The ancient "Father of History" aka "Father of Lies", Herodotus said in India, ants bigger than foxes dig for this precious metal |
Its author shouldn't "waste his strength on such purposeless and unequal doings as these rambling volumes about spermaceti whales" |
Mirrorball Trophy |
Dancing with the Stars
"Without further" this... it means hubbub! |
This 1848 writing team popularized the word bourgeoisie for the middle class that controlled the means of production |
Marx & Engels
Harvard professor Charles Eliot Norton thought the curve, an innovation of his time in this sport, was cheating |
Herodotus wrote that this ancient capital on the Euphrates was so big it had 100 gates (it had 8) |
(Matt: What is Baghdad?)
H.L. Mencken: The "clown Fitzgerald rushes to his death in nine short chapters... this story is obviously unimportant" |
(Katie: Mencken was harsh.) [Laughter]
The Great Gatsby
"Outplay", "Outlast" |
A promenade by the beach, or a fancy Monopoly property |
a boardwalk
This French word for "small" is used of small businessmen, civil servants & others aspiring to be haut-bourgeois |
With readings taken at Mauna Loa Observatory, the Keeling Curve shows the buildup of this gas in the atmosphere |
carbon dioxide
Skeptical for once, Herodotus doubted the accuracy of this poem, questioning why Greeks would fight for so long over one woman |
the Iliad
"Characterization in general is weak... nor is the commander strongly drawn. Again, the aunts are best... it lacks imagination" |
(Justin: What is The Joy Luck Club?)
The Handmaid's Tale
Brainiacs, Bazinga! |
The Big Bang Theory
Keats' "To Autumn" is one |
an ode
An essential part of the 19th century German decor called Biedermeier was one of these, ein Klavier |
a piano
In this curve with a musical instrument in its name, a "C" grade is typically the center of the distribution |
the bell curve
Many historians doubt that Herodotus visited Egypt, but he still gave a detailed description of this embalming process |
Oh, Heathcliff! "The only consolation which we have in reflecting upon" this Bronte work "is that it will never be generally read" |
Wuthering Heights
Piper, prison |
Orange Is the New Black
Exodus mentions "the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in" this, meaning captivity |
This relaxing residence is a common bourgeois possession; the film "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" is set in one |
a chateau (country home)
Many roadways in America have a curve known by this morbid name as in the 1964 song; the California one seen here is no longer used |
a dead man's curve
Herodotus claimed that only 192 Greeks were killed but 6,400 of these invading foes died at the Battle of Marathon... hmmm |
the Persians
"The trial and the melodramatic conclusion" of this "seem contrived. But (the) insight into Southern mores is impressive" |
(Katie: Yes, you should know that as a teacher.) [Laughter]
To Kill a Mockingbird
Sweathogs, school |
Welcome Back, Kotter
It's a French dialect of Louisiana, ma chere |
David Brooks dubbed those who combine nice possessions & hippie values "Bobos", short for bourgeois these |
"P" is for this type of curve, which lends its name to a type of mirror or antenna |