Show #8505 - Friday, November 5, 2021

Last regular-play game of 2021 hosted by Mayim Bialik.


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Jeff Smith, a music educator from San Diego, California

Kate Kohn, a communications manager from Washington, D.C.

Sri Kompella, a corporate strategy professional from Frisco, Texas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $30,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
Once upon a time it was proper etiquette to present one of these alliterative items during a social visit
    $200 30
In 1566 she gave birth to the boy who would be king--James VI of Scotland
    $200 3
AAA in the states & the R.A.C. in England helped promote safety regarding these, the "a" in the middle of their names
    $200 29
Her, as Liz Lemon: "I took one of those 'Which Gossip Girl Are You?' quizzes, & it said I was the dad's guitar"
    $200 22
    $200 12
Some ancestors of Native Americans are believed to have crossed from Asia over what's now this about 13,000 years ago
    $400 28
In the U.S., the permanent resident card is more commonly called this
    $400 23
Kings Fahd, Khalid & Faisal all ruled over this country
    $400 15
Part of this youth club's pledge reads, "My hands to larger service, and my health to better living"
    $400 13
Ali Wong learned "In order to be a" this "wife, you have to be a" this. "I am more of a commemorative plaque"
    $400 26
German Spitz
    DD: $3,000 27
Bearing the name of an 8th century Berber conqueror, this strait separates 2 continents
    $600 6
Joel McHale hosts the reboot of this classic game show
    $600 4
Nearly 10 feet tall & standing on a 3 1/2 foot base, the largest statue in the Statuary Hall Collection is of this king
    $600 9
Fittingly, this organization was founded in 1892 for outings in "mountain regions of the Pacific coast"
    $600 25
Mitch Hedberg: this snack brand's "initial intention was to make tennis balls but... a big truck of potatoes arrived"
    $600 10
    $600 1
The Channel Tunnel travels under this strait for more than 20 miles
    $800 5
Women used to keep a list of prospective partners at a ball, hence this expression for a crammed schedule
    $800 7
Hadassah was another name for this queen of the Old Testament
    $800 8
In the early 1930s this Harlem nightclub made Cab Calloway the leader of its house orchestra
    $800 11
"I would like to give these kids a good home; in fact, there's a good one a few miles away" was one of his lines as a grumpy TV foster dad
    $800 16
Phnom Penh
    $800 2
The 1905 Battle of Tsushima Strait near Korea was a decisive victory for Japan over this nation
    $1000 20
Crawdad ends with a parent, as does this spice, a ginger family member that's big in Scandinavia
    $1000 14
In 2014 Felipe VI succeeded this man, his father, as king of Spain
    $1000 19
A creative club in this nation, Mbari Mbayo gets its name partially from the Igbo language
    $1000 24
In a 1984 film Rob Reiner said they "earned a distinguished place in rock history as one of England's loudest bands"
    $1000 17
    $1000 18
The Sunda Strait connects the Indian Ocean with this sea that shares its name with an island

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sri Kate Jeff
$400 $3,200 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sri Kate Jeff
$800 $5,000 $6,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 19
A book called this flower "Fever" is set in 1630s Amsterdam & based on a historical frenzy over bulbs
    $400 30
Shivaji, who founded the Maratha kingdom in this country, valued religious toleration
    $400 25
Nicknames for New Jersey include the Clam State, the Mosquito State & this one added to its license plates in 1954
    $400 24
In December 1998 the U.N. convened a conference on this alphanumeric computer "bug" that ended up getting squashed
    $400 21
Genre of music that completes the title of Isaac Hayes' 1969 album "Hot Buttered..."
    $400 23
To delay, or a compartment in a stable for a horse
    $800 20
"Petals on the Wind" & "If There Be Thorns" are sequels to this V.C. Andrews novel
    $800 4
Descartes invented the analytic type of this math
    $800 22
A monument to William McKinley adorns the Capitol Square of this state where 7 U.S. presidents were born
    $800 8
How punk--considered the first computer, Charles Babbage's 19th century Analytical Engine was designed to be powered by this
    $800 10
It won Best Rock Album & Album of the Year Grammys in 1996 & featured the Best Rock Song "You Oughta Know"
    DD: $2,000 16
Tidy up a place, or an evergreen tree
    $1200 7
A single mother commits murder using poison from this white flower mentioned in the title of Janet Fitch's novel
    $1200 26
John Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" was seminal to this "illuminating" period
    $1200 11
Terrebonne & Acadia are 2 of the 64 of these administrative units in Louisiana
    $1200 2
Brothers John & Thomas Knoll created this image-editing program in the '80s & sold it to Adobe in 1995
    $1200 9
That's Paul Simonon destroying his bass on the cover of this classic Clash album
    $1200 13
A hot dog, or candid & direct
    $1600 5
"Charly" was a film based on this book about a man who temporarily becomes a genius
    $1600 27
Microscopist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek scoped out this type of organism whose name means "first animal"
    DD: $3,000 3
Its flag displays the Roman numerals for 1820, the year of a deal that brought it into the Union
    $1600 1
In 1965 this American engineer first enunciated his famed "Law", predicting computing power would double every year
    $1600 12
We wonder if Carole King felt "the Earth move" in 2021 when this album of hers turned 50
    $1600 15
Betrothed, or busy at the moment
    $2000 6
One of William Faulkner's most popular stories is "A Rose for" her
    $2000 28
Around 1644 Evangelista Torricelli used mercury & a glass tube to create this device
    $2000 29
Jesse Quinn Thornton came to this western state via trail & devised its motto, "She flies with her own wings"
    $2000 17
These sealed glass predecessors of the transistor were vital components in early computers
    $2000 18
U2 turned to the desert for this classic 1987 album
    $2000 14
Secure a boat, or uncultivated land in Britain covered with grass & heather

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sri Kate Jeff
$8,800 $14,200 $17,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Introduced in 1964, he fell out of favor in changing times & in 1970 was marketed as a "Land Adventurer"

Final scores:

Sri Kate Jeff
$7,600 $20,000 $5,400
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $20,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Sri Kate Jeff
$7,600 $14,200 $23,200
10 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
19 R,
1 W
25 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $45,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2021-09-24
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