Wilson insisted that this organization's covenant be made part of the treaty ending WWI |
the League of Nations
Its 17-foot height & keen eyesight make it difficult prey for men & lions |
a giraffe
A feng-huo-t'ai is one of the beacon towers along this very long structure |
the Great Wall of China
Anthony Babington was executed for plotting to kill Elizabeth I & free this woman |
(Bart: Who is Lady Jane Grey?)
Mary, Queen of Scots
The first federal income tax was levied to finance the cost of this 19th century war |
(Joe: What's the Spanish-American War?)
the Civil War
In 1974 Peter Benchley made a big splash with this bestseller about a killer shark |
In 1916 Wilson sent General Pershing into Mexico in pursuit of this guerrilla leader |
(Pancho) Villa
This North American mammal may weigh over 1100 pounds & is distinguished from its relatives by white fur |
a polar bear
In Japan a cha-shitsu is one of these; a famous one is "of the August Moon" |
a teahouse
Subject of Henry & Emily Folger's famous collection |
Allowed for each dependent, these set dollar amounts of income are not taxed |
"Gai-Jin", the sixth novel in his Asian saga, was a bestseller in 1993 |
(James) Clavell
In 1875 Wilson entered this college; he became its president in 1902 |
The southern flying species of this rodent may make its nest in an old woodpecker hole |
a flying squirrel
In Spain a posada is one of these; however, a Ramada isn't |
an inn
Sir Robert John Le Mesurier McClure proved the existence of this long sought-after passage |
the Northwest Passage
To itemize deductions, use this tax schedule |
(Bart: What is Schedule B?)
Schedule A
Much of this sweeping 1977 novel centers on Meggie's love for priest Ralph de Bricassart |
(Joe: I have no idea.) ... (Alex: Bart knew that, so it's just as well he didn't get it.) [Laughter]
The Thorn Birds
In a speech Jan. 22, 1917, Wilson set force his goal of "a peace without" this |
(Jim: What are covenants?)
They sleep about 18 hours a day, partly due to the lack of protein in their eucalyptus diet |
koala bears
In Russian architecture, it's the citadel of a city |
a kremlin
Hasdrubal, Hamilcar Barca's successor as commander in Spain, was succeeded by this man |
These are taxable profits from the sale of real estate or stocks |
capital gains
In 1993 Robert James Waller had 2 bestsellers simultaneously, "Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend" & this |
The Bridges of Madison County
Wilson's 1912 defeat of these 2 presidents was by the greatest number of electoral votes up to that time |
Taft & Teddy Roosevelt
This draft horse from Scotland may weigh up to 2,000 pounds, including its "feathers" |
a Clydesdale
It's the Italian term for a free-standing bell tower like the leaning one in Pisa |
a campanile
For his syphilis test, he used a technique devised by Jules Bordet & Octave Gengou |
A profit or loss for a sole proprietorship is reported on this schedule |
Schedule C
3 works by this poet-composer, including "Listen to the Warm", were bestsellers in 1968 |
Rod McKuen