Great Fountain Geyser |
(Charly: What is Old Faithful?)
Performing in 2020 just after their family suffered a miscarriage, this piano maestro dedicated "Never Break" to his wife
"We will never break / We will never break / Built on a foundation / Strong enough to stay..." |
John Legend
Susan La Flesche, the first Native person to get this kind of degree, had a solo practice covering the vast Omaha reservation |
an MD (a medical degree)
7UP is among the soda brands that have replaced this word on their labels in favor of "zero sugar" |
"An Oral History of" this cable TV channel's "Golden Age" in the 1980s & '90s is shared in "Slimed!" |
A job like a chauffeur, or a part of your PC that needs to be updated occasionally |
a driver
The McKinley Station Trail |
Denali (National Park)
"Straight Up" now name this woman who closed the 2019 show with a greatest hits medley
"Straight up now tell me / Do you really want to love me forever (oh, oh, oh) / Or am I caught in a hit-and-run?" |
(Paula) Abdul
In 1613 the English kidnapped this daughter of Powhatan to use her as a hostage in negotiations |
It's the beverage most associated with Dad's & Hires |
(Mayim: Very popular in Salt Lake City, I'm told, yes.) (Charly: It very much is, yes.)
root beer
"Over the Edge of the World" charts this 16th century explorer's "Terrifying Circumnavigation of the World" |
It can mean highest in rank or value, as well as someone of high rank at your school |
Alligator Creek Campsite |
We won't dance around it class="nobreak">--this band! at the 2019 show made their ma proud & lived up to the chorus of a hit tune
"Hey look ma, I made it / Hey look ma, I made it..." |
(Daniel: Who are the Jonas Brothers?) [Laughter]
Panic! at the Disco
Sarah Winnemucca was the first Native woman to secure this protection, with 1883's "Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims" |
(Matt: What is diplomatic immunity?)
a copyright
"The original plant-powered drink"; the first half of its ingredients are tomato puree, carrots, celery & beets |
"Parents, Children and the Search for Identity" is the subtitle; the title completes the proverb "the apple doesn't fall far..." |
From the Tree
Not just an occupation, it's also a type of fruity pie |
a cobbler
In California, Twenty Mule Team Canyon |
Death Valley
This genre-defying band that broke in 2014 with "Gooey" performed at the BBMAs in 2021
"Sometimes, all I think about is you / Late nights in the middle of June / Heat waves been fakin' me out / Heat waves been fakin' me out..." |
Glass Animals
Making-Out-Road divorced this frontiersman & state capital name source Cheyenne style, leaving his stuff outside her lodge |
Kit Carson
In 2020 McDonald's celebrated the 50th anniversary of this minty St. Patrick's Day treat |
a Shamrock Shake
"Eats, Shoots & Leaves" is subtitled "The Zero Tolerance Approach to" this part of writing |
(Charly: What is grammar?)
A certain member of our military forces, or an adjective that refers broadly to the sea |
In Arkansas, Bathhouse Row seen here |
Hot Springs National Park
At the 2021 show, this letter-perfect indie pop trio gave a smokin' performance of "Bang!"
"So put your best face on everybody / Pretend you know this song / Everybody come hang / Let's go out with a bang / Bang! Bang! Bang!" |
(Mayim: And you can watch the 2022 Billboard Music Awards live this Sunday night.)
A mural in Oklahoma's capitol honors 5 Native American ballerinas, including these 2 sisters, Maria & Marjorie |
the Tallchief sisters
The name of this popular Chinese tea is less popularly spelled with a W-U at the beginning |
"Tears of Mermaids" reveals "The Secret Story of" these gems |
Someone who oversees construction work, or a muscle that becomes shorter |