Show #8418 - Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to National Alliance on Mental Illness.


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Mara Davis, a conference and events manager from Chicago, Illinois

Shannon Debus-Horn, an attorney originally from Port Charlotte, Florida

Tim Lopez, a storytelling coach originally from Los Angeles, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $14,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

THE U.K. IN THE 1980s
    $200 26
Belgium chose this symbol of remembrance
    $200 11
Nicknamed the devil's hatband, this fencing material was introduced to Texas in the 1870s
    $200 1
If you check out the design on what the pitchman for this company is wearing, you'll see the two initials of the company
    $200 21
This PM was re-elected by a landslide in 1983 & her Conservative Party used its majority to usher in wide changes
    $200 6
A dorsal prominence of a finger joint
    $200 16
He won Emmys for his portrayal of Tony Soprano
    $400 27
Turkey's national flower is this one also prominently associated with a Western European country
    $400 12
On March 7, 1876 he was granted one of the most valuable patents ever--a method of transmitting sound over a wire
    $400 2
For decades, Cocoa Puffs cereal has been repped by Sonny, this type of bird
    $400 22
In 1987 a conference of this entity voted by a huge majority for the ordination of women
    $400 7
From Latin for "to climb", it means to rise, as in a dirigible
    $400 17
He garnered an Emmy as the fastidious Felix
    $600 28
The Holy Ghost variety of one of these exotic tropical plants is Panama's national flower
    $600 13
Thanks to the book & film "Mommie Dearest", we know that Joan Crawford had a real aversion to these wire objects
    $600 3
Seen here, Milana Vayntrub is keen to get you to try the services of this telecommunications giant
    $600 23
The Brits exported New Wave bands like this "Wishing" & "Space Age Love Song" group whose singer had a wing-style haircut
    $600 8
The Romans called it dies Mercurii, the day of Mercury
    $600 18
Tony Shalhoub won a 2019 Emmy for playing the dad of Midge, the title woman on this show
    $800 29
Tunisia's national flower is this fragrant white one, also the name of a revolution that started there in 2010
    DD: $1,600 14
On HBO's "The Wire", this state's Governor Robert Ehrlich had a cameo as a security guard
    $800 4
In a recent ad Chipotle asked if one of these handheld items could change the world
    $800 24
Michael Fagan broke into this residence & spent 10 minutes chatting with the Queen before being arrested
    $800 9
It's the "h" in the math formula 1/2 b h
    $800 19
In 2002, when he was a senior at Eastern Illinois University, this QB won the NCAA's Walter Payton Award
    $1000 30
A Spanish national flower is this one whose name comes from the Latin for "flesh"
    $1000 15
Born in Germany in 1905, Karl was the patriarch of this family famous for its high-wire act
    $1000 5
Dean Winters has been wrecking people's days as "Mayhem" in ads for this company
    $1000 25
A hunger strike at Maze Prison in this U.K. country resulted in 10 deaths & widespread unrest
    $1000 10
It can follow bush, Delian or fantasy
    $1000 20
This crooner has won 18 Grammy awards--the first in 1963 & the most recent in 2015

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Shannon Mara
$1,600 $5,200 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Shannon Mara
$4,400 $7,000 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: What they're called per the Government Publishing Office.)
    $400 21
For the title of this novel about World War I, Hemingway went back to a 16th century poem by George Peele
    $400 16
On July 20, 1969 he said, "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed"
    $400 23
These additives like Red No. 2 come with FD&C in front of their name
    $400 9
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, playing D.C. politics really, really dirty
    $400 4
The GPO insists you call people from this state "Hoosiers"
    $400 11
This 3-letter region from the waist to the knees on humans only exists when one is seated
    $800 22
E.M. Forster admired Walt Whitman & quoted a poem in "Leaves of Grass" for the title of this 1924 subcontinental novel
    $800 17
This medieval monk had an out-of-wedlock child with Heloise
    $800 24
STP has a fuel additive that boosts this, from the Latin for "eight"
    $800 1
Julie Bowen, relating to her relatives
    $800 5
Wyoming adds these 3 letters to get the word for a resident, who now sounds like a mineral
    $800 12
Aorta comes from the Greek for "great" this other "A" word
    $1200 28
"Rage, rage against" this title of George R.R. Martin's first novel, a quote from a poem by Dylan Thomas
    $1200 18
Seen here sketching, he doesn't look especially kooky or spooky
    $1200 25
This substance, seen here, that's added to beer & milkshakes, comes from cereal grain that's allowed to undergo germination
    $1200 2
Jon Cryer, 1 of 2.5 men
    $1200 6
This word for someone from New Haven or New Britain rhymes with "butter"
    $1200 13
This ridge over your eyes can also refer to the expression of your face
    DD: $1,000 29
From Sonnet 30 by Shakespeare: "When to the sessions of sweet silent thought / I summon up" this Marcel Proust title
    $1600 19
The first female president of the Philippines, she brought democracy back after the long dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos
    $1600 26
The W.H.O. suggests face masks made with polypropylene, which has this water-repelling adjective that means "afraid of water"
    $1600 3
Zach Galifianakis--what a clown or "cloon"
    DD: $2,600 7
2 of the 3 states whose final "S" becomes an "N" to describe their residents
    $1600 14
This part of the knee begins with a 4-letter word for the top of the head
    $2000 30
The novel title "A Handful of Dust" by Evelyn Waugh comes from this T.S. Eliot poem about our decayed culture
    $2000 20
This great dramatist fought in & may have been wounded at the Battle of Marathon
    $2000 27
An emulsifier is an additive that encourages this process in which particles mix but don't dissolve
    $2000 10
Oh, brother! After some analysis, David Hyde Pierce takes 4 Emmys
    $2000 8
Residents of this state are to be called this state "Residents" to differentiate from the native population
    $2000 15
Iambs are metrical these

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Shannon Mara
$7,600 $15,200 $13,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 2002 Macon, Georgia, where he grew up, unveiled a statue of this man who sits overlooking the water, a nod to his posthumous No. 1 hit

Final scores:

Tim Shannon Mara
$5,200 $2,799 $27,600
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $27,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tim Shannon Mara
$7,600 $15,400 $16,400
12 R,
2 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $39,400

>" target="_blank">[game responses] >" target="_blank">[game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2021-03-16
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