The hypothalamus, near the base of the brain, helps maintain this average body temperature |
"He laughs best who laughs" this way |
Ecology has inspired greater fashion use of this color once avoided as bad luck |
(Joe: What is black?)
Since there's a zoo in every NYC borough, the city has this many zoos |
He starred in the 1981 TV movie based on his No. 1 country hit, "Coward Of The County" |
(Alex: We have less than a minute to go.) [NOTE: Alex read "County" as "Country" and corrected himself after Marilyn's response.]
(Kenny) Rogers
A small cottage, its name may come from a Hindi word meaning "of Bengal" |
a bungalow
A single drop of blood contains millions of cells floating in this straw-colored fluid |
In "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing", Aesop warns that these "are often deceiving" |
Ted Tinling designed fashions for this sport & wrote about it in a book called "White Ladies" |
The NBA's Knickerbockers & the NHL's Rangers play their home games at this arena |
Madison Square Garden
Eddy Arnold sang, "The Last word In Lonesome Is" this |
Chalets have low-pitched roofs to allow for the accumulation of this, which acts as an insulation |
This artery is the primary vessel for carrying blood from the heart to the rest of the body |
the aorta
Its what "Many hands make" |
short (light) work
The 1989 French Revolution bicentennial inspired Paris stylists to design in these 3 colors |
red, white & blue
In 1626 this Dutchman bought Manhattan from the Canarsee Indians for 60 guilders in trinkets & goods |
Peter Minuit
Country star who had his first Top 10 hit on the pop charts with the following: "A white sports coat and a pink carnation / I'm all dressed up for the dance" |
(Marilyn: Who is Waylon Jennings?) [The song was not reprised going into the break.]
Marty Robbins
In May 1987 PTL auctioned off Jim & Tammy Bakker's air-conditioned one for $4,500 |
a dog house
When you take a breath, this dome-shaped muscle flattens, increasing the space in your chest |
the diaphragm
According to the Bible, "The spirit indeed is willing but this" is weak |
the flesh
The color associated with the imperial couple & upper class in the Roman Empire |
The Cyclone roller coaster in this amusement area was declared a city landmark in 1988 |
Coney Island
In 1951 Hank Williams lamented, "Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt" this |
your cold, cold heart
The house in which a Roman Catholic parish priest lives |
a rectory
Root canal work often involves the removal of this innermost layer of tooth that contains the nerves |
(Marilyn: What is the dentin?)
the pulp
After retreating from Moscow in 1812, Napoleon noted, "There is only one step from the sublime to" this |
the ridiculous
From Persian for "dust", it's the color of dust, ranging from light olive brown to yellowish brown |
Opened in 1964, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge connects Brooklyn with this borough |
Staten Island
In 1988 k.d. lang & this late singer won Grammys for collaborating on the hit single "Crying" |
Roy Orbison
In a song from 1933, it's the type of house I want to go back to in Kealakekua, Hawaii |
a little grass shack