Show #1579 - Thursday, June 13, 1991


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Don Henry, a physician from Munster, Indiana

Harry Kelly, a law student from Portland, Maine

Jeff Moeller, an attorney from Anchorage, Alaska (whose 1-day cash winnings total $11,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Extending to the N.Y. border, Allegheny National Forest is the only National Forest in this state
    $100 21
In a song from "Paint Your Wagon", "The rain is Tess, the fire Joe, & they call the wind" this
    $100 11
Type of plant that comes in varieties, like fescue & Bermuda
    $100 6
The literal meaning of "grand prix", it's what the fastest racer might bring home
    $100 12
Since he was born in Tremadoc in 1888, you could call him "Lawrence of Wales"
    $100 24
The world's tallest lighthouse is the 348-foot tower near Yamashita Park in this country
    $200 2
Its northern boundary is formed by the arc of a circle centered in New Castle
    $200 22
In "Memory" from "Cats", there's "not a sound from the pavement" at this time
    $200 17
This plant produces creamy white flowers that turn purple, then drop off & leave the bolls
    $200 7
Greek for "seat of authority"; the pope speaks "ex" or "from" there
    $200 13
This word may derive from the ancient custom of drinking mead for 1 lunar cycle after your wedding
    $200 26
This lighthouse was completed during the reign of Ptolemy II
    $300 3
Many of its 19th c. mining towns, including Cripple Creek & Leadville, have been preserved or restored
    $300 23
Though this "South Pacific" character's "The Girl I Love", "her skin is tender as DiMaggio's glove"
    $300 18
If this nut used in marzipan looks a bit like a peach pit, it's because the 2 are related
    $300 8
It's Italian for both "please" & "you're welcome", but not "spaghetti sauce"
    $300 14
The pirate spider is characterized by a row of sharp bristles on its first pair of these
    $300 27
In the U.S. lighthouses are under the jurisdiction of this branch of the armed services
    $400 4
In 1969 Charles Evers was elected the first Black mayor of a racially mixed city in this state
    $400 25
In "Flower Drum Song", this many miracles "are happening ev'ry day"
    DD: $500 19
It's the most widely planted fruit or vegetable in home gardens in the U.S.
    $400 9
Yiddish for "piece", it's a performer's piece of business
    $400 15
This dastardly moustachioed cartoon villain's last name is a kind of neck injury
    $400 29
Completed in 1716, Boston Lighthouse, America's first, was illuminated by this type of oil
    $500 5
This Midwestern state has the only unicameral legislature in the U.S.
    $500 28
"If they asked me, I could" do this "about the way you walk and whisper and look"
    $500 20
A member of the pea family, its flowers cover vast areas of Texas each spring
    $500 10
French for "look for the woman", implying that's where'll find the trouble
    $500 16
Lillian Alice Marks became famous in this field using the Russianized name Alicia Markova
    $500 30
America's tallest lighthouse, 193 feet high, is at this point on the N.C. coast

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jeff Harry Don
$900 $400 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Harry Don
$2,600 $600 $2,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Located on the Limmat River, this city is the largest in Switzerland
    $200 2
When his conviction for draft evasion was overturned in 1971, he celebrated with a prayer to Allah
    $200 23
Only about half the Pilgrims who settled this colony survived their first winter there
    $200 11
As it diminishes, the Moon is said to be waning; as it grows fuller, it's doing this
    $200 12
His last wife, Catherine Parr, outlived him
    $200 18
He was there to see this city that he called "A Moveable Feast" liberated during WWII
    $400 3
In the 1840s the Seminoles were forced out of this region, now the largest nat'l park east of the Mississippi
    $400 7
Bob Guccione won a record $39 million jury verdict, reduced to $4 mil., against this "hustler"
    $400 24
Until newspapers came into use, colonists got their news from this person who sang it out
    $400 13
Technically this name refers to only one part of our galaxy, the visible band of light
    $400 17
The given name of the Anglo-Saxon kings known as "the Elder",
"the Martyr" &
"the Confessor"
    $400 19
Ingrid Bergman played Maria in the film version of this Spanish Civil War novel
    $600 4
The name of this East African country comes from the Greek for "sunburned faces"
    $600 8
When convicted in 1971, he shouted to California Judge Older, "You won't outlive this, old man"
    $600 25
As punishment, minor offenders were often locked in the stocks or in this similar device
    $600 14
Neighboring planet on which you'd find the 15-mile-high Volcano Olympus Mons
    $600 20
After this queen was given chloroform during childbirth in 1853, its popularity soared
    DD: $3,000 28
Both Hemingway & his hero in "A Farewell to Arms" served in this capacity in WWI
    $800 5
This 3rd largest country of Africa is located in the heart of the continent
    DD: $1,000 9
When Bobby Seale was bound over for separate trial, his co-defendants became known as this group
    $800 26
On small farms women often tended this crop which could be spun into yarn & woven into linen
    $800 15
Images from Pioneer 10 showed "hurricanes" to be the cause of this mark on Jupiter
    $800 21
This queen who reigned from 1702-14 was pregnant at least 15 times, but didn't leave an heir
    $800 29
Hemingway defined courage as this "under pressure"
    $1000 6
This country's capital, Harare, was formerly called Salisbury
    $1000 10
Controversy flared after the Supreme Court's '89 ruling that G. Johnson's doing this wasn't illegal
    $1000 27
When James Oglethorpe founded this southern colony slavery was prohibited there
    $1000 16
Titan, the largest moon in the solar system, orbits this planet in a little under 16 days
    $1000 22
Early historians say while he was still Prince Hal, he was drawn to "wild company"
    $1000 30
Considered his alter ego, this character is the hero of a series of his short stories

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Harry Don
$7,000 $6,200 $9,700

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This spin-off from "All in the Family" ran for more episodes than its parent show

Final scores:

Jeff Harry Don
$14,000 $7,005 $12,399
2-day champion: $25,000 3rd place: Amisco loveseat & armchair + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version 2nd place: trip to Solvang & stay at Fredericks Holiday Inn + ride with Carey limousine + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jeff Harry Don
$7,900 $6,200 $7,300
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
3 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $21,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-03-12
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