Show #8730 - Friday, October 28, 2022

2022 Second Chance competition week 2, final game 2.


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Sadie Goldberger, an interpreter from Columbia, Maryland (subtotal of $4,800)

Jack Weller, a law student originally from San Diego, California (subtotal of $3,400)

Rowan Ward, a chart caller, writer, and editor from Chicago, Illinois (subtotal of $30,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
New Kids on the Block took it to No. 1
    $200 27
The law works in mysterious ways in "Sparring Partners", a 2022 collection of novellas by this king of legal thrillers
    $200 30
Norfolk, Virginia's airport once had the world's longest moving this, 337 feet--stand to the right, walk to the left!
    $200 26
The most important class of pigments involved in photosynthesis is this one whose name means "green leaf"
    $200 28
This 2-letter symbol for a prescription comes from the Latin for "to take"
    $200 29
The Öresund Link, a bridge & tunnel connecting Malmö, Sweden to this Danish capital, opened July 1, 2000
    $400 15
From 1977
    $400 7
Years before "The Color Purple", she published a volume of poetry called "Once", about her time in Africa & her 1960s activism
    $400 24
On the PGA Champions Tour (formerly the Senior Tour), players may use this, though Darren Clarke is one of the few who do
    $400 23
This constellation's belt lies near the celestial equator
    $400 22
From the Latin for "backward", this prefix became a word meaning from an earlier time, but maybe in a hip way
    $400 21
This hypothetical creature represents a bridge between us & our evolutionary ancestors
    $600 12
It was No. 1 in the U.S. &, of course, in Sweden
    $600 6
This Pulitzer Prize winner by Colson Whitehead begins, "The first time Caesar approached Cora about running north, she said no"
    $600 20
Ramcharger 8 at Montana's Big Sky Resort is the USA's first 8-person one of these uphill transports
    $600 19
Neutrons consist of 3 of these:
2 down, one up
    $600 16
A statement with multiple possible meanings is this, from the Latin for "to drive both ways"
    $600 18
To zoom around the web, you can click on a hotlink or this, which also starts with "H"
    $800 5
1995's Grammy-winning Record & Song of the Year
    $800 3
Michelle Zauner writes about losing her Korean mother to cancer in her memoir "Crying in" this Asian grocery chain
    $800 14
Seems like 1960s world's fairs had to have one: Seattle, New York & Montreal, where the first half of the word was "Mini"
    $800 8
Galileo was among the first to observe these dark solar areas that appear in 11-year cycles
    $800 9
This word for an often volunteer museum guide is from the Latin for "teach"
    $800 17
The name of this garland seen here can also refer to any link of components in a series
    $1000 4
It was a hit for Harry Chapin
    $1000 2
A small-town girl becomes a Broadway star, not a nun, in this first novel by Theodore Dreiser
    $1000 13
Olympic events include single, double & quadruple these, a word that originally meant oars & now also means the boats
    $1000 1
This German physicist doesn't look too happy, even though he devised quantum theory, which won him a Nobel Prize in 1918
    DD: $1,800 10
This 9-letter word for the sacred writings of the Bible is from the Latin for "to write"
    $1000 11
In the "Skyward Sword" edition of this video game, Link searches for the title character after she's knocked out of the sky

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

rowan Jack Sadie
$2,600 $3,600 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

rowan Jack Sadie
$6,800 $4,800 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 27
Chinese alchemists in the 9th century mixed saltpeter, sulfur & carbon, creating this history-changing substance
    $400 28
Crocker Art Museum & the Leland Stanford Mansion
    $400 30
"Trial by Media" is a docuseries with episodes like "Blago!", revisiting the trial of this state's governor
    $400 29
In 1947 he broke the color barrier & became the first African American to play modern Major League Baseball
    $400 21
The sun god & creator god of Egypt, he's said to have created man from his tears & was also big on instant retribution
    $400 22
Relationship of your grandchild & your sibling's grandchild
    $800 24
Used centuries ago by Irish monks who craved discomfort, a clochán is also known as this insect domicile hut
    $800 23
The Bishop Museum & the Battleship Missouri Memorial
    $800 25
On this show Julianna Margulies played Alicia, who returns to her life as an attorney after her hubby goes to jail
    $800 26
The American Ballet Theater's first black female principal dancer, she was also the first to dance "Swan Lake" for the ABT
    $800 20
In ancient Rome, she was not only the literal mother of Virtue but the personification of truth (especially in vino)
    $800 19
A 1984 novel that starts, "You are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this..." uses this point of view
    $1200 8
These lyric poets of southern Europe laid out their rules for poetry in the 14th c. work "Leys d'amors"
    $1200 6
Tootsie's Orchid Lounge & Ryman Auditorium
    $1200 18
Viola Davis won an NAACP Image award for her role on this show in which she & her law students become tangled in intrigue
    $1200 1
He was the first African American to serve as National Security Advisor & as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    DD: $7,000 3
Allecto, or "unceasing in anger", was one of the 3 vengeance goddesses really living up to this collective name
    $1200 12
The lowest commissioned rank in the U.S. Army
    DD: $6,400 9
In 1429 Charles VII granted nobility, arms & the surname du Lys to her family
    $1600 5
Pueblo Grande Museum & Archaeological Park & the Thunderbird Arts Center
    $1600 17
Matthew McConaughey played Mickey Haller in this big screen legal thriller; Manuel Garcia-Rulfo on the Netflix show
    $1600 14
A-tisket a-tasket, in 1959 she won a Grammy for her basket, the first African-American woman to do so
    $1600 2
The man, the Greek myth, the legend, he used Medusa's head to rescue his mom & get King Polydectes seriously stoned
    $1600 11
Term for the government of France from 1848 to 1852
    $2000 15
During Japan's Edo period, this "way of the warrior" code developed into an ethical guide for practitioners
    $2000 4
Fromagination & Camp Randall stadium
    $2000 16
For 5 seasons, Glenn Close played ruthless lawyer Patty Hewes on this series
    $2000 13
A Florida educator & college founder, she is the first African American to represent a state in Statuary Hall
    $2000 7
Balder will be back from the dead after this event, "doom of the gods" in Old Norse
    $2000 10
Formed in 43 B.C., this alliance was made up of Mark Antony, Lepidus & Octavian

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

rowan Jack Sadie
$20,000 $29,400 $5,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Sabena Airlines commissioned a painting by this artist, "L'Oiseau de Ciel", a bird whose body is filled with clouds in a blue sky

Final scores:

rowan Jack Sadie
$7,799 $0 $0

Cumulative scores:

rowan Jack Sadie
$37,799 $3,400 $4,800
Tournament champion: $35,000 + an advance to the Tournament of Champions 2nd runner-up: $10,000 1st runner-up: $20,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

rowan Jack Sadie
$15,200 $22,800 $5,000
27 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
9 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $43,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2022-09-15
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