Show #1571 - Monday, June 3, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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Mike Breen, a college professor originally from Boston, Massachusetts

Margaret Musgrove, a doctoral candidate originally from Austin, Texas

Alec Wittek, a physician originally from Brooklyn, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $16,599)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
In 1969 this vice president said, those opposed to the Vietnam War were an "effete core of impudent snobs"
    $100 6
It occupies the center of a Bingo card
    $100 12
A former Civil War surgeon, he not Goodyear, founded Akron, Ohio's first rubber co. in 1870
    $100 26
"Who am I that I should go unto Pharaoh"
    $100 21
Swedes usually eat this buffet in order: cold fish, cold meat, hot dishes & dessert
    $100 11
Beatles' song that opens, "You think you've lost your love, well I saw her yesterday"
    $200 2
On Feb. 20, 1962 he took 4 hours, 52 minutes to orbit the Earth 3 times
    $200 7
You begin this word game by drawing a scaffold
    $200 13
After buying out the McDonald brothers he turned the golden arches into a golden empire
    $200 27
"The serpent beguiled me & I did eat"
    $200 22
The king must be a member of this state church of Sweden
    $200 16
Every autumn this city on the Red River hosts the Louisiana State Fair
    $300 3
The WCTU was formed in 1874 to abolish the use, manufacture & sale of these
    $300 8
The highest single turn score recorded in this game in the U.S. was 302 for the word "reequip"
    $300 14
In addition to 5 & dime stores he also opened three & sixpence stores in England
    $300 28
"I have need to be baptized of thee and cometh thou to me?"
    $300 23
About 1/5 of Sweden's exports are of this natural resource, or product made from it
    $300 17
This small mild-flavored onion has cloves resembling garlic
    $400 4
Between 1854 & 1858 this territory was referred to as "Bleeding"
    $400 9
As early as 1547 Antonio Torquemada wrote a book about this game, also called draughts
    $400 15
He came to the U.S. to avoid the German draft & in 1873 he started his Colorado brewery
    $400 29
"It is enough, Joseph my son is yet alive; I will go and see him before I die"
    $400 24
From 1814 until it broke away in 1905, this country was united with Sweden
    $400 18
The largest of all draft horses or a British term for county
    $500 5
A bequest by this man who lost to Hayes in 1876 helped create the New York Public Library
    $500 10
Expectorate in the sea, or a wild card form of poker
    $500 20
Wanting to devote himself to philanthropy Andrew Carnegie sold his steel company to this banker in 1901
    DD: $1,000 30
"Divide the living child in two & give half to the one & half to the other"
    $500 25
The Göta Canal in southern Sweden links Göteborg with this sea
    $500 19
A medicine man or a witch doctor

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Alec Margaret Mike
$1,200 $200 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alec Margaret Mike
$4,300 -$100 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1970's
    $200 2
Because he disliked the terms set for his 1975 match with Karpov he gave up his chess championship
    $200 12
It naturally travels in a straight line & travels at the fastest speed of anything we know
    $200 17
J.R.R. Tolkien continued his tale of Middle Earth in this trilogy, the sequel to "The Hobbit"
    $200 22
As you might guess, the Chinook Indians had rites & rituals involving this fish
    $200 7
Thinking this lake the source of the White Nile, explorer John Speke named it after his queen
    $200 29
Vittorio Vidal,
    $400 3
In 1975, Agatha Christie killed off this mustachioed detective in "Curtain"
    $400 13
New, waxing crescent, quarter waxing gibbous, full, waning gibbous, quarter, waning crescent, new
    $400 25
This 1990 novel completes the Len Deighton trilogy that began with "Spy Hook" & "Spy Line"
    $400 23
In the 1800s runaway slaves often found safety in these Indians of Florida
    $400 8
The island of Iceland was created by this activity
    $400 30
Mrs. Strakosh,
Mrs. Meeker,
Mrs. O'Malley,
Mrs. Brice
    DD: $2,500 4
In 1975, she won an Oscar for "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore" & a Tony for "Same Time, Next year"
    $600 14
The black charred surface on your toast this morning is this element
    $600 26
In 1977 this bestselling author launched a trilogy with his novel "The Immigrants"
    $600 21
The Nez Perce Indians received their name from engaging in this practice
    $600 9
The Laurentian Mountains in this country are among the olden mountain ranges in the world
    $600 28
Fraulein Schneider,
Herr Schultz,
Kit Kat Club kittens
    $800 5
In 1972 "Life" declared his biography of Howard Hughes a hoax & refused to publish excerpts
    $800 15
Name given the line of latitude at 66 degrees 30 minutes north
    $800 1
"Powershift" marks the conclusion of his trilogy which began in 1970 with "Future Shock"
    $800 20
The Navajo were known for building this type of home, usually of logs & earth
    $800 10
The Academic American Encyclopedia calls this Chinese city's name a phonetic corruption of Kwangtung
    $800 27
Mr. Brownlow,
Mrs. Bumble
    $1000 6
In 1971 this country celebrated the 2,500th anniversary of the empire founded by Cyrus the Great
    $1000 16
Scientists figure the earth's core to be mainly a heavy compressed lump of this metal
    DD: $1,000 18
"Judgment Day", the third book in James T. Farrell's famous trilogy, culminates in the death of this character
    $1000 24
These circular underground chambers were built by the Pueblo Indians for religious ceremonies
    $1000 11
The African mainland's easternmost point, Ras Hafun, is in this country
    $1000 19
George, an artist, Dot his mistress, young man sitting on the bank, boy bathing in the river

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alec Margaret Mike
$9,300 $300 $11,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the first chairman of the SEC & later became ambassador to Great Britain

Final scores:

Alec Margaret Mike
$18,299 $0 $5,000
2-day champion: $34,898 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alec Margaret Mike
$8,800 $1,300 $9,900
24 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
5 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
24 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $20,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-03-11
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