Show #8642 - Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Ryan Long game 3.


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Justinne Lake-Jedzinak, a museum educator from Oyster Bay, New York

Jason Smith, a head of risk operations from Scottsdale, Arizona

Ryan Long, a rideshare driver from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (whose 2-day cash winnings total $43,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
The Red Cross offers training to become a certified one of these who save people at pools & water parks
    $200 30
Annotations on a First Folio of Shakespeare were found to be in the handwriting of this "Paradise Lost" poet
    $200 10
The nomadic herding of these animals was long the basis for the economy of the Sami of Scandinavia
    $200 25
Hammer can be paired with this implement for holding hot coals
    $200 20
Funny guys with this palindromic first name include Newhart & Einstein (also known as Super Dave Osborne)
    $200 1
These curved metal items can mean the hands or the fingers, as in the phrase "get your ____ into"
    $400 28
For 10 years of service to the organization, this celebrity on the left received the Crystal Cross Award</td>
    $400 12
Poetic insult contests called flyting, basically 15th c. rap battles, are parodied in this Scottish poet's "To a Louse"
    $400 6
The Nation of the Tohono O'odham, whose name means this "people", is in the Sonoran one
    $400 24
Hammer can be paired with this short-handled agricultural tool
    $400 16
Dakota's younger sister uses this name that means "she" in French
    $400 2
Oven & baseball are types of these, also slang for hands
    $600 13
In 2020 recovered COVID patients were asked to donate this liquid part of blood to possibly help others
    $600 14
Gil Scott-Heron turned his poem titled this "Will Not Be Televised" into a 1970s musical anthem
    DD: $1,400 7
The Chakma people are the largest indigenous group of this country once known as East Pakistan
    $600 23
Go old school with a pestle & this partner, a bowl-shaped vessel
    $600 17
Silver screen siren Gardner
    $600 3
On film, Charlton Heston memorably said, "Take your stinking" these "off me, you damned dirty ape!"
    $800 26
The Red Cross says many lives would be saved if Americans were trained & had access to an AED, an automated external one of these devices
    $800 15
It took this poet 5 years to sell 500 copies of his first book, "Prufrock & Other Observations"
    $800 8
This name for the indigenous inhabitants of Greenland & the Canadian Arctic means "the people"
    $800 21
Bait can be partnered with this collective noun for fishing gear
    $800 18
Bart's school bus driver on "The Simpsons"
    $800 4
This title of nobility just below prince is slang for hands or fists
    $1000 27
She learned of the International Red Cross while in Geneva & established the American branch in 1881
    $1000 29
Edmund Spenser coined the word "blatant" to describe a beast in this allegorical poem
    $1000 9
Most of the Torres Strait islanders actually reside in this Northern Australia state and its Cape York Peninsula
    $1000 22
Every woodworker worth his wood knows the joint called this & tenon
    $1000 19
It's the first name of the funny Aussie seen here
    $1000 5
A porcine character like Babe or Wilbur can be called this hyphenated term meaning clumsy or inept

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ryan Jason Justinne
$3,400 $5,200 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Jason Justinne
$9,200 $6,400 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Responses will begin with "T" and end in "D".)
    $400 8
Revolutionary War heroine Margaret Corbin performed many valorous acts as part of this army
    $400 10
We don't know what the reggae scene is in this Queens neighborhood, but we do know you transfer there to get the JFK AirTrain
    $400 30
In 2012 Curiosity found an ancient streambed here
    $400 29
Kenyan activist Wangarĩ Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement that encouraged women to do this to help the environment
    $400 17
George Clooney travels around firing people while flying with U.S. President Harrison Ford
    $400 18
You'd look boss in a jacket made from this coarse wool fabric
    $800 7
So many African Americans wanted to fight for this state's 54th Regiment in the Civil War, the 55th was created
    $800 9
In the 19th century William Holmes named a city in southern Minnesota this, after a river in the Holy Land</td>
    $800 27
Saturn's moon Titan is thought to have a subsurface ocean as salty as this terrestrial "Salt Sea"
    $800 28
Chemist Rosalind Franklin's work showed the double helix structure of this, even before Watson & Crick
    $800 16
Drew Barrymore & the rest of her crime-fighting undercover trio win baseball games with some heavenly assistance
    $800 19
A milquetoast is described as being extremely this
    $1200 6
After this lengthy journey in 1935, Mao joined other Red Army soldiers with his surviving troops
    $1200 3
The Doobie Brothers sang about "When the sun comes up on (this) sleepy little town / Down around San Antone"
    $1200 26
The ice on comets stays frozen beyond the solar system's "frost line", which lies close to the orbit of this 5th planet
    $1200 23
For eluding the Nazis, resistance heroine Nancy Wake was dubbed "La souris blanche", or this in English
    $1200 15
George Romero's original zombies from 1968 recruit a wisecracking superhero to add to the mayhem
    DD: $8,000 20
An increase from $20 to $200 is this
    $1600 4
In 1298 the circular battle formations of this Scots hero held off the English at Falkirk, but only for a while
    $1600 2
No one knows why this village in New York, boyhood home of Charles "Pa" Ingalls, shares the name of a big island near Florida
    DD: $2,200 25
This dwarf planet is about 25% water, which could be handy for the goddess of crops it's named for
    $1600 12
A writer & anthropologist like her mother, Mary Catherine Bateson was the only child of this woman who spent time in Samoa
    $1600 14
Steve Martin is alarmed that his daughter has gotten very big hair & is betrothed to Boris Karloff as a monster
    $1600 21
As opposed to a broadsheet, the New York Post has this format
    $2000 5
An impressment ordinance got this author of "The Pilgrim's Progress" caught up in the English Civil Wars
    $2000 1
This city in Kansas that's just about the geographic center of the lower U.S. shares its name with a nation on the Mediterranean
    $2000 24
This U.S. telescope named for a German astronomer looked for extrasolar planets that might contain water
    $2000 11
Like the musical says, she raised funds for the Washington Monument & helped establish the first private orphanage in NYC
    $2000 13
Allied prisoners tunnel out of a German P.O.W. camp in a Disney movie about kids with magical powers
    $2000 22
Medieval folk wore this type of garment like the yellow one seen here, often featuring a coat of arms

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Jason Justinne
$20,000 $16,000 $6,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A contemporary review of a novel by this man said he "commands attention as a kind of literary James Dean"

Final scores:

Ryan Jason Justinne
$27,000 $12,500 $3,999
3-day champion: $70,000 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ryan Jason Justinne
$13,200 $15,200 $5,600
24 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
8 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $34,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2022-03-01
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