Show #2294 - Thursday, July 21, 1994

1994 Seniors Tournament final game 1.


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Joe Clonick, a composer and musician originally from Chicago, Illinois

Bart Thomas, a marine art dealer from Bridgewater, New Jersey

Jim Brachman, a retired attorney from Boca Raton, Florida

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
This Russian empress was a sexy sexagenarian when she finished fighting the Turks in 1792
    $100 21
She fell for Spencer Tracy in "Shanghai Madness" the same year she was captured by King Kong
    $100 1
The Strait of Gibraltar separates the Iberian Peninsula from this continent
    $100 6
The olifant is a medieval horn originally carved from this part of an elephant
    $100 11
If you want to make these big, freeze them in muffin tins instead of the usual trays
    $100 24
Quintus Ennius gave us the phrase "No sooner said than" this
    $200 17
In her late 60s, this Duchess of Aquitaine wielded great power while her son King Richard I was on crusade
    $200 22
This queen of the rink played an ice skating refugee in the 1941 film "Sun Valley Serenade"
    $200 2
Mount Royal in the center of this Canadian city gave the city its name
    $200 7
The "steel" type of this stringed instrument has no frets
    $200 12
If these toys have full skirts, Heloise displays them by standing them up in mayonnaise jars
    $200 25
Sextus Propertius observed, "Absence makes the heart" do this
    $300 18
He was 77 when elected president of Argentina for the last time, in 1973
    $300 23
This costume designer played herself in the 1966 film "The Oscar"; fittingly, since she won 8 of them
    $300 3
A famous oracle once could be found at this site at the foot of Greece's Mt. Parnassus
    $300 8
Robert Merrill sang with this New York opera company for 30 years
    $300 13
Heloise straightens these & hangs bird feeders from them; Joan Crawford would not approve
    $300 26
The ancient proverb "In vino veritas" means "In" this "is truth"
    $400 19
This 76-year-old Red Cross "angel" distributed supplies in Cuba during the Spanish-American War
    $400 29
She performed her famous "Get Happy" number in "Summer Stock", her last film at MGM
    $400 4
Southern regions of this country include Calabria, Campania & Basilicata
    $400 9
Once a player in the CBS Symphony Orchestra, he developed the 1960s "Sing Along" TV program
    $400 14
To seal an envelope, Heloise dabs the inside flap with the clear type of this cosmetic
    $400 27
Virgil said this "conquers all things"
    $500 20
In 1974, when in his 70s, this former Viceroy of India became Lord Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight
    $500 30
Greer Garson "got him" as her co-star in "Adventure", his first film after serving in WWII
    DD: $900 5
The Oder River forms about 100 miles of the border between Poland & this country
    $500 10
This armed service's "hymn" is sung to a tune by Offenbach
    $500 15
Heloise suggests turning these masks into dog sweaters; put the front paws through the eye holes
    $500 28
Bartlett's quotes him as saying, "I wished my wife to be not so much as suspected"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jim Bart Joe
$800 $3,800 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Bart Joe
$2,200 $5,000 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
Wilson insisted that this organization's covenant be made part of the treaty ending WWI
    $200 10
Its 17-foot height & keen eyesight make it difficult prey for men & lions
    $200 1
A feng-huo-t'ai is one of the beacon towers along this very long structure
    $200 18
Anthony Babington was executed for plotting to kill Elizabeth I & free this woman
    $200 9
The first federal income tax was levied to finance the cost of this 19th century war
    $200 23
In 1974 Peter Benchley made a big splash with this bestseller about a killer shark
    $400 5
In 1916 Wilson sent General Pershing into Mexico in pursuit of this guerrilla leader
    $400 11
This North American mammal may weigh over 1100 pounds & is distinguished from its relatives by white fur
    $400 3
In Japan a cha-shitsu is one of these; a famous one is "of the August Moon"
    $400 19
Subject of Henry & Emily Folger's famous collection
    $400 12
Allowed for each dependent, these set dollar amounts of income are not taxed
    $400 24
"Gai-Jin", the sixth novel in his Asian saga, was a bestseller in 1993
    $600 6
In 1875 Wilson entered this college; he became its president in 1902
    $600 13
The southern flying species of this rodent may make its nest in an old woodpecker hole
    $600 4
In Spain a posada is one of these; however, a Ramada isn't
    $600 20
Sir Robert John Le Mesurier McClure proved the existence of this long sought-after passage
    $600 25
To itemize deductions, use this tax schedule
    DD: $1,000 28
Much of this sweeping 1977 novel centers on Meggie's love for priest Ralph de Bricassart
    $800 7
In a speech Jan. 22, 1917, Wilson set force his goal of "a peace without" this
    $800 14
They sleep about 18 hours a day, partly due to the lack of protein in their eucalyptus diet
    DD: $2,500 16
In Russian architecture, it's the citadel of a city
    $800 21
Hasdrubal, Hamilcar Barca's successor as commander in Spain, was succeeded by this man
    $800 26
These are taxable profits from the sale of real estate or stocks
    $800 29
In 1993 Robert James Waller had 2 bestsellers simultaneously, "Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend" & this
    $1000 8
Wilson's 1912 defeat of these 2 presidents was by the greatest number of electoral votes up to that time
    $1000 15
This draft horse from Scotland may weigh up to 2,000 pounds, including its "feathers"
    $1000 17
It's the Italian term for a free-standing bell tower like the leaning one in Pisa
    $1000 22
For his syphilis test, he used a technique devised by Jules Bordet & Octave Gengou
    $1000 27
A profit or loss for a sole proprietorship is reported on this schedule
    $1000 30
3 works by this poet-composer, including "Listen to the Warm", were bestsellers in 1968

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jim Bart Joe
$4,000 $9,800 $8,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Muzio Attendolo, who founded a Renaissance dynasty, took this surname that means "the forcer"

Final scores:

Jim Bart Joe
$5,500 $12,000 $6,800

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jim Bart Joe
$4,000 $9,400 $7,700
12 R,
1 W
27 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-03-08
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