Show #8481 - Monday, October 4, 2021

Matt Amodio game 34.


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Mike Howard, a retired iron worker and writer from Peculiar, Missouri

Elizabeth Mitchell, a student and part-time engagement specialist from Rosemead, California

Matt Amodio, a Ph.D. student from New Haven, Connecticut (whose 33-day cash winnings total $1,267,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
This 1981 novel is named for a sick 200-pound St. Bernard in Maine
    $200 27
Made the last of 21 straight all-star teams in 1975:
    $200 28
Crossword, jigsaw, Sudoku... all are a real this
    $200 15
This covers "the right of the people... to petition the government for a redress of grievances"
    $200 29
Killing a man was one good reason this vice president did not succeed his boss, Jefferson; later, he got busted for treason
    $200 26
Stick with it, this fried favorite made its debut at the 1942 Texas State Fair
    $400 21
In Chapter One of this book, "a great fish" severs a woman's femoral artery, the blood now "a beacon... clear and true"
    $400 22
Look at numbers like 7,356 innings pitched & you'll:
    $400 23
Add a "Y" to this 4-letter word for gloom or a dark mist & you get a word for hard to understand
    $400 18
Sounds like bad grammar but "me" is an objective singular pronoun of this linguistic form
    $400 24
In a 1998 floor speech, Bob Livingston stunned colleagues by saying he would not succeed Newt Gingrich in this job
    $400 25
Shrimp & vegetables are popular fillings for this battered & deep-fried Japanese dish
    $600 13
Coming between "Night" & "Day", it's the middle title in Elie Wiesel's acclaimed trilogy
    $600 14
Class of 2020:
    $600 16
"Bewitched, Bothered & Perplexed" wasn't quite the right song title, so folks went with this synonym
    $600 17
2-word term describing an E.M.T. who goes to a crisis area to provide immediate assistance
    $600 19
In 1978 Giovanni Benelli was said to be a favorite--twice--to be the successor in this job but did not have the votes
    $600 20
Aw Cher, Acadians graced Louisiana with this sugar-covered fried treat whose name comes from French for "fritter"
    $800 7
Named for a music genre, this Toni Morrison novel involves a Harlem love triangle
    $800 8
Spectacular southpaw:
    $800 10
A 6-foot unit of nautical measurement is within this word meaning impossible to understand
    DD: $6,600 9
Primus inter pares is Latin for this, the member of a power-sharing group with a little more juice than the rest
    $800 11
Joice Mujuru was set to succeed Robert Mugabe as leader of this African nation but got dismissed as vice president in 2014
    $800 12
This long Mexican fritter is deep-fried, cinnamon-coated & all-delicious
    $1000 1
It's the original title of Sapphire's novel about Claireece "Precious" Jones
    $1000 2
He took a big lead & slid into the H.O.F. in 2009: R.H.
    $1000 3
Riddle-named Nazi enciphering machine
    $1000 5
As leader of Poland from 1956 to 1970, Wladyslaw Gomulka held this Communist Party title
    $1000 4
In 2004 the line of succession changed in this country when King Abdullah II dubbed his half-brother Hamzah ex-heir apparent
    $1000 6
This ovoid appetizer with a nationality in its name is enclosed in sausage & breadcrumbs

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Elizabeth Mike
$15,200 -$400 -$1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Elizabeth Mike
$18,600 $600 -$1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
In this frigid region, Russia's Lena River rises near Lake Baikal & flows over 2,700 miles north to the Laptev Sea
    $400 29
Joseph Haydn told Leopold, dad of this prodigy, "Your son is the greatest composer known to me in person or by name"
    $400 28
Misophonia is a disorder in which a person is triggered & distressed by these
    $400 7
In linguistics, this 4-letter word associated with simile-making is considered a filler word
    $400 19
Rick retires Replicants, Roy (Rutger) ruminates in rain
    $400 26
Top equestrian trio of races that are next in line to be the reigning monarch
    $800 22
In some areas, mountains more than one mile high form the banks of this river that runs from Tibet to the East China Sea
    $800 23
"Your tiny hand is frozen, let me warm it in mine", sings Rodolfo to Mimi in this opera
    $800 24
By definition keratitis is an inflammation of this part of the eye
    $800 25
As a bonus gift, surround that delicate item you mail to a pal with bags of freshly made this... maybe Orville Redenbacher's?
    $800 27
Linguistics lass learns lexicon of labyrinthine life forms
    $800 21
Southern state capital confection that's made of crystallized sugar
    $1200 3
The Mekong River fluctuates greatly during the year, with its highest levels after the rains of this wind system
    $1200 8
The christening, the spell & the awakening are all part of this fairy tale ballet
    $1200 6
Distal means away from the point of origin; this similar-sounding word means pertaining to the back
    $1200 13
If gray is not your favorite color, block filler is used to paint this type of "block" made from burned matter
    $1200 20
Beleaguered botanist bolsters base, buddies bounce back, boost on board
    $1200 16
Geographic latitude separating the 2 Koreas that's a gymnastics apparatus
    DD: $2,000 2
This lake of Israel famous for its biblical associations is fed & drained by the Jordan River
    $1600 5
Eugene O'Neill described this 4-act family drama as "old sorrow written in tears & blood"
    $1600 4
Used to describe a method of taking medication, it means "below the tongue"
    $1600 12
Used as filling in a defensive wall near Mount Olympus, a 2,200-year-old statue of this queen & goddess was found in 2006
    $1600 18
Aging actors assume anterior aspects, Allen aids admiring aliens against annihilation
    $1600 15
Artistic Left Bank region of Paris that's a meaty McDonald's burger
    $2000 1
Long considered sacred, the Godavari River flows 910 miles west to east across India into this bay
    $2000 10
Paul Signac used this technique that he helped pioneer in his painting "The Red Buoy" seen here
    DD: $5,000 9
Often administered through an inhaler, it's the 14-letter term for a medication that opens up the airways
    $2000 11
This French-named delight seen here in a bowl & as filling is made by whipping up chocolate & heavy cream
    $2000 17
Cruise & crafty computer collaborate on crimes not yet committed
    $2000 14
Late summer arts festival in the desert that's a basement hangout with TV & beer

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Elizabeth Mike
$46,000 $2,200 $4,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

10 years before a more famous work, he wrote in 1503 that the way to deal with rebels is to placate them or eliminate them

Final scores:

Matt Elizabeth Mike
$83,000 $200 $4,401
34-day champion: $1,350,801 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Matt Elizabeth Mike
$37,200 $2,200 $3,800
42 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
7 R,
2 W
6 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $43,200

>" target="_blank">[game responses] >" target="_blank">[game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2021-08-27
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