The Battles of Queenston Heights & Lake Erie were both fought during this war |
the War of 1812
A clever, short song about a young cat |
a witty kitty ditty
Mozart called it "the king of instruments" & played it at Salzburg Cathedral |
(Eric: What's the piano?)
an organ
Forgotify is a place to hear songs that had never been listened to on this other service |
From April to July 2022 Beanie Feldstein played the role of Fanny Brice in a revival of this musical |
Funny Girl
Weird: Charlotte Bronte provided the first known use of this alliterative 2-word term for a lawless section of American frontier |
Wild West
Post-WWII British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin said this Secretary of State threw "a lifeline to sinking men" |
(Ken: You've taken it off the board; you get to decide how much you want to wager.) (Eric: Let's do it again--True Daily Double.) [Brief applause] (Ken: Are you kidding me? Okay, here we go; for $23,200 if you're correct in HISTORY...) ... (Ken: Of the [*] Plan fame, that's correct.) [Cheers and applause] (Ken: Suddenly, you have four times your score, Eric. Go again.)
To rent a group of singing Franciscans |
(Ken: [Before reading the clue] These are gonna be fun.) ... (Ken: Why, [*], of course.) [Laughter]
to hire a friar choir
The "Four Ks" of makers of this instrument are Kamaka, Kanile'a, Ko'olau & Koaloha |
theredshtick.com gives humorous takes on the goings-on in this Southern state capital & its environs |
Baton Rouge
For his Broadway debut in "All the Way", Bryan Cranston's portrayal of this president earned him a Tony |
Lyndon B. Johnson
The first line of "The Canterbury Tales" is quoted under the entry for this month |
In the 18th century the Apache lost dominance to this other people whose name ends with the same 3 letters |
a Comanche
Faster Anglican priest who scores field goals |
(Ken: That's [*], as Jaskaran, I think, just realized.) [Eric chuckles.]
a quicker vicar kicker
Part of Duke Ellington's band for 40 years, Harry Carney played this biggest & lowest-pitched sax in common use |
baritone sax
This website named for a family in Faulkner books debunks false claims & checks facts on all sorts of subjects |
This play, originally staged in 2 parts, takes place 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts |
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
You'll find this 1719 work quoted under "goatskin", "rescue" & "wreck" |
(Ken: You could take the lead if you feel so moved, Eric.) (Eric: Nothing to lose, Ken; let's make it a True Daily Double.) [Applause] (Ken: Wow, all right; for $11,600 if you're correct, here's your clue in THE OED QUOTES...)
Robinson Crusoe
Giovanni Cornaro II, Doge of Venice until 1722, was the last one to rule over the Morea, an old name for this Greek peninsula |
the Peloponnesian
A paladin engaged in a joust, a perilous situation |
(Ken: Hmm... yes, we'll take that, or [**].)
a knight fright fight (or plight or blight)
The basset horn is a type of this; Mendelssohn wrote a piece for basset horn & regular this |
a clarinet
NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day revealed that this largest moon of Mars may eventually disintegrate; scary indeed |
Singer-songwriter Anaïs Mitchell wrote the book, music & lyrics for this 2019 musical named for the Greek underworld |
(Jaskaran: What's Tartarus?)
Works by her are quoted under "cup of tea", "grey cells" & "motive" |
(Agatha) Christie
This Zulu warrior & chief used amabutho, or age-based regiments, to unite & control his kingdom before his 1828 death |
A dealer working on commission selling yellowish, tight-fitting necklaces |
an ochre choker broker
Big in '80s music videos, this portmanteau word means a synthesizer worn with a strap over the shoulder |
the keytar
radio.garden lets you sample radio stations from around the world, like Radio Carnaval Tenerife in this island chain |
the Canary Islands
One of August Wilson's plays to explore the Black experience in America is called this man's "Come and Gone" |
Joe Turner
The entry for "she" cites "'She-who-must-be-obeyed' commands thy presence" from a work by this adventure novelist |
(H. Rider) Haggard