Neither this Portuguese explorer nor his flagship the Trinidad completed his circumnavigation of the globe |
A bit under half the states offer SDR, short for same-day this, often Election Day |
Dr. Crane, on the radio |
As one word, it's a small, flat trunk found in barracks; as 2, it's a shoe retailer |
footlocker (Foot Locker)
A young man living alone was "batching", from this noun |
a bachelor
NPR teamed up with "Frontline" to report on how this industry failed to protect workers from black lung & "deadly dust" |
the coal industry
Seen here, he became Aztec emperor in 1502 |
Montezuma (II)
Oklahoma is among states to explicitly allow posting a photo of how you voted, commonly known as a "ballot" this |
Mr. Payne, played by the funny Mr. Lawrence |
The history of this jar dates to a patent filed on Nov. 30, 1858 for "improvement in screw-neck bottles" |
(Mayim: Very useful, yes.)
a Mason jar
Barnacles & blinkers were these vision aids |
Audie Cornish & Ailsa Chang are among the hosts of this afternoon news program |
All Things Considered
Pope Sixtus V promised Philip II one million golden ducats to support this fleet |
the Spanish Armada
Mr. Berkman, a hit man who becomes Mr. Block, an actor |
In chemistry, types of these containers include Florence, Schlenk & Erlenmeyer |
If someone said you had beetle-crushers, it meant big these body parts |
(Jonathan: What are teeth?) ... (Mayim: What are [*]? The better to crush beetles with.)
NPR's Planet Money reported $875 buys 2.5 million of these automated annoyances, maybe to sell you on renewing an auto warranty |
(Ray: What are bots?)
In the 1540s he wrote, "Finally, we shall place the Sun himself at the center of the universe" |
Bringing Sunday churchgoers to cast their votes after services is rhymingly called these "to the polls" |
Mr. Read, an 8-year-old aardvark |
In 1954 neuroscientist John C. Lilly designed this tank to explore results of cutting off all external stimuli |
a sensory deprivation tank
A heavy drinker with a red nose was this naval bigwig "of the red" |
an admiral
Hold on, hold on... no, we won't reveal the name of this NPR weekly quiz show that debuted in 1998 with Carl Kasell as its judge |
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
The day that Henry VIII married Catherine Howard, July 28, 1540, this chief advisor to the king was executed |
(Thomas) Cromwell
Saying it was no longer needed, in 2013 the Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of this law & its federal oversight |
(Mayim: 1965.)
the Voting Rights Act
Ms. Findlay, Edith Bunker's cousin |
(Ray: Who is June?) (Aline: Who is Archie?)
The OED says this is a 2-word "box in which a young woman... collects articles... in the event of her marriage" |
a hope chest
From a character in popular entertainment, a Peck's this was a man who didn't obey social norms |
Peck's Bad Boy
In April 2021 NPR's Fresh Air remembered this Apollo 11 hero who had just passed; he had called his solo Moon orbit "completely serene" |