Show #8597 - Tuesday, March 15, 2022


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Simi Landau, an elementary school teacher from Washington, D.C.

Ariel San Jose, a digital marketing manager from South San Francisco, California

Amy Bekkerman, an academic copy editor from Durham, New Hampshire (whose 1-day cash winnings total $16,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
Fiat lux translates to "let there be" this
    $200 26
As Mary Richards, she helped put out the local news on WJM-TV
    $200 21
Types of this headwear include bonnie, rebel & musically, "Raspberry"
    $200 2
In his 70s, Sir John Ross sailed north to find his lost friend Sir John Franklin; he failed but got promoted to rear this rank
    $200 6
The Chukchi & Laptev are among the seas in this ocean
    $200 20
This fast food restaurant with a transportation name has more locations in the U.S. than any other chain
    $400 17
German for "highway", it actually does have an advisory limit of 81 mph
    $400 27
"Deadline" (13 episodes) focused on the New York Ledger, which covered the cops on this show (450+ episodes)
    $400 22
GQ says this "should be pleated & sit directly on top of the waistband of your trouser"
    $400 3
A 1633 book, "The Strange & Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James", may have inspired this "Ancient Mariner" poet
    $400 7
The Pacific's Yap Trench is this kind of trench that shares a name with a deep sea vessel
    $400 19
Barclays Bank in London installed one of the first of these machines in 1967; now there are an estimated 3 million worldwide
    $600 1
As in the song, despacito is Spanish for this adverb
    $600 28
Show co-starring Reese Witherspoon as a small-time reporter suddenly on national air
    $600 23
Perfect as casual wear, this "letter-perfect" dress fits at the hips & flares out further down
    $600 14
In 1861 elderly Capt. Armstrong was court-martialed for surrendering Pensacola Navy Yard to forces of this seceded state
    $600 11
As well as a neighborhood of Queens & the subject of an old joke, it's a river there & the bay it flows into
    $600 8
The American Lung Association warns that the dust type of these omnipresent pests are major asthma triggers
    $800 4
Literally "good word", it's a witty remark; en français, S'il vous plait!
    $800 29
Emily Mortimer produced & Jeff Daniels anchored on this HBO show
    $800 24
Men's Levi's jeans & recorded music were your only options when this store, now a chain, opened in San Francisco in 1969
    $800 15
This Pooh creator wrote a poem about "An old sailor my grandfather knew who had so many things which he wanted to do"
    DD: $2,000 12
The Hollands Diep River flows into the Haring Estuary, which ultimately discharges into this sea
    $800 9
Seen here, this perennial grass is used to make biofuel in Brazil
    $1000 5
This word that starts & ends with "U" means freedom in Swahili; it's one letter off from a classic TV character's name
    $1000 30
In 2013 she began playing a reporter on "Being Mary Jane" & got engaged to Dwyane Wade
    $1000 25
As well as a general noun for a loose shirt, it can be a verb meaning "to poof out slightly above the waist"
    $1000 16
Henry Allingham died aged 113 in 2009 as the last survivor of World War I's biggest naval clash, the battle of this Danish land
    $1000 13
The Humboldt Current is sometimes called this South American country's current
    $1000 10
Used in making everything from airplanes to appliances, it's the most abundant metal in Earth's crust

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Amy Ariel Simi
$6,200 -$600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Ariel Simi
$6,000 $1,000 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 28
Martin Luther King wrote his famous letter on the need for civil rights action from a jail in this city
    $400 27
Made with fluorescent inks, these posters glow in the dark when exposed to ultraviolet rays
    $400 16
Julia Quinn is the author behind this steamy series of books that include "The Viscount Who Loved Me" & "To Sir Phillip, with Love"
    $400 25
In "The Dark Knight", this character says, "Madness... is like gravity: all it takes is a little push"
    $400 13
This Tchaikovsky work became popular for July 4th after a 1974 Boston Pops performance featuring fireworks & cannons
    $400 4
A witty remark
(4 letters)
    $800 29
At the Waitangi Treaty House, Chiefs like Tamati Pukututu & Lt. Gov. William Hobson signed this country's founding document in 1840
    $800 26
Sometimes called the fourth state of matter, it exhibits a glow discharge that occurs between 2 electrodes at low pressure
    $800 17
Despite numerous surgeries, eye problems left this "Dubliners" author nearly blind
    $800 22
Vic Vega is a tortured soul--no, make that a torturing soul--& gets an earful from a cop in this 1992 Tarantino film
    $800 9
Wanda Landowska revived interest in this instrument, using it in the first recording of Bach's "Goldberg Variations"
    $800 5
The shaft of a feather
(5 letters)
    $1200 14
The Yusupov Palace on St. Petersburg's Moyka River was the location of the rather lengthy killing of this man in December 1916
    $1200 1
Cats' eyes glow due to a structure that reflects light after it has passed around this photosensitive structure
    $1200 18
In 2020 this author announced he was passing the Jack Reacher baton to his younger brother Andrew
    $1200 21
In "The Shining" this actor descends into insanity, to the dismay of Shelley Duvall
    $1200 10
He composed the famous "Wedding March" heard here as part of the incidental music for "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
    $1200 6
A fixed minimum needed for a meeting
(6 letters)
    $1600 15
Paris' Hotel de Rambouillet was the site of a famous one of these female-run gatherings of artists & intellectuals
    DD: $5,000 2
Some think that Lakshmi's blessings go to those whose homes glow brightest during this festival
    DD: $5,000 19
Best known for his detective stories, in his later years, he gave lectures on spiritualism & wrote a 2-volume history of it
    $1600 23
This 1960 film character: "A madhouse?... My mother there? But she's harmless!" (welllllll... yes & no)
    $1600 11
Though he'd live to age 91, this "Finlandia" composer pretty much stopped composing for the last 30 years of his life
    $1600 7
To Incas, "the mother grain"
(6 letters)
    $2000 30
At Sengakuji Temple in Tokyo, visitors honor the 47 these, samurai who avenge their dead master & are buried there
    $2000 3
Because tonic water contains this drug, it will glow under certain conditions
    $2000 20
Sharing his pen name with a Hemingway character, he wrote the "Wheel of Time" fantasy series
    $2000 24
In 2000 a murderous Christian Bale lived up to this Bret Easton Ellis title
    $2000 12
Composer Aram Khachaturian's most familiar piece is this sharp "Dance" featured in his "Gayane" ballet
    $2000 8
Fancy synonym for silent
(9 letters)

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Ariel Simi
$28,000 $200 $17,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was feared this word caused panic, but in 1950 the U.S. Weather Bureau ended a ban on it in forecasts, saying prediction wasn't impossible

Final scores:

Amy Ariel Simi
$38,000 $1 $12,000
2-day champion: $54,100 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Amy Ariel Simi
$20,000 $200 $17,000
26 R
(including 3 DDs),
1 W
7 R,
6 W
19 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $37,200

>" target="_blank">[game responses] >" target="_blank">[game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2022-01-18
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