Show #8735 - Friday, November 4, 2022

2022 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5.


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Jackie Kelly, a pension calculation developer from Cary, North Carolina

Jaskaran Singh, a consultant from Plano, Texas

Eric Ahasic, a meteorologist from Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
From 1963 to 1986 this golfer won a record 6 Masters tournaments
    $200 15
This name for a huge flat region of plains in Argentina is also used for a stretch of desert in Chile
    $200 23
"Bridgerton" popularized this time period "core", which features statement sleeves, bows & corset tops
    $200 22
Initiated by the founder of the Joseon Dynasty, here is the beautiful Gyeongbokgung Palace in this nation
    $200 16
The name of the Pentaceratops means it has 5 of these on its face
    $200 26
Slothful &
a graven image
    $400 3
She won both the Golden Ball as top player & the Golden Boot as top scorer of the 2019 Women's World Cup
    $400 14
In March 1736 Charles-Marie de la Condamine landed in what's now this country to determine the Earth's shape & circumference
    $400 24
Last name of Italian fashion designer Miuccia, who works for her family's fashion house & founded its sister line Miu Miu
    $400 21
The elevator pitch for this 1952 novel is basically "Cain & Abel, but in the Salinas Valley"
    $400 19
The Euoplocephalus was named for this "well-armored" body part (kephale in ancient Greek)
    $400 27
Archery accessory &
old-time boyfriend
    $600 1
A 4-man team called Wild Card 1 swept to victory at the 2022 Tim Hortons Brier, Canada's championship of this
    $600 7
This huge body of water by Venezuela's northwest coast is called an estuarine lake, as it mingles with the Caribbean
    $600 25
This short jacket seen here has a Spanish name
    $600 20
Sorry, Hitch! A young extra puts his fingers in his ears before a "surprise" gunshot in this 1959 movie thriller
    $600 18
Unearthed in Niger, the Jobaria dinosaur is named for a Tuareg legend about a giant creature in this barren region
    $600 28
A potent potable flavored with berries &
a class of spirits in Muslim demonology
    $800 2
This event began in 1993 as a multi-match tournament, with jiu jitsu master Royce Gracie winning the first 2 titles
    $800 5
Nieuw Nickerie & Lelydorp are among the largest cities in this country
    $800 13
The name of this classic sweater honors James Thomas Brudenell's title
    $800 9
Founded in 1602 partly to aid the quest for independence from Spain, this trading company had a base in Batavia
    DD: $3,000 11
Because of its longer front legs, this tall dinosaur was given a name meaning "arm lizard"
    $800 29
Zero &
a clove hitch
    $1000 8
The U. of Denver won the 2022 NCAA men's hockey championship alliteratively called this, ahead of Minnesota State, Minnesota & Michigan
    $1000 6
Thousands of years old, large geoglyphs representing plants & animals can be seen 15 miles northwest of this Peruvian city
    $1000 12
Still a fashion icon at 101, she has produced her own clothing & jewelry lines
    $1000 10
These 3 words precede "Terrier" in the name of the super cute Scottish breed seen here
    $1000 17
This dinosaur was about 2 feet long & has a name meaning "tiny thief"
    $1000 30
A visual aid following "pie" &
newspaper slang following "nut"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Eric Jaskaran Jackie
$2,200 $3,400 $6,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Jaskaran Jackie
$2,600 $5,800 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: And finally, we go to the Oxford English Dictionary for...)
    $400 9
The Battles of Queenston Heights & Lake Erie were both fought during this war
    $400 14
A clever, short song about a young cat
    $400 20
Mozart called it "the king of instruments" & played it at Salzburg Cathedral
    $400 27
Forgotify is a place to hear songs that had never been listened to on this other service
    $400 30
From April to July 2022 Beanie Feldstein played the role of Fanny Brice in a revival of this musical
    $400 26
Weird: Charlotte Bronte provided the first known use of this alliterative 2-word term for a lawless section of American frontier
    DD: $11,600 8
Post-WWII British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin said this Secretary of State threw "a lifeline to sinking men"
    $800 15
To rent a group of singing Franciscans
    $800 19
The "Four Ks" of makers of this instrument are Kamaka, Kanile'a, Ko'olau & Koaloha
    $800 28 gives humorous takes on the goings-on in this Southern state capital & its environs
    $800 29
For his Broadway debut in "All the Way", Bryan Cranston's portrayal of this president earned him a Tony
    $800 10
The first line of "The Canterbury Tales" is quoted under the entry for this month
    $1200 1
In the 18th century the Apache lost dominance to this other people whose name ends with the same 3 letters
    $1200 16
Faster Anglican priest who scores field goals
    $1200 18
Part of Duke Ellington's band for 40 years, Harry Carney played this biggest & lowest-pitched sax in common use
    $1200 24
This website named for a family in Faulkner books debunks false claims & checks facts on all sorts of subjects
    $1200 22
This play, originally staged in 2 parts, takes place 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts
    DD: $5,800 7
You'll find this 1719 work quoted under "goatskin", "rescue" & "wreck"
    $1600 2
Giovanni Cornaro II, Doge of Venice until 1722, was the last one to rule over the Morea, an old name for this Greek peninsula
    $1600 17
A paladin engaged in a joust, a perilous situation
    $1600 4
The basset horn is a type of this; Mendelssohn wrote a piece for basset horn & regular this
    $1600 23
NASA's Astronomy
Picture of the Day revealed that this largest moon of Mars may eventually disintegrate; scary indeed
    $1600 5
Singer-songwriter Anaïs Mitchell wrote the book, music & lyrics for this 2019 musical named for the Greek underworld
    $1600 6
Works by her are quoted under "cup of tea", "grey cells" & "motive"
    $2000 3
This Zulu warrior & chief used amabutho, or age-based regiments, to unite & control his kingdom before his 1828 death
    $2000 21
A dealer working on commission selling yellowish, tight-fitting necklaces
    $2000 13
Big in '80s music videos, this portmanteau word means a synthesizer worn with a strap over the shoulder
    $2000 25 lets you sample radio stations from around the world, like Radio Carnaval Tenerife in this island chain
    $2000 12
One of August Wilson's plays to explore the Black experience in America is called this man's "Come and Gone"
    $2000 11
The entry for "she" cites "'She-who-must-be-obeyed' commands thy presence" from a work by this adventure novelist

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Jaskaran Jackie
$26,000 $11,000 $19,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The name of this city may come from "dur", meaning water, a reference to the Helvetian people's settlement on a lake

Final scores:

Eric Jaskaran Jackie
$39,201 $13,201 $13,199
Winner: semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Eric Jaskaran Jackie
$10,600 $11,000 $17,400
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
17 R,
3 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $39,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2022-09-20
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