Show #1670 - Friday, November 29, 1991

Kirk Ditzler game 5.


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Doug Ostrand, a sales manager originally from Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin

Russ Cummings, a law clerk from Los Angeles, California

Kirk Ditzler, a teacher from Houston, Texas (whose 4-day cash winnings total $34,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 8
It's the term for baby trees used to reforest areas
    $100 9
This "Singin' in the Rain" star was the original "Pal Joey" on Broadway in 1940
    $100 11
A Dodge, or a TV series about the Carringtons, who might be chauffeured in one
    $100 14
On the first spring Saturday in May, sports fans head to Louisville for this event
    $100 1
Flagghoople was one of the maiden names of this woman, Fred Flintstone's wife
    $100 30
It's considered the ghost letter in the word ghost
    $200 7
This president established the U.S. Forest Service
    $200 10
The ballet "Marguerite and Armand" was created for Margot Fonteyn & this Russian dancer
    $200 12
A Buick, or the European coastal region where you could take it for a spin
    $200 15
In the U.S., it's the only legal federal holiday that's observed in spring
    $200 2
Knothead & Splinter are the nephew & niece of this Walter Lantz character
    $200 28
When it follows Elizabeth in a signature, it means she's the reigning queen
    $300 4
In forest management, it's a group of trees of the same age & type; Custer's last one is famous
    $300 23
This dance instructor's 1950s TV show told us "To put a little fun in your life, try dancing"
    $300 13
A Hyundai, or the "Moonlight" composition you might listen to while you drive it
    $300 16
This organization held its final session in Geneva in the spring of 1946
    $300 3
The world's richest duck, he's Donald Duck's uncle
    $300 27
It's the letter over which a Spaniard places a tilde
    DD: $600 5
Brazil is second to this country in total forest area
    $400 22
This ex-wife of Gower Champion won a 1975 Emmy for choreography for "Queen of the Stardust Ballroom"
    $400 24
A Cadillac, or the Spanish city where Velazquez was born
    $400 17
Completes the Shelley line, "If Winter comes..."
    $400 19
She's Brat Simpson's pacifier-sucking baby sister
    $400 26
What C times V equals in Roman numerals
    $500 6
Fire, mostly man-made, diseases & these destroy as many trees each year as are cut down
    $500 21
It's the nickname of tap dancer Bill Robinson who danced with Shirley Temple in several films
    $500 29
A Toyota, or the collection of petals on a flower
    $500 18
"Spring, Spring, Spring" is a song from this 1954 north woods musical based on "The Sobbin' Women"
    $500 20
Dr. Benton Quest, an eminent scientist, was this boy's father
    $500 25
It's the seventh note in a scale of C Major

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Kirk Russ</td> Doug
$300 $500 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kirk Russ</td> Doug
$2,500 $2,100 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We've been featuring a lot of states lately. Today it's Tennessee's turn.)
    $200 2
After he became Pharaoh, this boy king changed his name to incorporate that of the god Amen
    $200 3
A protective layer of dead cells found on trees and bulletin boards
    $200 9
This system using 4 channels to deliver sound debuted in 1971
    $200 23
She was "The Portuguese" in "Sonnets from the Portuguese"
    $200 25
From the 1930s to the '70s, millions learned to read from books featuring these 2 children & their dog, Spot
    $200 17
These mountains in eastern Tennessee were named for the blue-gray haze that shrouds their peaks
    $400 5
Jonathan Dayton, for whom Dayton, Ohio was named, was the youngest signer of this 1787 document
    $400 8
Compton's shows a parakeet breathing underwater via an artificial one of these
    $400 10
In 1925 electrical phonographs used this standardized speed
    $400 20
Reportedly his "Ode to a Nightingale" was written under a plum tree in about 2 or 3 hours</td>
    $400 26
The Servicemen's Readjustment Act, commonly called this, gives aid to ex-servicemen who want to go to school
    $400 16
The large number of Tennesseans who enlisted for service in various wars gave the state this nickname
    $600 4
Trying to induce him to leave, Montezuma gave this Spaniard gold & silver
    DD: $1,000 18
In taxonomy, it's the main division between class & family
    $600 11
It's the title of Francis Barraud's painting of his fox terrier, Nipper, listening to a phonograph
    $600 19
This poet's novella "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym" inspired Melville's "Moby Dick"
    $600 27
His "American Spelling Book", published in 1783, standardized American spelling
    $600 1
In 1936 the Norris Dam became the first major project completed under this federal agency
    $800 6
He was the only English king honored with the title "The Great"
    $800 24
One of the things that separates bacteria from plants is that they usually lack this green pigment
    $800 12
Instead of discs, Edison's original talking machines used these
    DD: $1,000 21
In 1936 this poet's autobiography "Across Spoon River", was published
    $800 28
From the Latin for "bachelor", it's the religious service held the Sunday before commencement
    $800 13
During World War II, the government built this city to prepare material for atomic bombs
    $1000 7
Baron Nordenskiold conquered the Northeast Passage & he, the Northwest Passage
    $1000 30
Liver, leafy vegetables & kidneys provide a dietary source of folic acid, part of this vitamin group
    $1000 15
Wurlitzer sold over 55,000 of these in 1946-47, the most it's ever sold in one model year
    $1000 22
This "Tintern Abbey" poet was appointed Poet Laureate of Great Britain in 1843
    $1000 29
In Sept. 1957 Pres. Eisenhower ordered the Army paratroops to force integration of this city's Central High
    $1000 14
In 1862 Abraham Lincoln appointed this man military governor of Tennessee

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kirk Russ</td> Doug
$7,700 $4,900 $2,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1902, at age 23, he was appointed to a position in the patent office in Bern, Switzerland

Final scores:

Kirk Russ</td> Doug
$9,801 $9,800 $4,700
5-day champion: $43,801 2nd place: vacation at the Ingleside Inn in Palm Springs + Carey limousine 3rd place: Tanline activewear + NES and games

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kirk Russ</td> Doug
$7,500 $4,900 $4,000
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
20 R,
6 W
15 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $16,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-09-12
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