Show #2972 - Tuesday, July 1, 1997

Kim Worth game 3.


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Gerard Magliocca, a law student from New Haven, Connecticut

Linda Desmond, a systems analyst from Albany, New York

Kim Worth, a waiter and writer from Venice, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $34,900)

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Jeopardy! Round

(what sounds like an easy category)
    $100 1
The Lord's Prayer says, "And lead us not into temptation, but" do this
    $100 16
In 1974 her song "The Way We Were" was replaced at No. 1 by "Love's Theme" but regained the top spot a week later
    $100 26
Many philanthropies support these programs that send students & teachers to foreign countries
    $100 6
Although some streams flow into this Utah lake, none flow out
    $100 18
The Mennen Speed Stick line of this product includes Cool Spice, Classic Scent & Fresh Scent varieties
    $100 11
It's a nickname for Australia, or a land somewhere over the rainbow
    $200 2
This brother of Moses often acted as his spokesman
    $200 17
This band's 1987 album "Appetite For Destruction" has sold over 13 million copies
    $200 27
Henry Huntington is famous for endowing one of these at San Marino, Calif.; Andrew Carnegie endowed 2,500
    $200 7
The water level of this Swiss-French lake may fluctuate greatly in a short period of time
    $200 19
It's the initial fragrance of a glass of wine; the aroma is what you smell as you sip
    $200 12
It precedes hill, roar, state & -to-date
    $300 3
Early in his ministry, Jesus was thrust out of this city "Where he had been brought up"
    $300 23
In 1992 Michael Bolton reached the Top 20 with "Missing You Now", a duet with this saxophonist
    $300 28
A person who solicits money for a charity, or a dinner he or she may organize for that purpose
    $300 8
Ohio's North Bass, Middle Bass & South Bass Islands lie in this most southern Great Lake
    $300 20
Because of its odor, a North American swamp plant is called this type of "cabbage"
    $300 13
It's what Chicagoans call their above-the-street railroad
    $400 4
Apostle who said to Jesus, "Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?"
    $400 24
With 10 weeks, her "Physical" single spent more time at No. 1 than any other single of the 1980s
    $400 29
Your will may establish a charitable one of these, probably smaller than those of the Pew family
    $400 9
Lake Biwa, Japan's largest lake, lies near Kyoto in the west central area of this island
    $400 21
An Asian deer secretes this substance commonly used in perfumes
    $400 14
It's the first word of the Golden Rule
    $500 5
In Genesis Leah is described as "tender eyed" & this sister as "beautiful and well favored"
    DD: $1,400 25
Of the many times "Unchained Melody" has reached the Top 40 by various artists, 3 times were by this duo
    $500 30
The word philanthropy is derived from Greek meaning this
    $500 10
The deepest point of this southeastern Siberian lake is about 3,800 feet below sea level
    $500 22
There may be a shortage of first-hand accounts, but this gas smells like bitter almonds
    $500 15
It's Jupiter's third-largest moon

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kim Linda Gerard
$1,100 $0 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kim Linda Gerard
$4,500 $1,000 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
It's thought that this patron saint of Ireland studied for the priesthood in Auxerre, France
    $200 6
At Epcot, the Garden Grill Restaurant does this, giving diners a "moving" view of the ride below
    $200 11
A female sheep is called a ewe; this term refers to a male sheep
    $200 16
This German chemist for whom a gas burner is named developed a zinc-carbon electric cell
    $200 21
This "knight" devotes himself to Aldonza Lorenzo, whom he calls Dulcinea Del Toboso
    $200 26
"Rendez-Vous With Marlene" is Norwegian actress Torill's 1-woman musical about this late sex symbol
    $400 2
In 1680 this "Sun King" established France's national theatre, the Comedie Francaise
    $400 7
The name of this Belgian capital's La Quincaillerie means "The Hardware Store", & it used to be one
    $400 12
Receptors on the bill of this duckbilled mammal can detect electric fields which guide it to its prey
    $400 17
21 years after developing an improved electric light, he invented the alkaline battery
    $400 22
Marlow, an adventurer, appears in several works by this author, including "Lord Jim"
    $400 27
This "Gandhi" star named his son for 19th century actor Edmund Kean, whom he played in a 1-man show
    $600 3
The July 1, 1899 will of this Cape Colony's prime minister formed the basis of his scholarship program
    $600 8
Name shared by a fish restaurant in New York City's East Village & a sign of the zodiac
    $600 13
The name of this large rodent is from the middle French for "pig with spines"
    $600 18
In 1810 English inventor Peter Durand patented the idea of using food storage cans plated with this element
    $600 23
Her "Northanger Abbey" centers on Catherine Morland, a country parson's daughter
    $600 28
This star of horror films like "House Of Wax" waxed poetic as Oscar Wilde in "Diversions And Delights"
    DD: $1,000 4
Of Henry VIII's 6 wives, 1 of 2 who survived him
    $800 9
Planet Hollywood's Chicken Crunch is coated with a batter made from this "nautical" cereal
    $800 14
Quagga is a South African name for the Burchell's species of this horse relative
    $800 19
His father developed a phonetic "visible speech" system used for teaching the deaf
    $800 24
In 1970 C. Northcote Parkinson wrote a biography of this naval hero created by C.S. Forester
    $800 29
Once "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.", Napoleon Solo, he went solo as FDR in a 1977 show
    $1000 5
This first prime minister of Israel was born in 1886 in Plonsk, Russia, now a part of Poland
    $1000 10
This star of the film "Gigi" owns La Lucarne Aux Chouettes, a restaurant & inn, in her native France
    DD: $2,000 15
Weighing around a ton, the eland is the largest species of this animal in Africa
    $1000 20
In 1929 this electrical engineer became an Italian marquis
    $1000 25
"Young" title character of a Hawthorne tale who discovers his neighbors practicing witchcraft
    $1000 30
"Full Gallop" stars Mary Louise Wilson as this late, flamboyant fashion editor who was always in vogue

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kim Linda Gerard
$8,700 $4,800 $6,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Vitascope Hall in New Orleans is said to be the first of these in the U.S.

Final scores:

Kim Linda Gerard
$12,100 $9,599 $9,000
3-day champion: $47,000 2nd place: Ashley Asheville dining furniture + Whirlpool appliances 3rd place: Magnavox 25" stereo color monitor receiver

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kim Linda Gerard
$6,800 $4,800 $6,400
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
12 R,
2 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $18,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1997-02-11
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