Show #8639 - Thursday, May 12, 2022


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Charly Kuecks, a writer and test prep expert from Salt Lake City, Utah

Matt Petroff, a management consultant from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Daniel Nguyen, a high school math teacher from San Jose, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,199)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Great Fountain Geyser
    $200 22
Performing in 2020 just after their family suffered a miscarriage, this piano maestro dedicated "Never Break" to his wife

"We will never break /
We will never break /
Built on a foundation /
Strong enough to stay..."
    $200 24
Susan La Flesche, the first Native person to get this kind of degree, had a solo practice covering the vast Omaha reservation
    $200 19
7UP is among the soda brands that have replaced this word on their labels in favor of "zero sugar"
    $200 14
"An Oral History of" this cable TV channel's "Golden Age" in the 1980s & '90s is shared in "Slimed!"
    $200 13
A job like a chauffeur, or a part of your PC that needs to be updated occasionally
    DD: $1,400 5
The McKinley Station Trail
    $400 21
"Straight Up" now name this woman who closed the 2019 show with a greatest hits medley

"Straight up now tell me /
Do you really want to love me forever (oh, oh, oh) /
Or am I caught in a hit-and-run?"
    $400 25
In 1613 the English kidnapped this daughter of Powhatan to use her as a hostage in negotiations
    $400 20
It's the beverage most associated with Dad's & Hires
    $400 15
"Over the Edge of the World" charts this 16th century explorer's "Terrifying Circumnavigation of the World"
    $400 12
It can mean highest in rank or value, as well as someone of high rank at your school
    $600 6
Alligator Creek Campsite
    $600 23
We won't dance around it--this band! at the 2019 show made their ma proud & lived up to the chorus of a hit tune

"Hey look ma, I made it /
Hey look ma, I made it..."
    $600 26
Sarah Winnemucca was the first Native woman to secure this protection, with 1883's "Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims"
    $600 4
"The original plant-powered drink"; the first half of its ingredients are tomato puree, carrots, celery & beets
    $600 16
"Parents, Children and the Search for Identity" is the subtitle; the title completes the proverb "the apple doesn't fall far..."
    $600 11
Not just an occupation, it's also a type of fruity pie
    $800 7
In California, Twenty Mule Team Canyon
    $800 29
This genre-defying band that broke in 2014 with "Gooey" performed at the BBMAs in 2021

"Sometimes, all I think about is you /
Late nights in the middle of June /
Heat waves been fakin' me out /
Heat waves been fakin' me out..."
    $800 27
Making-Out-Road divorced this frontiersman & state capital name source Cheyenne style, leaving his stuff outside her lodge
    $800 3
In 2020 McDonald's celebrated the 50th anniversary of this minty St. Patrick's Day treat
    $800 17
"Eats, Shoots & Leaves" is subtitled "The Zero Tolerance Approach to" this part of writing
    $800 10
A certain member of our military forces, or an adjective that refers broadly to the sea
    $1000 8
In Arkansas, Bathhouse Row seen here
    $1000 30
At the 2021 show, this letter-perfect indie pop trio gave a smokin' performance of "Bang!"

"So put your best face on everybody /
Pretend you know this song /
Everybody come hang /
Let's go out with a bang /
Bang! Bang! Bang!"
    $1000 28
A mural in Oklahoma's capitol honors 5 Native American ballerinas, including these 2 sisters, Maria & Marjorie
    $1000 2
The name of this popular Chinese tea is less popularly spelled with a W-U at the beginning
    $1000 18
"Tears of Mermaids" reveals "The Secret Story of" these gems
    $1000 9
Someone who oversees construction work, or a muscle that becomes shorter

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Daniel Matt Charly
$4,000 $3,000 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Daniel Matt Charly
$6,000 $2,600 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1960s
    $400 23
Robert Barclay's 1678 "Apology for the True Christian Divinity" stated the beliefs of this sect also called the Society of Friends
    $400 1
"One short day in the Emerald City... full of so much to do"
    $400 6
Tories is a nickname for this U.K. political party
    $400 13
Protests in May 1968 that rocked Paris were kicked off by student occupation & police action at this Latin Quarter school
    $400 21
In this novel, Jo is ill-suited as a companion to her Aunt March
    $400 11
The Judiciary Act of 1789 created this position in the cabinet, first held by Edmund Randolph
    $800 24
The 1531 Apology of the Augsburg Confession was a defense of the doctrines of this branch of Protestantism
    $800 2
"Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings..."
    $800 7
It's the range of authority that law enforcement holds over a specific area
    $800 17
Broadening his message from civil rights, on March 2, 1965 Martin Luther King made his first public statement against this
    $800 22
Jan Handzlik played the young Patrick Dennis, who is taken in by this exuberant auntie, played memorably by Rosalind Russell
    $800 12
In 1887 this man systematically created the first U.S. library school, at Columbia
    DD: $200 30
This English statesman published an "Apology" defending Catholicism in 1533; 2 years later, he was headless
    $1200 3
"Hey sanna, hosanna, hey, JC, JC, you're alright by me"
    $1200 8
This period in English history refers to the return of Charles II to the throne
    $1200 18
In the Six-Day War, Israeli forces took East Jerusalem from this country, restoring Jewish access to the Western Wall
    $1200 26
The haughty Lady Catherine de Bourgh does not approve of a match between this nephew of hers & Elizabeth Bennet
    $1200 14
In 1999 Nunavut Territory was established out of the eastern portion of this other Canadian territory
    $1600 29
In 2010 John Henry Newman, author of the "Apologia Pro Vita Sua", underwent this process that precedes canonization
    $1600 4
"Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes, how do you measure, measure a year?"
    $1600 9
The name of this genus of bacteria honors a veterinarian with a fishy last name
    DD: $3,000 19
On the medal podium in this city, John Carlos & Tommie Smith raised fists & also wore no shoes to highlight poverty in America
    $1600 27
Seen here, she plays Aunt Lydia on "The Handmaid's Tale"
    $1600 15
The Ayyubid Dynasty, created by this famed hero, ruled Egypt in the 12th & 13th centuries
    $2000 25
This Bishop of Hippo in North Africa published an apology in 388 titled "On the Holiness of the Catholic Church"
    $2000 5
"In short there's simply not a more congenial spot for happily-ever-aftering than here"
    $2000 10
This science studies the universe as a whole, bringing together astronomy & physics
    $2000 20
In 1964 he was called back to Moscow from a Black Sea holiday & told he was no longer in charge in the USSR
    $2000 28
Her "astonishment was almost unspeakable" upon finding a fence whitewashed (ostensibly) by Tom Sawyer
    $2000 16
Initially worried about Axis control of this passage, Britain created a base on Deception Island off Antarctica

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Daniel Matt Charly
$18,000 $200 $7,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Amendments to its 1901 constitution require approval of at least 4 states before receiving royal assent

Final scores:

Daniel Matt Charly
$18,000 $400 $2,801
2-day champion: $25,199 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Daniel Matt Charly
$20,200 $200 $7,600
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
7 R,
4 W
12 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $28,000

>" target="_blank">[game responses] >" target="_blank">[game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2022-02-28
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