Show #401 - Monday, March 24, 1986

Gary Palmer game 1.


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Gary Palmer, a physician from Palm Springs, California

Sharon Rude, a systems analyst from Irvine, California

Chris Sevilla, a student from San Diego, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,600)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 17
After years of being 39, he finally admitted he was 40
    $100 13
Descriptive of a butcher or a hurdy-gurdy man
    $100 4
Like Rome, this Florida capital is built on seven hills
    $100 9
It keeps time only when you turn it upside down, & just until the sand runs out
    $100 12
This Mexican bread is made from maize meal soaked in limewater & patted into flat cakes
    $100 1
"Casey would waltz" with this kind of blonde as "the band played on"
    $200 18
On July 26, Queen Elizabeth announced that her son, Charles, was to have this title
    $200 14
Meta Davis, who gave Paul McCartney a ticket in 1967, retired from this job in 1985
    $200 5
State whose capital is properly pronounced "peer"
    $200 10
The face of a watch or the soap you might use if you had time for a shower
    $200 2
The kind of pirate played by Burt Lancaster in 1952 film
    $300 19
Mark Hatfield, Orville Freeman, & Abraham Ribicoff all won elections for this office
    $300 15
Adlai Stevenson called this job "the one who separates the wheat from the chaff, & prints the chaff"
    $300 6
State capital that's home to a service academy
    $300 11
Around 1400 B.C., Egyptians used this kind of clock that was supposed to leak
    $300 27
Cavemen sometimes found rock chips in a loaf due to this now-chic method of preparing flour
    $300 3
The unmarried lady in the game of "Clue"
    $400 20
Supported by Gov. O. Faubus, this city voted to maintain segregated, private high schools
    $400 16
From person who repaired church spires, it's any workman who climbs tall towers
    $400 7
Though Augusta, Georgia is much larger, the only Augusta that's a state capital is here
    $400 22
It's a clock ⅔ the size of a grandfather clock
    $400 26
This process actually begins the moment bread leaves the oven to cool
    $400 24
A moron, the way Bugs Bunny usually pronounces it
    $500 21
Encyclopedia Britannica said much of this represented "some form of... illiterate savage noise"
    $500 8
State whose capital was originally called "Frank's Ford"
    DD: $500 23
1 of the 2 components powering a clock that can be replaced by electricity
    $500 25
Cochineal treated with water & alum, or Eddie Mekka on "Laverne & Shirley"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Chris Sharon Gary
$700 $1,000 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Sharon Gary
$400 $2,500 $900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
It was as a corporal that this famed sergeant performed his heroics
    $200 6
Completes the saying by Charles Warner, "Everbody talks about the weather but..."
    $200 21
Phrase which precedes "to reach the unreachable star"
    $200 14
In the 1860s, obscure Amer. portrait painter Linus Yale Jr. turned to this, his father's profession
    $200 1
Over the years, its value has increased from 2 points to 6
    $200 19
How the singer who spells her name "S-A-D-E", pronounces it
    $400 11
J. McCrae wrote "the poppies blow between the crosses, row on row" that mark this Belgian battle site
    $400 7
Term for a severe Midwest snowstorm, it's similar to the "purga" in Siberia
    $400 22
Napoleon once said that the word "impossible" is not this
    $400 15
The Novachord, invented in 1935, was 1st commercial electric one
    $400 2
In 1918, this chemistry instructor became head coach at Notre Dame
    $400 20
Hard rockers who hid behind make-up disguises from 1974 to 1983
    $600 12
It's believed volunteer Kiffin Rockwell of the Lafayette Escadrille was 1st American to do this
    $600 9
For nearly 2000 years this ancient Greek philosopher's "Meteorologica" was the book on weather
    $600 27
"Pure & complete sorrow is as impossible as pure & complete joy" wrote this Russian novelist
    $600 16
He also invented the meter to measure his customers' electrical use
    $600 3
Number of NFL teams that have had head coaches who've been black
    DD: $1,200 23
Rock group that produced this "elevator music" version of their own hit
    $800 10
Amount of water vapor in air divided by amount the air could hold at that temp. & pressure
    DD: $500 28
U.S. Army worked hard to come up with this, their slogan about hard work
    $800 17
Hero built them for ancient Greek temples; now no supermarket, airport, or hospital is without them
    $800 4
Offensive formation invented by Pop Warner where halfback receives center snap
    $800 24
"Speedy" Canadian rockers whose albums include "2112" & "caress of steel"
    $1000 26
The secret "Zimmerman Note" advocated German alliance w/ this W. Hemisphere country
    $1000 13
Aug. 1985 crash in Dallas has led airports to install radar equipment to detect this condition
    $1000 18
It's considered Bud Miller's "single" greatest contribution at Kraft Inc.
    $1000 5
Before being NFL kickers, brothers Matt & Chris Bahr played in this pro league
    $1000 25
Kent LaVoie recorded "Me & You & A Dog Named Boo" under this canine name

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Sharon Gary
$100 $2,300 $6,500
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Country second only to the U.S. in value of both its exports & imports

Final scores:

Chris Sharon Gary
$0 $300 $5,000
3rd place: Char-Broil gas barbecue grills 2nd place: SunTana Sunsystem tanning system & Jules Jurgensen his & hers watches New champion: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Chris Sharon Gary
$1,800 $2,300 $6,500
10 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)
11 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
20 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $10,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-11-12
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