Show #2954 - Thursday, June 5, 1997

Wes Ulm game 2.


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Macee Damon, an administrative assistant from Arlington, Massachusetts

Rich Canedo, a history teacher from Providence, Rhode Island

Wes Ulm, a medical student from Alexandria, Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $17,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 23
This large black &amp; yellow bee can often be found at higher altitudes than other bees
    $100 25
The Chicago version of this Italian-American dish is made in a 2-inch-deep pan
    $100 12
Lillian Gish described this cinema city as "an emotional Detroit"
    $100 18
Some states have debated removing the X-shaped design of this battle flag from their own flags
    $100 26
Ombrophobia is the fear of this; better get a big umbrella
    $100 13
Teri Hatcher &amp; Dean Cain
    $200 27
One type of this insect can tell you the temperature; add 40 to the number of chirps in 15 seconds
    $200 7
Onions preserved this way can be eaten within days; okra should mellow for a few weeks
    $200 10
Philip Sheridan once said, "If I owned" this big state "and hell, I would rent out" the state "and live in hell"
    $200 1
After a real estate boom, one of these events struck Florida in 1926, 3 years before the "great" one
    $200 16
If you have phasmophobia, fear of these, stay out of haunted houses
    $200 19
Susan Saint James &amp; Jane Curtin
    $300 28
Species of this insect include ctenocephalides canis &amp; ctenocephalides felis
    $300 15
This sandwich named for its meat &amp; dairy filling is a Philadelphia treat
    $300 2
To Ausonius it was "First among cities, home of the gods"
    $300 3
In 1982 a court struck down an Arkansas law forcing schools to teach this divine event as science
    $300 6
People with severe ichthyophobia can't eat these or even look at pictures of them
    $300 20
Jameson Parker &amp; Gerald McRaney
    $400 29
The many stag species of this insect get their name from the males' jaws, which resemble antlers
    $400 17
Pasta Fazool is an American colloquialism for pasta e fagioli, pasta &amp; these
    $400 11
John H. Wilson called it "At once London's highroad and its sewer"
    $400 5
In the Black Patch War of 1906-09 growers tried to break monopolies of this product
    $400 4
Because pteronophobics fear these, they should avoid chicken coops &amp; fan dancers
    $400 21
Bruce Boxleitner &amp; Kate Jackson
    $500 30
Ants can communicate by releasing these chemicals from glands located throughout the body
    $500 24
A NYC specialty, it's made with seltzer water, milk & syrup, not with the foods in its name
    DD: $300 14
Oliver Wendell Holmes claimed this city "Is the thinking center of the continent, and therefore of the planet"
    $500 8
This New Orleans D.A. unsuccessfully prosecuted Clay Shaw as a JFK assassination conspirator
    $500 9
Some people may have uranophobia, fear of this place, because they fear being judged there
    $500 22
Thomas Haden Church &amp; Debra Messing

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Wes Rich Macee
$600 -$200 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Wes Rich Macee
$2,800 $0 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: I hope there's something to your liking there, Rich.)
    $200 11
On January 25, 1993 this first lady was appointed head of the task force on national health care reform
    $200 9
With over 8 million members, it's by far the largest Adventist group
    $200 26
This opera star &amp; "Celebrity Jeopardy!" contestant began life as Belle Silverman
    $200 1
Carl Czerny was just 15 when he began teaching in this Austrian city; Beethoven's nephew was among his pupils
    $200 24
This Japanese monetary unit is equivalent to 100 sen
    $200 4
The Morlocks in this H.G. Wells novel may be named for Moloch, a heathen god in the Bible
    $400 12
In 1984 Doubleday published "C. Fred's Story", her humorous book told from the dog's point of view
    $400 14
The ultimate goal in Buddhism is to attain this state of perfect blessedness
    $400 27
The son of French immigrants, he's credited with opening the nation's first health club in 1936
    $400 2
Cecile Chaminade wrote more than 200 light salon pieces for this musical instrument
    $400 23
This currency of Tajikistan has the same name as that of Russia, but only 1/100 of the value
    $400 16
Arabella Dean, the conniving daughter of a pig breeder, marries this "obscure" hero &amp; then deserts him
    $600 7
He narrowly won the New York governorship in 1928, but won the presidency by a large margin 4 years later
    $600 15
It's the church founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon
    $600 28
It was the middle name &amp; the more famous name of fashion designer Roy Frowick
    $600 3
Gunther Schuller is known for mixing classical style with this American music form: way "cool"
    $600 22
The name of this German coin smaller than a mark is old high German for "penny"
    $600 18
This Defoe heroine is known by an alias; her real name is never revealed in the novel
    $800 10
In 1913 this man featured on the old $100,000 bill signed the bill creating the Federal Reserve System
    $800 17
From the Greek for "not knowing", it's the belief that God's existence cannot be proved
    DD: $800 29
Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell of this state was formerly a top-ranked judo champion
    $800 5
His famous overture "The Hebrides" is also known as "Fingal's Cave"
    $800 21
From 1938 to 1950, this king was depicted on Egypt's 1 millieme coin
    $800 19
Madge Wildfire is the mad daughter of a midwife in this Scotsman's 1818 novel "The Heart of Midlothian"
    $1000 13
On April 22, 1878 she instituted the Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn
    $1000 25
This religion centered in India's Punjab state combines elements of Hinduism &amp; Islam
    $1000 30
In 1994 Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga became this island country's first woman president
    $1000 8
As a teenager this "Grand Canyon Suite" composer played viola in the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra
    DD: $1,000 6
It's the currency used in Curacao
    $1000 20
Paul Hover is a bee hunter who ends up as a congressman in his 1820s novel "The Prairie"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Wes Rich Macee
$12,200 $3,000 $5,100
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1791, one year after his death, part of this American's autobiography was published in Paris as "Memoires"

Final scores:

Wes Rich Macee
$12,800 $5,200 $6,001
2-day champion: $30,000 3rd place: Amana Easy Reach Refrigerator-Freezer 2nd place: Trip to Sonesta Beach Resort, Anguilla

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Wes Rich Macee
$12,400 $3,000 $5,100
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
11 R,
3 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $20,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1997-01-28
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