The name of this fruit goes back to the Sanskrit word "naranga" |
an orange
This 3-letter prefix that precedes -bar, -metric & -tope means "equal" |
In the election of 1860, 10 slave states didn't even put his name on the ballot & he still won |
Abraham Lincoln
This 1982 low-budget movie set in Florida in 1954 is known for its locker-room humor |
Kind of animal that was "mom" to Mowgli in "The Jungle Book"s |
a wolf
Number of "men on the dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!" |
(Eric: What is 13?)
Meaning "to bounce a basketball lightly", this word is a variant of drip |
Bort, an impure type of this form of carbon, is used for cutting, not for jewelry |
When news broke that it was offered statehood in 1845, Mexico recalled its minister from Washington |
Director who made his feature debut in 1978 with "Eraserhead"; he went on to "Blue Velvet" |
David Lynch
Chios, Smyrna, Colophon, Argos, Rhodes, Athens & Salamis have all claimed to be this ancient poet's birthplace |
This popular name for a pop music single referred to the record's playing speed |
(Alex: [*] for you; in my day it was 78.)
Basin for holding baptismal water named from Latin meaning "fountain" |
a font
This type of water that contains dissolved compounds doesn't readily lather with soap |
hard water
The attack on Ft. McHenry was the last battle fought before the treaty ending this war was signed |
the War of 1812
1990 saw George Romero remaking this 1968 zombie classic of his |
(Eric: What is Dawn of the Dead?)
Night of the Living Dead
"The Grapes of Wrath" opens in this state |
It's the only even prime number |
This compound extracted from opium is named for the Greek god of dreams |
(David: What is heroin?) (Eric: What is morphium?) (Alex: No.) (Eric: [*]. What is [*]?) (Alex: Sorry, I can't give it to you.) [Jean rings in] (Alex: And I can't let you respond on it, Jean.)
This apparatus for increasing ions to high energies is called a linac for short |
a linear accelerator
"Commodore" who lost the "Erie War", an 1860s fight for control of the Erie Railroad |
(Jean: Who is Perry?)
Cornelius Vanderbilt
From her ability to yell out in terror in horror films, Brinke Stevens has this nearly rhyming title |
scream queen
His math books include "Symbolic Logic", his fantasy works "The Hunting of the Snark" |
(Eric: Who is Lewis? Carroll. [*]?)
Lewis Carroll
Triskaideka-phobia is the fear of this number |
Latin for "cloud", it's a diffuse mass of interstellar dust |
(Eric: What is galaxy?)
a nebulla
It's a sudden involuntary contraction of the diaphragm |
a hiccup
In 1923 his father administered the presidential oath of office to him in a farmhouse |
The weapon wielded by Leatherface |
a chainsaw
He went on for 55 verses weeping for the dead "Adonais" |
(Jean: Who is Keats?)
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Number of theses Martin Luther posted on the door of a church in Wittenberg |
(Jean: What is 97?) (David: What is 96?)