This pharaoh was only about 18 when he died circa 1339 B.C.; the cause of his death is still a mystery |
King Tut
Georgia quartet whose hits include "Stand" & "Losing My Religion" |
In 1885 Gottlieb Daimler & Wilhelm Maybach mounted an engine on a bike, creating the first of these |
a motorcycle
The first remark the Mad Hatter addresses to her is "Your hair wants cutting" — how rude |
Museum Island in this German capital has several notable museums, including the Pergamon & Bode |
You're on the money if you know that S&L is the abbreviation for this |
savings & loan
In 1474 she became Queen of Castile & Leon |
Queen Isabella
On the CD "If I Were" one of these, Sheryl Crow & 4 Non Blondes emulated Karen & Richard |
(Gwen: Who were The Carpenters?) (Alex: Yes, what is [*]?)
a Carpenter
In 1874 David Kalakaua, king of these islands, became the 1st reigning monarch to visit the U.S. |
Hawaii (the Hawaiian Islands)
In "Wuthering Heights", young Hindley Earnshaw calls him a "beggarly interloper" & an "imp of Satan" |
In 1988 the National Gallery of Canada in this city moved into a permanent home |
(Alex: National Gallery of Canada in the capital of [*].)
Those of you who are preparing for the SAT should know that SAT stands for this |
(Chris: What is Scholastic Assessment Test?) [Initially ruled incorrect; reversed before the Double Jeopardy! Round because "as of this year, that's what it's called, instead of 'Aptitude'."]
Scholastic Aptitude Test
Emperor Valentinian III's sister Honoria wanted to marry this horrific Hun but it never worked out |
Attila the Hun
In 1994 Luther Vandross & Mariah Carey remade this Lionel Richie/Diana Ross duet |
"Endless Love"
In 1903 the first Rhodes scholars began attending this university |
Jonathan Harker is amazed to see him crawl down his castle wall face down, his cloak spread out like wings |
This capital's Norsk Folkemuseum has 150 rebuilt structures from all over the country |
HC can refer to Holy Communion or to this, in the British Parliament |
House of Commons
This famed British nurse nearly died of Crimean fever during the Crimean War |
Florence Nightingale
Trent Reznor's alternative band who recorded the album "The Downward Spiral" |
Nine Inch Nails
It occurred July 20, 1969 |
the first Moon landing
This Oscar Wilde character says, "Oh, I am tired of sitting, and I don't want a life-sized portrait" |
Dorian Gray
His presidential museum is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan |
Gerald Ford
To a demographer, ZPG is an abbreviation for this |
zero population growth
In 1952 Argentine workers contributed 1 day's wages to pay for this woman's tomb |
Eva Peron
Singer heard here, she's been compared to Bruce Springsteen & Janis Joplin:
"Come to my window / Crawl inside, wait by the light of the Moon / Come to my window / I'll be home soon..." |
(Alex: Gus?) (Gus: I'm sorry, I have no idea.)
Melissa Etheridge
In 1934 Evangeline Booth became this organization's first woman general |
the Salvation Army
In a Russian novel, Kitty Shcherbatsky & this title character both fall in love with Count Vronsky |
Anna Karenina
The Whitney Museum of American Art has America's largest collection of the art of this mobile maker |
(Alexander) Calder
SALT, as in the SALT agreements to limit the production of nuclear weapons, stands for this |
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (or Treaty)