Show #1628 - Wednesday, October 2, 1991


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Rita Stein, a freelance editor from New York City, New York

Bill Oldach, an attorney from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Ron Reisman, a public relations executive from New York City, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $8,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Shelley asked, "O wind, if winter comes, can" this "be far behind?"
    $100 19
Once the term for any 1-man vehicle, now it's pulled by trotters
    $100 2
As Ocean Spray could tell you, Mass. & Wisc. are the top 2 growers of this fruit in the U.S.
    $100 8
Apollo's son Aristaeus was a keeper of these insects
    $100 26
In a Jerry Reed song, it's the line following "When you're hot, you're hot"
    $100 9
This frozen dessert can be traced back to a Middle Eastern fruit drink called sharbat
    $200 3
The number of lines in a cinquain
    $200 20
This U.S. National Railroad Passenger Corp. was originally called Railpax
    $200 4
Basketball's Bucks & baseball's Brewers call this city home
    $200 10
Castor & this brother were known as the Dioscuri, or sons of Zeus
    $200 27
This "outlaw" has spearheaded several Farm Aid concerts
    $200 15
This flavor is a blend of butter and brown sugar but, though the name implies it, no whisky
    $300 5
"Song of Myself", his celebration of himself is almost 1,500 lines long
    $300 21
Richard II's Queen Anne is credited with this invention that allowed women to ride horses
    $300 12
Reedsburg, Wisc. claims the largest art collection by this Saturday Evening Post illustrator
    $300 11
Perseus turned a king & his court into statues by showing them the head of this Gorgon
    $300 28
"They're gonna put me in the movies, they're gonna make a big star out of me...all I have to do is" this
    $300 16
The name of these small, rich cakes is French for "little oven"
    $400 6
Of "Southern Star", "Eastern Star" or "Western Star", the one that won S. Vincent Benet a Pulitzer Prize
    $400 22
This country with the longest single railroad line, is also 1st in freight miles traveled
    $400 23
Antislavery meetings in Ripon, Wisc. led to the formation of this political party in 1854
    $400 13
"The Pursuit of Diarmait and Grania" is a romantic tale from this country's Fenian Cycle
    $400 17
Springerle cookies are flavored with this licorice-flavored seed
    $500 7
"The Hind and the Panther" is John Dryden's ardent defense of King James II & this religion
    $500 25
He set a world record of 132 mph driving the "Blitzen Benz" in 1910
    $500 24
The two Great Lakes that border Wisconsin
    $500 14
This Norse ruler of the sky had such a huge appetite he once tried to drink the sea dry
    $500 18
White cake filled with figs, raisins & nuts named for George Calvert's wife

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ron Bill Rita
$400 -$400 $1,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ron Bill Rita
$600 $700 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
She said Saints Michael, Catherine & Margaret told her to save France
    $200 1
This Robert Louis Stevenson pirate has a parrot named Captain Flint
    $200 26
According to the Information Please Almanac, it's the planet we know the most about after Earth
    $200 21
She was born Joan de Havilland; her sister Olivia kept the family name
    $200 30
To visit Shing-Shing & Ling-Ling, a couple of giant pandas, go to this part of the Smithsonian
    $200 25
Released by the Royals, this pro baseball & football player was signed by the White Sox
    $400 17
The U.S. formally recognized the new regime in this Caribbean country on Jan. 7, 1959
    $400 2
The eternally optimistic Mr. Micawber is thought to be based on this author's own father
    $400 13
On average, it's about twice as far from the Sun as Mercury
    $400 22
In 1849 Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman in the U.S. to receive a degree in this
    $400 29
The Friendship 7 capsule in which he orbited in 1962 is in the National Air & Space Museum
    $400 24
On August 15, 1991 some 750.000 fans were treated to a free concert in Central Park by this pop singer
    $600 16
In 1936 the king of this country took the title Emperor of Ethiopia
    $600 3
In an Arabian Nights tale, the slave of the ring releases him from a cave the magician has shut him in
    $600 4
This planet is smaller than our moon
    $600 23
At 89, this romance author was recently made a dame of the British Empire
    $600 18
3 members of each of these 2 bodies serve on the institution's board of regents
    $600 7
In a speech at George Washington Univ. Hospital, he endorsed the "Brady" gun control bill
    DD: $2,000 14
Marco Polo visited China during the reign of this Mongol
    DD: $1,000 8
She is brought to Thornfield Manor as governess to Adele Varens, Rochester's ward
    $800 5
1/3 of the planets in our solar system feature these; Voyager 2 found Uranus'
    $800 27
She joined the New York City Opera Company in 1955, & 24 years later became its director
    $800 19
The concert hall of this Smithsonian affiliate is home to the National Symphony Orchestra
    $800 10
British media tycoon who saved the New York Daily News from folding
    $1000 15
After Louis XIV revoked this edict in 1685, over 250,000 Huguenots fled France
    $1000 9
Saved from drowning, spoiled Harvey Cheyne is forced to spend a summer fishing in this Kipling novel
    $1000 6
Scientists have plotted the orbits of over 2500 of these, including those of Hidalgo & Amor
    $1000 28
From 1983-85 Margaret Heckler served as secretary of this cabinet department
    $1000 20
Gordon Bunshaft designed this donut-shaped art museum noted for its sculpture collection
    $1000 12
This inventor of the Stratocaster electric guitar died at age 81

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ron Bill Rita
$3,200 $8,500 $5,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 3 countries in whose currencies United Nations stamps are issued

Final scores:

Ron Bill Rita
$6,400 $6,500 $10,400
3rd place: Krups kitchen & bathroom products + NES with Super Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune + InfoGenius for Game Boy 2nd place: Hotpoint refrigerator & FoodSaver vacuum packing system New champion: $10,400

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ron Bill Rita
$3,000 $7,300 $5,200
14 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
13 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $15,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-08-19
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