Show #8262 - Tuesday, October 20, 2020


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Maddie Kahan, a pediatric neurology resident originally from Agoura Hills, California

Carlos Chaidez, a civil engineer from Burbank, California

Kristin Hucek, an attorney from San Francisco, California (whose 3-day cash winnings total $24,808)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
The Era of Good Feelings was a period of post-war calm in the early 19th century, mostly during this man's presidency
    $200 2
During a 2017 performance of this Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, a service dog ran after Bombalurina, one of the title characters
    $200 5
The apparent boundary line between the earth & sky
    $200 26
Some in the military jokingly call this building "The Five-Sided Puzzle Palace"
    $200 18
This hero: "I swear to you before God, Monsieur... that I am not Cosette's father"
    $200 1
We're going to "roll out" this cylindrical wooden container
    $400 13
The Era was a time of building roads & these aqueous transport arteries, such as the Lehigh one
    $400 3
He's a producer as well as a star of several "Fast & Furious" films and of 2020's "Bloodshot"
    $400 6
A meeting for discussion, or the Big Ten
    $400 27
Rear Adm. Isaac Kidd, the 1st U.S. Navy flag officer killed by foreign enemy action, was on the Arizona's bridge during this attack
    $400 19
This title character: "On the first of September 1651, I went on board a ship bound for London"
    $400 14
64 million pieces of this chewy candy bearing the nickname of its inventor's daughter are made daily
    $600 22
The Era had little political strife due to the self-destruction of this political party at the end of the War of 1812
    $600 4
When James Corden got Paul McCartney in his vehicle in 2018, they switched seats several times during this Beatles tune
    $600 7
To go dormant through winter; one experiment had a brown bat do it for 344 days in a fridge
    $600 28
In 2015 about 30 people were injured when the feathers flew, causing West Point to ban an annual tradition, this fight by cadets
    $600 20
This Steinbeck hero, before taking leave of his family: "Wherever they's a fight so hungry people can eat, I'll be there"
    $600 15
Alexa, play "Never Gonna Give You Up" by him; he sang it with Foo Fighters in 2017 & you've been him-rolled!
    $800 23
The relative calm of the Era made it possible to create the second of these institutions, later savaged by Andrew Jackson
    $800 10
For an ad, Preparation H wanted this song, a big hit in 1963; the singer's daughter Rosanne said "No"
    $800 8
For 2, 5 & 11, it is 6
    DD: $2,000 21
Her, to Roger Chillingworth: "Ask me not!...thou shalt never know!"
    $800 16
This spiny omnivore can roll into a ball & float on its back; its porcupine-like spines protect its soft belly
    $1000 24
Florida became an American territory due to the first of these wars in 1817 & 1818
    $1000 11
This "Simpsons" character once sold haggis from a booth for 50 cents a serving
    $1000 9
Time to do this, recite a verb's inflected forms--I am, you are, she is, we are...
    $1000 25
This criminal leader: "We are very glad to see you, Oliver, --very"
    $1000 17
Mark 16:3 asks, "Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of" this, a synonym for tomb

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kristin Carlos Maddie
$1,600 $1,600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kristin Carlos Maddie
$800 $600 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: As listed by UNESCO.)
    $400 11
The San Antonio Missions Heritage Site in Texas includes this site of a historic siege in 1836; remember?
    $400 23
Dennis Crowley co-founded this "numeric" technology platform that in 2009 unveiled its check-in
    $400 1
In 1659 Huygens thought there was just 1 of these features of Saturn, but there are at least 7 major ones
    $400 5
Henny Youngman's autobiography "Take My Life, Please!" riffs on this trademark line of his
    $400 20
Part of American nobility, this jazz pianist & bandleader established his "Mood Indigo" in 1930
    $400 21
Eggs Sardou uses the hearts of these veggies
    $800 10
Completed in Philadelphia in the 1750s, this building was designated a World Heritage Site in 1979
    $800 24
Dennis Ritchie of Bell Labs was known for his book about this letter's "Programming Language"
    $800 2
Lord Kelvin had his own understanding of heat transfer, leading him to estimate this at 20 million years (try 4.5 billion)
    $800 16
This future dater of the famous was just 20 when he joined the featured cast of "SNL" in 2014
    DD: $7,000 19
The "Suite" life of this comedy playwright included title stops at "California" & "London" ones
    $800 15
To. Say. Clearly. In. Distinct. Syllables. 10. Letters.
    $1200 9
With about 600 cliff dwellings of the ancestral Pueblo people, this Colorado national park is on the list
    $1200 25
In the early 1960s he convinced brother Brian to start writing songs about surfing
    $1200 3
A Feb. 1953 paper by Linus Pauling says the structure of DNA involves this many "intertwined helical polynucleotide chains"--so close
    $1200 22
Gone since 2017, this insult comedian ironically nicknamed "Mr. Warmth" is warmly remembered
    $1200 17
In 2002 this Flemish painter's "Massacre of the Innocents" sold for a modest $76 million
    $1200 14
Adjective referring to vessels that carry blood away from the heart
    $1600 8
The first World Heritage Site in Los Angeles, Hollyhock House is part of a UNESCO group of eight major works by this architect
    DD: $1,000 4
In the early 1800s John Dalton made pioneering tables of this measure, though he gave 7 for oxygen's (15.999 is correct)
    $1600 26
Garry Shandling created 2 TV series with "Show" in the title--"It's Garry Shandling's Show" & this one
    $1600 18
After returning to Paris in 1880 from military service, this young painter visited an island in the Seine called La Grande Jatte
    $1600 13
Named for an old province in France, these "wells" don't require pumps, as they flow under natural pressure
    $2000 7
Occupied c. 700-1400, Cahokia Mounds in Ill. are remnants of the largest settlement n. of Mexico eponymously called pre-this
    $2000 6
The expansion rate of the universe is the constant named for this man, who in the 1920s pegged it at 7 times the current estimate
    $2000 27
He was alpha-betically first of the 3 big ancient Greek tragic playwrights
    $2000 12
General term for a weapon like a missile launcher

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kristin Carlos Maddie
-$3,600 $20,400 $4,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Part of this famous 12-minute opening piece is called "March of the Swiss Soldiers"

Final scores:

Kristin Carlos Maddie
-$3,600 $10,400 $0
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $10,400 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kristin Carlos Maddie
-$3,600 $16,200 $5,600
4 R,
5 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $18,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2020-08-18
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