French for "stick", it's the wand a conductor uses to make magical musical moments |
a baton
You can buy both the "summer" & "winter" varieties of this vegetable most times of the year |
A.E. Housman heard a wise man say, "Give crowns and pounds and guineas but not" this "away" |
your heart
Before & after his term as Johnson's VP, he served as a Minnesota senator |
This city's Clark County Library is located about 2 miles east of the Strip |
Las Vegas
Wackford Squeers, Smike, Kate Nickleby |
Nicholas Nickleby
Harry Belafonte popularized this type of rhythmical song from Trinidad |
The rutabaga is believed to be a cross between a cabbage & this root vegetable |
a turnip
He "howled", "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness" |
Allen Ginsberg
After Gerald Ford succeeded to the presidency, he named this man vice president |
Nelson Rockefeller
In 1524 Michelangelo was commissioned to build the Laurentian Library in this city |
(Mark: What is Milan?)
Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon, Hepzibah & Phoebe |
The House of the Seven Gables
A free-form mood piece; Liszt wrote some "Hungarian" style |
Some markets now carry broccoflower, a hybrid of these two vegetables |
broccoli & cauliflower
Shelley wrote "to a Skylark", but Keats wrote an "Ode to" this songbird |
a Nightingale
Vice president under James Polk, he was born in Pennsylvania, not Texas |
George Dallas
The Austrian National Library in Vienna was enriched by gifts from this ruling family |
the Hapsburgs
O'Brien, Mr. Charrington, Winston Smith |
The ability to identify a musical tone by name or sing it without hearing any other tone |
perfect pitch
The brief cooking time of this vegetable led to the expression "Quicker than you can cook..." |
(Mark: What is a leek?)
Completes R.L. Stevenson's line "Home is the sailor, home from the sea and the hunter..." |
home from the hill
As VP during FDR's first two terms, he helped put through the New Deal program |
John Nance Garner
This library was founded in the 15th century by Nicholas V |
the Vatican Library
Jurgis Rudkus, a stockyard worker; Ona Rudkus, his wife; Antanas Rudkus, his father |
The Jungle
"mp" the musical mark meaning "moderately soft", stands for this |
mezzo piano
Varieties of this crisp salad vegetable include the cherry belle & scarlet globe |
the radish
Wordsworth said this "is too much with us; late and soon, getting and spending, we lay waste our powers" |
the world
After resigning as VP in 1832, he served in the Senate & later became sec'y of state under John Tyler |
John C. Calhoun
Over 12 million printed volumes & 500,000 magazines are contained within this Paris library |
the Bibliothèque nationale
Hugh Conway, a British consul; Chang, a Chinese monk; Father Perrault, the high lama |
Lost Horizon