Show #2383 - Wednesday, January 4, 1995

John McKeon game 4.


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Michael Parmer, a high school principal from Downey, California

Meredith Strang, an art dealer from Los Angeles, California

John McKeon, a writer from Chevy Chase, Maryland (whose 3-day cash winnings total $42,601)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
Romans swam & got steamed at these popular meeting places; the ones of Diocletian were the largest
    $100 2
Film in which Clark Gable said, "From now on they'll spell mutiny with my name"
    $100 11
In the 17th c. you could find Mona Lisa in Louis XIV's suite; now she "hangs around" here
    $100 25
One of these can be a hundred times more luminous than a regular nova
    $100 26
Mushrooms & pimientos go into the rich cream sauce for chicken a la this
    $100 1
"Equine" term for a little-known candidate who wins unexpectedly
    $200 17
A retiarius was a gladiator who tried to entangle his opponent in one of these
    $200 3
This John Wayne film was based on a novel by Charles Portis about a 14-year-old girl named Mattie Ross
    $200 12
This singing cowboy has a western heritage museum in Los Angeles' Griffith Park
    $200 24
This comet appendage develops as the comet reaches perihelion, its closest point to the Sun
    $200 27
To make hard sauce, start by beating sugar & this bread spread together until smooth & creamy
    $200 4
This term for a president's rejection of a bill comes from the Latin for "I forbid"
    $300 18
This Roman river is named for a king of Alba Longa who drowned in it
    $300 7
"Buck Privates Come Home" was this comedy team's follow-up to their 1941 film "Buck Privates"
    $300 13
Tom Brokaw narrates the audio tour of this old immigration center's museum
    $300 23
This innermost planet has been explored by only one spacecraft–Mariner 10
    $300 28
This "colorful Massachusetts" bread can be steamed in a coffee can covered with aluminum foil
    $300 5
Half of the word gerrymander is derived from the name of this amphibian
    $400 19
Around 445 B.C. this class of free citizens won the right to marry patricians
    $400 9
In "Anchors Aweigh", Gene Kelly danced with this animated partner
    DD: $500 14
The Fenimore House Museum is 1 mile outside this New York village
    $400 22
In this phase of the Moon, its illuminated side is invisible to observers on Earth
    $400 29
This grated cheese is the traditional topping for veal Orloff
    $400 6
It describes a person who's neither too liberal nor too conservative, or the position of a median strip
    $500 20
13-letter Latin term for the "father of the family" who had total power over everyone in his household
    $500 10
S. Stallone co-wrote, co-produced & directed this 1983 sequel to "Saturday Night Fever"
    $500 15
At his museum in St. Petersburg, Florida you can buy a watch inspired by "The Persistence of Memory"
    $500 21
Of these "minor planets", Vesta is the only one sometimes visible to the naked eye
    $500 30
This popover-like British pudding is made with flour, eggs & milk & baked in beef drippings
    $500 8
Historically, this word for the right to vote has been preceded by "universal' and "woman"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

John Meredith Michael
$1,800 $1,500 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Meredith Michael
$4,200 $1,600 -$300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Under a 1947 treaty, this country acquired the Dodecanese Islands in the Aegean Sea
    $200 22
This popular food fish is also called a tunny
    $200 16
This composer designed 2 French horn-like tubas to be used in his opera cycle "The Ring"
    $200 14
The Abominable Snowman is said to inhabit the Himalayas, especially this highest peak
    $200 12
Tolstoy spent years researching Napoleon & Alexander I before writing this massive novel
    $200 26
Boat races are a feature of this state's Aloha Week each fall
    $400 4
From 1328 to 1707, Mantua in the Lombardy region of this country was ruled by the Gonzaga family
    $400 23
The dwarf species of this fish with a prehensile tail measures only about 1 1/2 inches
    $400 15
From the croaking noises in its finale, Haydn's String Quartet in D major is nicknamed for this animal
    $400 17
In Arabic it's known as Jabal Musa, the mountain of Moses
    $400 13
This Johann Wyss classic was inspired by "Robinson Crusoe"
    $400 29
This unique building was originally built to house the offices of the War Department
    DD: $2,000 9
In 1690 it became the established church of Scotland
    $600 24
Pink & coho are species of this
    $600 5
The Rudolf Friml operetta that features the "Song Of The Vagabonds"
    $600 18
The Basques inhabit the westernmost part of these mountains
    $600 8
Gloriana in Edmund Spenser's poem "The Faerie Queene" represents this ruler
    $600 25
During his lifetime, this Scottish-born industrialist financed over 2500 libraries
    $800 10
In March 1919 Count Mihaly Karolyi resigned as president of this country & Communist Bela Kun took control
    $800 30
This family of fish includes the chub, bream & bitterling as well as the goldfish
    $800 3
An eisteddfod is a type of competitive music festival that originated in this part of the British Isles
    $800 21
Kibo, this volcanic mountain's highest peak, was first scaled in 1889
    $800 7
Some have described this Machiavelli novel as a manual for tyrants
    $800 28
This "angry" American Rev. general had such nicknames as "The Tornado" & "The Chief Who Never Sleeps"
    $1000 11
The city of Trondheim was founded in 997 & once served as this country's capital
    $1000 20
This fish that can inflate its body to 3 times its normal size is also called a blowfish or swellfish
    DD: $2,000 2
He wrote the "Symphonie Pathetique" about 95 years after Beethoven wrote the "Sonate Pathetique"
    $1000 19
Many Andean peaks, including Ojos del Salado, rise to over 22,000 feet; this is the tallest
    $1000 6
A portion of this Kafka novel was published separately under the title "Before the Law"
    $1000 27
This son of a cigar maker became president of CBS in 1929 & remained at the helm for over 50 years

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Meredith Michael
$10,400 $9,200 $300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The golden spike removed after the May 10, 1869 ceremony is now at this university

Final scores:

John Meredith Michael
$2,300 $400 $1
4-day champion: $44,901 2nd place: Singer 18th century bedroom set & Minoff table lamps + Sports Jeopardy! for home computer or SNES + Jeopardy! home game 3rd place: Technics mini components system + Sports Jeopardy! for home computer or SNES + Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

John Meredith Michael
$9,400 $7,700 $300
26 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
6 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $17,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-10-19
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