Show #389 - Thursday, March 6, 1986

Lionel Goldbart game 5.
Barbara Lowe game 1.


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Barbara Lowe, a writer and a researcher from Anaheim, California

Bruce Burlan, a treasury manager from New York City

Lionel Goldbart, a retired schoolteacher originally from Brooklyn, New York (whose 4-day cash winnings total $34,997)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
It was 1st celebrated in the U.S. on the 300th anniversary in 1792
    $100 10
National coins & currency weren't established until 1850 in this neutral nation
    $100 17
Planet named for a goddess whom Jimmy Clanton described "In Blue Jeans"
    $100 21
Originally from China, this fragrant evergreen was named for Dr. Alexander Garden
    $100 8
In the 18th C., iceboating originated on the frozen canals of this north European country
    $100 1
A musical instrument or Paul Bunyan's tool
    $200 3
It's the occasion in America on which the highest percentage of families eat out
    $200 13
Due to its lightness, coins made from this metal are difficult to use in vending machines
    $200 18
In 1970, the 5th Dimension won a Grammy singing about this sign of the Zodiac
    $200 27
Belonging to the genus Helianthus, these yellow flowers actually turn to follow the sun's path
    $200 9
They were 1st held at Chamonix, France in 1924
    $200 7
To the hip, John Coltrane's nickname, but to squares, just a choo-choo
    $300 4
In China, it's celebrated on the day of the 2nd new moon after the Winter solstice
    $300 14
U.S. coin with the Presidential Seal on its flip side
    $300 20
When you do this, it "makes no difference who you are"
    $300 28
The cob is actually the female flower of this cereal plant
    $300 11
2 of the 3 Alpine skiing events
    $300 24
Improvised crooning of nonsense syllables, "Cats" dig it despite its name
    DD: $400 5
Saying this month had none, Games Magazine ran a contest to find it a holiday
    $400 15
In 1935, Canada started making these coins on a regular basis but the U.S. stopped
    $400 22
Title of the song that begins, "Is this the little girl I carried?"
    $400 12
Described as shuffleboard on ice, the goal is to get a 44 lb. stone closest to a target
    $400 25
    $500 6
The Sabbath is observed by Jews on Saturdays, Christians on Sundays, & Muslims on this day
    $500 16
Payments of tribute made some medieval English coins more plentiful in this Scandinavian country
    $500 23
In the 1st line of the Dean Martin song, "that's amore"
    $500 19
Regulations say it has to be 200 ft. long & 85 ft. wide
    $500 26
A jazz job

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Lionel Bruce Barbara
$500 $300 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lionel Bruce Barbara
$1,700 $900 $2,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: One of the great film directors, who died just about a year ago.)
(Alex: The word "nut" will appear in all correct responses.)
    $200 4
This capital's inhabitants are known as Damascenes
    $200 1
He stunned subway riders when he got on yelling "It's me, the mayor. Coffee, tea or milk?"
    $200 18
Persona non grata at this film festival in 1957, Truffaut won "Best Director" there in 1959
    $200 22
Dinner guests, or an "engine" or "ladder" unit
    $200 14
In Lancaster, PA, he opened his 1st successful dime store
    $200 9
Spice often the garnish on a Brandy Alexander & always found in pumpkin pie
    DD: $500 5
Country whose capital is mentioned in this song:

"Down at the market you can hear /
Ladies cry out while on their heads they bear /
Ackee, rice, saltfish are nice /
And the rum is fine any time of year"
    $400 2
Sen. John Chaffee said "It took 189 years for" this "to hit $1 trillion, 5 years for the 2nd"
    $400 23
Steven Spielberg hired Truffaut to act in this 1977 blockbuster
    $400 27
Ironically, an Oct. 8. 1871 ins. ad reading "Fire-Fire, Prepare Now" appeared in this city's newspaper
    $400 15
Warning: this sweetener that has been found to cause cancer in rats was discovered in 1879
    $400 10
An old, over-heard, & often stale joke or story
    $600 6
Named for Arthur Wellesley, it's the capital of New Zealand
    $600 3
Sentenced to prison, former Sec'y of Interior Albert Fall became "fall guy" in this oil scandal
    $600 24
In 1966 Truffaut conducted a book-length interview with this English-born "master of suspense"
    $600 28
In 1974, it took Paul Newman, Steve McQueen & 2 studios to put out this fire
    $600 16
Though unable to vote, women lawyers could finally argue cases before it
    $600 11
A very difficult task
    $800 7
There are more than 2,000 Hindu & Buddhist shrines in this capital of Nepal
    $800 17
Sen. Byrd wants them in the Senate chamber, but Sen. Long says they'll be a distraction
    $800 25
This 1973 film about movie-making won a Best Foreign Film Oscar
    $800 20
This "sister school" of Harvard was established in Cambridge, Mass.
    $800 12
Everythin' that was owned by Porgy in the Gershwin classic
    $1000 8
Sucre is this South American country's official, though not its functioning, capital
    $1000 19
The only defeated Presidential candidate to become Ambassador to the U.N.
    $1000 26
In 1958, this, his first feature, established him & the French New Wave
    $1000 21
The Soviet leaders born in 1879 who were destined to clash after Lenin died
    $1000 13
Humphrey Bogart won Oscar for portrayal of this "African Queen" character

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lionel Bruce Barbara
$4,300 $3,300 $10,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Highest birth rate in the U.S. is in this state, where almost 70% of the population has same religion

Final scores:

Lionel Bruce Barbara
$8,599 $6,600 $10,401
2nd place: a La-Z-Boy sofa & J.T.'s General Store gift certificate 3rd place: Frigidaire electric range New champion: $10,401

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lionel Bruce Barbara
$4,300 $3,300 $10,700
11 R,
2 W
13 R,
3 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $18,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-10-22
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