Show #2518 - Wednesday, July 12, 1995

1995-A Seniors Tournament quarterfinal game 3.


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Elliot Shteir, an attorney from Somerville, New Jersey

Fran Rothman, a psychiatrist from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Anne Farrell, a homemaker from Binghamton, New York

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
Jesus' first miracle was turning water into this
    $100 26
If this man hadn't changed his name, we would have had a Barnum & McGinnis Circus
    $100 8
Germans call this salad eiersalat--no "yolk"
    $100 16
This great jazz singer was the daughter of jazz guitarist Clarence Holiday
    $100 21
In 1995 this Calif. county's Museum of Art, LACMA, presented an exhibition of Roy Lichtenstein prints
    $100 1
Beer barrel
    $200 3
Chapter 6 of the book of Joshua is devoted to the victory at this battle
    $200 27
These famous brothers started as performers; Al, the oldest, was a juggler & tightrope walker
    $200 9
The name of the dessert apfel im schlafrock means this fruit "in nightgowns"
    $200 17
This former Secretary of Transportation is known to her friends as Liddy
    $200 22
The Queen's Gallery in this English palace has been open to the public since 1962
    $200 4
Work the dough
    $300 5
While Matthew says he hanged himself, Acts says he bought a field & there met a gruesome death
    $300 28
Tragically, 2 members of this family died when their 7-man pyramid collapsed in 1962
    $300 10
On German menus, loin of this meat is called schweinefilet
    $300 18
Dr. Mathilde Krim is renowned for her efforts to find a cure for this epidemic disease
    $300 23
Velazquez' famous painting "Las Meninas" is in this Spanish art museum
    $300 13
Soviet shoe banger
    $400 6
Genesis tells us Noah's ark was made of gopher wood; Exodus 25:10 says this was made of shittim or acacia
    $400 29
This Frenchman invented the flying trapeze act & had a snug one-piece garment named for him
    $400 12
Make dumplings from these & you'll have kartoffelklosse; mashed ones are called kartoffelpuree
    DD: $700 19
Vigdis Finnbogadottir, this country's 1st female president, has held office since 1980
    $400 24
Noted for its modern art, the Stedelijk Museum in this city is a short walk from the Rijksmuseum
    $400 14
Michigan gal's town
    $500 7
Though his oldest living son, Adonijah, aspired to the throne, David had this son anointed instead
    $500 30
This animal trainer who had his own circus called his 1933 memoir "The Big Cage"
    $500 11
Traditionally, wiener schnitzel is garnished with slices of this fruit that the Germans call zitrone
    $500 20
This Austrian-born woman known for her family singers was named Catholic mother of year in 1957
    $500 25
The American Decorative Arts Tour is a feature of the Winterthur Museum near Wilmington in this state
    $500 15
Patellar reflex

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Anne Fran Elliot
$200 $3,500 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Anne Fran Elliot
$600 $5,400 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 9
This continent represents about a third of the world's land surface
    $200 13
The cerebrum constitutes about 85% of this organ's weight
    $200 14
The Scots & Irish once used turnips instead of this gourd to carve Halloween jack-o'-lanterns
    $200 2
When Lincoln took office, the Union held 4 forts in Confederate terr.: 3 in Fla. & this one in S.C.
    $200 7
He based Tom Sawyer's half-brother Sid on his own younger brother Henry
    $200 1
Bogart won his only Oscar for his role as the skipper opposite Katharine Hepburn in this film
    $400 16
The Chiapas Highlands in this country are farmed by Mayan descendants
    $400 15
The digestive tract in humans is also known as this canal, my dear Watson
    $400 21
On June 17 Bunker Hill Day is celebrated in Suffolk County in this state
    $400 27
The Army of the James River was created in 1864 out of the Department of this state & North Carolina
    $400 8
In a 1926 letter to Ernest Hemingway, she wrote, "You are all a lost generation"
    $400 3
In 1994 a record $398,500 was paid for the much sought-after title statue from this film
    $600 18
About 60% of the population of Manitoba lives in the metropolitan area of this city
    $600 17
The spleen is located behind & to the left of the stomach, just below this dome-shaped muscle
    $600 25
Each June Clarinda, Iowa gets "In The Mood" with a festival honoring this big band leader
    $600 28
In this 1863 battle, Union troops formed a defensive position along Cemetery Ridge
    $600 10
As a teenager in 1895, poet Edgar Guest was an office boy at this Detroit newspaper
    $600 4
The 2 Humphrey Bogart films with "Sierra" in their titles
    $800 19
In 1965 Singapore separated from this Southeast Asian nation
    DD: $2,000 22
As it enters the thigh, the external iliac artery becomes this artery
    $800 24
In July in Tahiti, the Tiurai Festival centers on this French holiday
    $800 29
The fall of this city on July 4, 1863 gave the Union control of the Mississippi River
    $800 11
"The Story of Muhammad Din" is one of this British author's "Plain Tales from the Hills"
    $800 5
In this 1946 film, Bogart played gumshoe Philip Marlowe
    DD: $1,000 20
This Venezuelan river's source lies in the Parima Highlands near the Brazilian border
    $1000 23
It's the bone that runs parallel & lateral to the tibia
    $1000 26
Philadelphia is the site of this annual New Year's Day parade
    $1000 30
When the war broke out, this future president helped drill a volunteer company in Galena, Illinois
    $1000 12
This Frenchwoman was a music-hall dancer & actress before she wrote "Gigi"
    $1000 6
In a rare comedic role, he fell for a chauffeur's daughter played by Audrey Hepburn in this film

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Anne Fran Elliot
$7,200 $8,200 $8,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 1948 campaign song was written by Eubie Blake for the 1921 musical "Shuffle Along"

Final scores:

Anne Fran Elliot
$10,000 $5,200 $12,300
2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Anne Fran Elliot
$6,900 $8,200 $7,100
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
24 R,
3 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $22,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1995-02-27
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