Show #1510 - Friday, March 8, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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Jill Switzer, an attorney from Los Angeles, California

David Epstein, a lawyer from Irvine, California

Willa Bloch, a fundraiser from Manhattan, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $12,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 21
Philadelphia building nicknamed "the Birthplace of Liberty"
    $100 26
Blinded at age 3, he not only invented a system of writing for the blind but a way to print it too
    $100 16
In Mexico kids take a whack at cracking open these, candy-filled papier-mache figures
    $100 2
On Shab-e-Barat, followers of this religion pray to Allah to give them a good year
    $100 9
His apartment & office are preserved in the Senate building & he's preserved just outside the Kremlin
    $100 1
He was the host of TV's "Music Bingo" but you might know him better as our announcer
    $200 22
John Gunther called this river "the Nile of the Western Hemisphere"
    $200 27
J.E. Brandenberger invented this transparent packing material before World War I
    $200 17
Two bowls of this didn't appease Goldilocks; one was too hot, one was too cold
    $200 5
Shavuot, the Jewish Pentecost, celebrates the giving of this on Mount Sinai
    $200 12
Imperial eagles used to top the towers but they were replaced by these big red symbols
    $200 3
This heavyweight boxer was the last champion to fight in the bare-knuckle style
    $300 23
Kingdom Come State Park in this Bluegrass state was named for a novel by John Fox
    $300 28
Thomas Newcomen invented a version of this over 60 years before James Watt
    $300 18
Cub Scouts could tell you it's an acronym for "we'll be loyal scouts"
    $300 6
In Latin America, Dia de la Cruz celebrates the day on which St. Helena is said to have found this
    $300 13
Though its name sounds like it should hold only guns, it stores Faberge eggs & royal regalia too
    $300 4
Dinah Shore & Eddie Fisher are among the celebrities who made their TV debuts on his variety show
    $400 24
This space center shares Merit Island on Florida's Banana River with a national wildlife refuge
    $400 29
Nikola Tesla invented a transformer for this type of electrical current that he favored
    $400 19
This game, also called jackstraws, is mentioned in they rhyme, "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe"
    $400 7
The festival of Vesak commemorates the birth, enlightenment & death of this religious leader
    DD: $600 14
The Kremlin was home to the czars until this leader put an end to that by moving the capital
    $400 10
Of his hundreds of portraits, the most famous is an unfinished head of George Washington
    $500 25
It's the easternmost of the Aloha State's 8 main islands
    $500 30
William Oughtred invented this calculating device, now largely replaced by electronic calculators
    $500 20
Time called this Nintendo handheld video device 1989's hottest toy
    $500 8
This church festival on August 15th celebrates the Virgin Mary's ascent into heaven
    $500 15
This 25-member group meets once a week in the Council of Ministers building
    $500 11
On a 1984 shuttle mission she became the first American woman to walk in space

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Willa David Jill
$400 $500 -$300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Willa David Jill
$1,300 $2,900 -$800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
Sitting Bull was only about 14 when he fought for this tribe against the Crow Indians in the 1840s
    $200 26
Better known by the name of eating utensils it was first published in 1877 as "The Celebrated Chop Waltz"
    $200 11
Frederick Cook claimed he reached the North Pole in 1908 & the top of this Alaskan peak in 1906
    $200 1
In "A Tale of Two Cities" Dickens called this "the national razor"
    $200 2
It's Dutch for "golden"
    $200 18
Completes the corrupt political slogan that dates back to the 1850s, "Vote early and vote"
    $400 15
The first woman awarded the British Order of Merit, she was known for her work in Turkey & the Crimea
    $400 29
Term for the metrical units of a score marked off along the staff by vertical lines
    $400 13
This U.S. volcano had been inactive for 123 years when it erupted in 1980
    $400 7
His first novel, "Sister Carrie" was published in 1900
    $400 3
In 1967, New Zealand changed from this unit of currency to the dollar
    $400 19
A conservative slogan of the 1960s said, "America, love it or" do this
    $600 20
This late president of France wrote a trilogy of war memoirs, "The Call to Honor", "Unity" & "Salvation"
    $600 30
"Little book" designed to be read along with an opera, which is hard to do when they turn down the lights
    $600 14
This continent's highest peaks are in the Caucasus Mountains
    $600 8
A story by Rudyard Kipling or a little nursery rhyme character who wore a nightgown
    $600 4
First minted a Muslim coin, it's still the unit of such Muslim countries as Iraq & Libya
    $600 22
The older youth slogan of the 1970s that begins, "Today is the first day of"
    $800 21
The actor-father of this assassin died on a steamboat in 1852
    $800 28
Ska is a type of music & dance that originated on this island in the late 1950s
    $800 16
This was the 2nd peak measured in the Karakoram Range, hence its name
    DD: $1,200 9
In Book One of this epic poem Satan & his followers build the Palace of Pandemonium
    $800 5
It's the legal tender in Greenland
    DD: $1,000 24
Mistress of Louis XV whose motto in those pre-revolutionary days was, "After us, the deluge"
    $1000 23
This explorer was found dead in a Tennessee inn in 1809; how he was shot is still a mystery
    $1000 27
In 1907, Ruggero Leoncavallo conducted this opera of his to make a gramophone record
    $1000 17
Borah Peak, the highest mountain in this state, is named for William E. Borah, its senator for 33 years
    $1000 10
"Revolt in the Desert" was a popular abridged edition of this book by Lawrence of Arabia
    $1000 6
This poet's portrait appears on the Irish Republic's 20-pound note
    $1000 25
In the 1960s, "Viva la huelga", "Long live the strike" became the motto of this union

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Willa David Jill
$3,500 $10,100 $1,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the first Democrat to die in office

Final scores:

Willa David Jill
$4,500 $7,001 $2,200
2nd place New champion: $7,001 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Willa David Jill
$4,100 $10,700 $1,200
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
32 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
3 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $16,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-01-09
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