellum South, 1 of these shows ran in London from the early 1960s to late 1970s
    $800 25
"If I come back in another life, I want to be Warren Beatty's fingertips", though he dated Diane Keaton 1st
    $800 18
Tales from this Italian's "Decameron" were adapted by Chaucer & Shakespeare
    $800 23
The classic angling technique used to catch trout & salmon
    DD: $1,000 5
In 1971, the court said the government couldn't prevent publication of this Vietnam War study
    $800 11
You could race down or race through this racy Erskine Caldwell novel
    $1000 19
This Venetian painted for over 70 years & gave his name to a shade of golden reddish brown
    $1000 24
Name for hunting method that attracts prey by simulating their natural sounds
    $1000 6
The 1st Chief Justice
    $1000 14
Island where mortally wounded King Arthur was taken & revived, to return when Eng. needs him

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gary Sherry Jeff
$5,600 $500 $2,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The games held in this city were the only ever staged in the Southern Hemisphere

Final scores:

Gary Sherry Jeff
$6,000 $400 $5,200
3-day champion: $12,600 3rd place: a vacation at the Royce Resort Hotel in Palm Springs 2nd place: a vacation at the Royce Resort Hotel in Palm Springs

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Gary Sherry Jeff
$6,600 $500 $3,200
20 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
4 R,
2 W
10 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $10,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-11-12
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