Show #4898 - Wednesday, December 21, 2005


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Jeff Lawrence, a limousine driver from Las Vegas, Nevada

Karen Spinale, a high school teacher from Duxbury, Massachusetts

Laura McElfresh, a librarian from Atlanta, Georgia (whose 2-day cash winnings total $53,202)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
A 1992 law introduced by Sen. Cranston aimed to reduce the use of paint containing too much of this element
    $200 18
Matthew 26:15:
"What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for" this
    $200 1
Long, low sound of pain from a nonworker male bee
    $200 11
Jeff Daniels wrote "Escanaba in da Moonlight", a "super Yooper comedy" set on this state's Upper Peninsula
    $200 16
Today, most placekickers use the instep rather than the toe in a kicking style adapted from this sport
    $200 6
The company founded by Henry Sherwin &amp; this man wanted to use the halftime to demonstrate how paint dried
    $400 24
An effort lasting from 1985 to 1991 eliminated this paralytic illness from Latin America
    $400 19
Loss of coolant around 4 A.M. led to a rough March 28, 1979 at this Pennsylvania facility near Harrisburg
    $400 2
Butterfly-like insect that listens to gloomy rock music
    $400 12
In 2004 he won an Oscar for "Mystic River" &amp; appeared off-Broadway in his own play "Embedded"
    $400 17
(I'm Kurt Warner of the NFL.) From 1995 to 1997 I played for the Iowa Barnstormers in this league that plays its games indoors
    $400 7
Rosewood School wanted to play this game where if you're tagged as a female swimming bird, you're it
    $600 25
(Hi! I'm CNN senior medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.) I joined CNN in 2001 &amp; reported on the biological attacks of this bacillus in the news that October
    $600 20
Start your counting please/
It's this many syllables/
In standard haiku
    $600 3
A London apartment for a small biting fly
    $600 13
This Englishwoman called her "Shakespeare for My Father" a play about her father (Sir Michael) &amp; her search for him
    $600 26
As his name suggests, the Bears' Willie Thrower was the first black player at this position in the NFL, 10/18/53
    $600 8
HHS wanted to explain how to use its prescription drug card for this program
    $800 27
Stanford's med school has a division of this, the study &amp; control of disease in populations
    DD: $1,400 21
A reduction of arms & independence for Turkey were 2 items in this Jan. 8, 1918 pronouncement
    $800 4
A loud & threatening speech from a colony-based insect
    $800 14
Her husband Jerry Stiller made a video appearance in her 1999 comedy "Down the Garden Paths"
    $800 29
This ex-Cowboy joined Keith Jackson &amp; Howard Cosell on the first "Monday Night Football" telecast
    $800 9
This ex-FCC chairman, Colin's son, wanted to hold a town hall meeting to discuss obscenity on TV
    $1000 28
Also a type of mathematical quantity, it's a term for disease-carrying critters like ticks
    $1000 22
This section was added to the tax code in 1974; it's now the name (or number) for many political advocacy groups
    $1000 5
Acting instructor for an aspiring household pest
    $1000 15
In 2004 this author of "True West" returned to the stage, acting in "A Number", a play about human cloning
    $1000 30
Now a running back for the Rams, he scored a career record 12.1 points per game playing for San Diego State
    $1000 10
Writer Ted Kooser, given this title by the Library of Congress, was going to read his work "Delights and Shadows"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Laura Karen Jeff
$3,400 $800 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Karen Jeff
$8,200 $1,400 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...from the magazine's Top 100 Movies list.)
THE "BYRD"s &amp; THE "BEA"s
    $400 3
Born in Cologne, this "Tales of Hoffman" composer became a French citizen in 1860
    $400 1
This 1941 film is "everyone's default choice for the world's greatest movie"
    $400 26
This Connecticut newspaper has been reporting the news since 1764
    $400 8
St. Nick smoked a long pipe &amp; wore a broad-brimmed hat in his 1809 "Knickerbocker's History of New York"
    $400 13
(Jon of the Clue Crew reads from the WW II Memorial in Westerplatte, Germany.) I'm in Westerplatte, where early on September 1, 1939, a German battleship opened fire on this country's forces &amp; began World War II
    $400 21
&amp; then there's this actress, truly a "Golden Girl" when she won an Emmy in 1988
    $800 4
This composer's daughter Cosima married Hans von Bulow in 1857 &amp; Richard Wagner in 1870
    $800 2
"72 years after he emerged from his jungle lair, this remains one of the movies' immortal tales of unrequited love"
    $800 9
This 1934 song about the imminent arrival of an omniscient Santa was written by J. Fred Coots &amp; Haven Gillespie
    $800 14
2 days before D-Day, Allied troops entered this formerly Fascist capital city
    $800 22
This admiral led a third Antarctic expedition, discovering Thurston island in 1939
    $1200 5
(Jon of the Clue Crew walks up the nave of the Marienkirche in Lubeck, Germany.) In 1705 this 20-year-old composer walked 200 miles to hear Dietrich Buxtehude play organ at Lubeck's Marienkirche
    $1200 18
"Film noir was a tired genre before writer Robert Towne and director Roman Polanski made this" 1974 film
    $1200 10
Not a horror movie slasher, the Weihnachtsmann visits this country bordered to the north by Denmark
    $1200 15
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Helsinki, Finland.) On November 30, 1939, the U.S.S.R. attacked Finland in what became known as this alliterative conflict--&amp; got quite a fight
    $1200 23
Jesus uttered 9 of these, from the Latin for "blessedness", in the sermon on the mount
    DD: $6,000 6
In 1726 this German composer became a naturalized British subject
    DD: $6,000 19
"This (1994) multipart crime epic... still has the impact of an adrenalin shot to the heart"
    $1600 11
The elf-like Jultomten in this country has kids breathless in anticipation from Malmo to Sveg
    $1600 16
A lull in WWII in 1939 was dubbed this, punning on the word "Blitzkrieg"
    $1600 24
This West Virginian has cast more votes in the Senate than any other senator in history
    $2000 7
In 1931 this "Pomp"ous English composer was made a baronet
    $2000 20
This 1927 Fritz Lang "epic poem of urban dystopia and class warfare set the standard for imagining the future"
    $2000 12
In the 1860s this cartoonist first drew Santa with the soft furry hat we know &amp; love
    $2000 17
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Riga, Latvia.) In 2005 here in Riga, President Bush honored the end of World War II, but also regretted this February 1945 pact that lead to the Iron Curtain
    $2000 25
Called "The Mama of Dada", this ceramicist's relationship with Roche &amp; Duchamp inspired the novel "Jules et Jim"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Karen Jeff
$20,600 $4,600 $16,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Though it's not accurate, this meaning of the word "Mississippi" appears in one of Lincoln's most famous lines

Final scores:

Laura Karen Jeff
$8,399 $100 $11,400
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $11,400

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Laura Karen Jeff
$15,600 $4,600 $12,000
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
9 R,
4 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $32,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2005-10-17
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