Show #1108 - Wednesday, May 31, 1989

Missing player introductions and prizes.


[<< previous game]

Yvonne, from

Don Connolly, from Bethesda, Maryland

Robert Windeler, a writer from Beverly Hills, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $13,701)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: All of the clues have to do with invisible men.)
    $100 1
A Phila. square is named for D. Rittenhouse, an astronomer who built the 1st of these in America
    $100 13
Twining flower that opens in the a.m., or the title of a 1933 film starring Katharine Hepburn
    $100 4
Handel's opera "Giulio Cesare" depicts Caesar's romance with her
    $100 3
Walt Disney intended it to be an "Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow"
    $100 12
The Movieland Wax Museum statue of this star of 1933's "The Invisible Man" is just clothes & a hat
    $200 2
On July 4, 1917 an American colonel spoke these words at Lafayette's tomb in Paris
    $200 14
A tall, graceful summer flower, or a PBS show hosted by Carl Sagan
    $200 18
This title character isn't a filet, she's Lothario's long-lost daughter
    $200 8
Belgian airline whose full name is Société anonyme belge d'Exploitation de la Navigation aérienne
    $200 22
On TV, Uncle Martin had to physically raise these before he could turn invisible
    $300 5
In the South the Battles of Bull Run were known as this
    $300 15
Literally "flower of the lily", it's seen in heraldry as well as in the garden
    $300 19
Verdi's title character "Nabucco" is based on this biblical personage
    $300 9
Jimmy Stewart knows, from a 1955 film he did, that "SAC" stands for this
    $300 23
You could see him at all times as Illya Kuryakin but only sometimes as Daniel Westin
    $400 6
As chairman of this gov't body, Joseph P. Kennedy outlawed stock manipulation practices that had made him rich
    $400 16
Methods of doing this to flowers include hanging them upside-down & putting them in silica gel
    $400 20
Though it deals with marital infidelity, this popular opera's name means "rustic chivalry"
    $400 10
You can see John Candy & company on this fictitious television channel
    $500 7
On June 30, 1906 Congress passed this act which required an honest statement of contents on food labels
    DD: $500 17
Flower mentioned in the last line of the following song:

"I want some red roses for a blue lady /
Mister florist take my order please /
We had a silly quarrel..."
    $500 21
This opera is known for the famous "mad scene" of Lucy Ashton
    $500 11
Most college applicants take either the SAT, Scholastic Aptitude Test, or the ACT, which is this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Robert Don Yvonne
$800 $1,200 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robert Don Yvonne
$1,300 $1,500 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
In Rome this was the ceremonial garment for all citizens
    $200 13
Birnbaum's United States Travel Guide calls it "the community that made beer famous"
    $200 1
The place an Englishman went if he nipped down to his local
    $200 3
The L.A. Times called this magazine's 35th anniversary issue "a stroll down mammary lane"
    $200 2
Moveable Christian feast that can take place between March 22 & April 25
    $200 12
This man, JFK's brother, gave Caroline away at her 1986 wedding
    $400 27
An early ad for its jeans read, "already an immense success, patent riveted... $13.50 per dozen"
    $400 19
This French resort city is pronounced like your brother's daughter
    $400 4
A "punter" isn't a guy who kicks footballs but does this with a turf accountant
    $400 8
YM refers to this type of "Miss"
    $400 23
The Jewish feast of Purim marks this queen's saving of the Jews in the Persian Empire
    $400 15
She's the wife of yoga instructor Paul Grilley
    $600 28
Courrèges boots, worn with '60s miniskirts, were mid-calf boots of this color
    $600 20
The CN Tower, the world's tallest freestanding structure, is located in this Canadian city
    $600 5
It's the British word for the trunk of a car
    $600 9
For 19 years this magazine has been picking "The Bachelor of the Month"
    $600 24
According to Mormon teaching, it's the name of the angel who appeared to Joseph Smith
    $600 16
George, Jeb, Neil, Marvin & Dorothy
    DD: $800 29
Egyptian women used a dye made from this plant to make their hair redder
    $800 21
A former British colony, this independent city-state is smaller than New York City
    $800 6
A British joke about one of these may begin "Did you hear the one about the commercial traveler..."
    $800 10
For the Dec. '88 issue, the last of its 100th year, its cover, front, back & spine, was a hologram
    $800 25
In Catholicism, the "Immaculate Conception" refers to this person's being born without original sin
    DD: $500 17
President who had a brother whose given names were Sam Houston
    $1000 22
Designed by U.S. architect Walter B. Griffin in 1911, it is Australia's largest inland city
    $1000 7
Send down someone & you've expelled them; send up someone & you've done this to them
    $1000 11
Mirabella will be a new magazine from Grace Mirabella who edited this fashion mag for 17 years
    $1000 26
The Moslem calendar starts from the year of this, Mohammed's flight from Mecca
    $1000 18
John Tyler & his father, who was also named John, both served as governor of this state

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robert Don Yvonne
$4,600 $5,900 $1,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The title of this 1970 best seller referred to brothers Rudolph & Thomas Jordache

Final scores:

Robert Don Yvonne
$6,000 $2,599 $1,400
3-day champion: $19,701 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Robert Don Yvonne
$5,700 $5,900 $1,900
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
1 W
9 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $13,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-02-06
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