Jasper Johns has been called the father of this type of art whose name also means "father" |
(Sean: Uh...) (Alex: Hurry!)
pop art
This 1865 Lewis Carroll book was inspired by Alice Liddell, the daughter of the dean of Christ Church |
Alice in Wonderland
In a William Congreve proverb, this "has charms to soothe a savage breast" |
This founder of the Order of Preachers was the subject of a No. 1 hit song by the Singing Nun |
St. Dominic
The center of Rome since the 8th century B.C., Caesar added the law court to it |
(Alex: We have less than a minute to go.)
the Forum
His chief Tahitian work was "Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We going?" |
(Paul) Gauguin
Presidential daughter who said Calvin Coolidge looked "as if he had been weaned on a pickle" |
Alice Roosevelt
"One catches more flies with a spoonful of honey than 20 pounds of" this |
In 1866 this saint joined a convent at Nevers & never returned to Lourdes |
(St.) Bernadette
Marcel Duchamp caused a scandal at the 1913 Armory Show in NYC with his "Nude Descending" this |
a Staircase
Among the writings of this confidante of Gertrude Stein are a cookbook & an autobiography |
(Alice B.) Toklas
It precedes "Weep, and you weep alone" |
Laugh, and the world laughs with you
A patron of sailors, his name is given to electrical discharges sometimes seen at ships' mastheads |
(Jan: Who is St. Vitus?) ... (Alex: [*]'s fire.)
St. Elmo
In a Roman domus or house, the atrium was the courtyard, the hortus was the garden & the culina, this |
the kitchen
His "Allegory of Spring" & "The Birth of Venus" were painted for Lorenzo de Medici's villa |
(Sean: Uh... $3,000.) (Alex: You can only wager what you have, unless you have less than $1,000.) (Sean: Uh, let's go with $1,500.) (Alex: $1,500. All right, that's less than what you have.) [Laughter] ... (Alex: And frankly, now that you have come up with that correct response, I don't blame you for trying to wager more than you had.) [Laughter]
Her novel "The Color Purple" won both a Pulitzer Prize & an American Book Award in 1983 |
Alice Walker
This happens "when poverty comes in at the door" |
love flies out the window
The U.S.'s Thule Air Force Base was built on this island with the knowledge it would sink |
John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Christian Brothers, is patron of this learned profession |
school teachers
In addition to ruling Rome as its first emperor, he ended the reign of the pharaohs |
(Alex: You have the lead at $6,500; you can risk any or all of that, but not more than that.) [Laughter]
Augustus (Caesar) (Octavius)
This "Fog Warning" artist's 1st assignment for "Harper's Weekly" was to sketch Lincoln's inauguration |
Winslow Homer
This actress, once a film rival of Betty Grable, has been married to Phil Harris since 1941 |
(Alex: We have a number of senior citizens in our audience and I'm sure each & every one of them know the correct response is [*].)
Alice Faye
"It is better to be envied than" this |
(Michael: What is loved?) (Jan: What is rich?) ... (Alex: Much better to be loved, I would say, though.)
A point, cape & strait are named for this English administrator & geographer |
(Jan: Who is Narrows?) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
John Barrow
St. John (Fisher) of Rochester shares his feast with this other English saint also martyred in 1535 |
(St. Thomas) More
He was the first emperor to be assassinated |
(Jan: Who is Julius Caesar?)