Show #8413 - Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to National Alliance on Mental Illness.


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Lydia Glaw, a biomedical engineer from Gaithersburg, Maryland

John Alba Cutler, an English professor from Wilmette, Illinois

Robin Lozano, a hospitality executive from San Antonio, Texas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $12,601)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: "A" is the only vowel in each response.)
    $200 2
In Exodus, God promises to "rain bread from heaven"; when the Israelites see it, they call it this
    $200 1
This barbarian ruler who had terrorized Europe died on his wedding night in 453 A.D.
    $200 11
1960s playboy/spy wakes up in the 1990s; playboy/spy travels back to the 1960s; playboy/spy travels back to 1975
    $200 13
Although the red type of this tree can provide sap for syrup, it mainly gives us shade
    $200 23
I'd like to buy a Flodalen, a terry cloth this from IKEA
    $200 12
A situation involving conflict, or a Pulitzer Prize category for plays
    $400 3
Biblical dreamers include Joseph & in the gospel of Matthew, the wife of this Roman governor
    $400 7
The 2nd tsar of this name freed the serfs in Russia in 1861
    $400 27
Heist in Vegas; heist in Europe; heist in Vegas
    $400 14
Pull out the stopper & let's celebrate this live oak species that produces a useful spongy lightweight product
    $400 22
Got some caped crusading to do, so I'll need one of these head coverings, from Latin for "hood"
    $400 16
Lady fingers & thousand fingers are varieties of this fruit
    $600 4
A version known as the "Wicked Bible" was printed in 1631 with the typo "Thou shalt commit" this sin
    DD: $2,000 8
This nation that was formed at the end of World War I broke in 2 in 1993
    $600 30
Killings intercut with baptism; killings in Cuba; killings intercut with an opera
    $600 15
The southern species of this tree gives us the flower seen here
    $600 24
I want to lay some bricks, so I'll take a Kraft tool carbon steel one of these mortar spreaders with a flat plate & a handle
    $600 17
A defacer of property, or a member of King Gunderic's 5th century tribe
    $800 5
The shortest verse in the King James Bible is John 11:35, these 2 words
    $800 9
Once a powerful republic, this Italian city lost 4 wars to Venice in the Middle Ages
    $800 29
Movie earns 4 Oscars; movie earns 2 Oscars; movie earns 11 Oscars
    $800 18
The leaves of Brazil's carnauba palm yield a type of this used in lipsticks & shoe polish
    $800 25
Guess it's time I got around to reading "My American Journey", the 1995 autobiography of this Secretary of State
    $800 20
This nickname of General Pershing can also mean a face card in spades or clubs
    $1000 6
Not to be confused with Barabbas, this companion of Paul has sometimes been credited with writing the epistle to the Hebrews
    $1000 10
On October 25, 1415 an English army won this battle over a much larger French force
    $1000 28
Hero visits parents; hero visits kids; hero visits great-great-grandparents
    $1000 19
Trees named for Rudolph Hass yield the most popular variety of these
    $1000 26
I love to build things, so I sure could use a Madison Mill round wood poplar one of these connecting rods
    $1000 21
The name of this gourd rattle is from a South American Indian word

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Robin John Lydia
$1,400 $2,000 -$1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robin John Lydia
$7,000 $4,400 -$800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
This island has a museum in Napoleon's summer residence, Villa San Martino
    $400 6
In "My Beloved World", this first Hispanic American on the Supreme Court talks about growing up in a Bronx housing project
    $400 18
The Incoherents had fun with art: Eugène Bataille depicted this Leonardo da Vinci gal enjoying a pipe
    $400 9
In the 1950s these candy dispensers were adorned with heads; they've now been adorned with almost 2,000 different ones
    $400 1
Chickens don't have these digits, but in 2020 the OED acknowledged their existence in a popular fried food product
    $400 26
In 1986 Janet Jackson sang about this Freudian "Principle"
    $800 8
Here's the flag of this chilly island that's more than three times the size of Texas
    $800 13
In this 1937 memoir Isak Dinesen told of her life in Kenya, where she managed a coffee plantation
    DD: $3,000 19
With work like "Indefinite Divisibility", Yves Tanguy helped import this European movement to the United States
    $800 23
The mythical story of Prometheus points to a real medical fact: this organ's ability to regenerate itself
    $800 2
Even better than awesome is "awesome" followed by this 5-letter liquid
    $800 28
In "Paranoid", this hard-rocking man sang, "People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time"
    $1200 10
Visit the port of Lahaina or drive the Hana Highway on this Hawaiian island
    $1200 14
"Mad Girl's Love Song" tells of this poet's "Life Before Ted" (Hughes)
    $1200 20
Named for Orpheus, Orphism was an offshoot of this other "-ism" of Georges Braque
    $1200 17
(Brad Keselowski presents from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.) I'm Brad Keselowski; the pit crew guy hauling a 20-pound piece of equipment to help change my four tires is called this, also the last name of an X-Men actor
    $1200 3
Chichimec refers to an indigenous people of this country
    $1200 27
In 1967 this man sang, "Manic depression is a frustrating mess"--what a harrowing "experience"
    $1600 11
The names of the 2 main islands that make up this equatorial nation mean "St. Thomas & Prince"
    $1600 15
"Daughter of Destiny" is the autobiography of this slain Pakistani prime minister
    $1600 21
Henri Matisse was the leader of this "wild beast" art movement that flourished in the early 1900s
    $1600 24
A cloak called the scapular is worn by this order of monks established by a papal bull in 1216
    $1600 4
The last 4 months of the year are called these 5-letter "months", like the last piece of wood in a fire
    $1600 29
This Nirvana song shares its name with an element used in medications for bipolar disorder
    $2000 12
This island 37 miles north of Venezuela grows oranges whose peel is used to make a famous liqueur
    DD: $2,000 16
"The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas" is less about Alice & more about this woman, her life partner who wrote the book
    $2000 22
Led by Robert Henri, "The Eight" were a group of artists who tried to show a grittier side of city life in this "rubbish" movement
    $2000 25
To keyboard players a "smear" is this finger-sweeping action, from a word meaning to slide
    $2000 5
The Henriad refers to 4 plays by this man

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robin John Lydia
$13,000 $11,000 $2,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Used as a newspaper name from New York to San Diego, it was an ancient Roman official who represented the people's interests

Final scores:

Robin John Lydia
$3,999 $19,700 $4,041
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $19,700 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Robin John Lydia
$13,000 $10,800 $2,800
22 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
7 W

Combined Coryat: $26,600

>" target="_blank">[game responses] >" target="_blank">[game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2021-03-15
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