Show #2644 - Thursday, February 15, 1996

1996 College Championship quarterfinal game 4.


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Allyson Mondoux, a senior from Boston University

Brian Gondos, a sophomore from the University of Pennsylvania

Steffanie Brown, a junior from West Georgia College

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
The Virgin of Guadalupe is this country's patron saint
    $100 1
It's what "you cannot teach an old dog"
    $100 4
Feat accomplished by the cow in "Hey Diddle, Diddle"
    $100 11
Born in 1731, she was nicknamed the "Mother of Our Country"
    $100 26
This city is home to the Daily Planet newspaper
    $100 12
The Household Chartalog recommends baiting these with gumdrops or nuts, as well as cheese
    $200 18
This city is home to the Icelandic Opera
    $200 2
It "gathers no moss"
    $200 5
Urbe Blanca, a cow in Cuba, holds the Guinness record for the highest yield of this in a day—241 pounds
    $200 13
When she was a child, her classmates called her Buddy but she's best remembered as Pat
    $200 27
It's Wolverine vs. Lobo, Aquaman vs. Sub-Mariner & more as this company's heroes take on DC's in a miniseries
    $200 22
It usually has a sign saying, "clean lint filter before each load"
    $300 19
The 2 official languages of instruction at the University of Helsinki are Swedish & this
    $300 3
Completes the proverb "cold hands,..."
    $300 6
Major religion that holds the cow sacred
    $300 14
She watched the Battle of Bunker Hill from a hill near her home with her 7-year-old-son John Quincy
    $300 28
Vertigo's "Chiaroscuro" covers "the private lives of" this major Renaissance artist/inventor
    $300 23
For a formal dinner, this item is placed to the left of the forks or on the plate
    $400 20
Sutherland Falls, the fifth-highest waterfall in the world, is on this country's South Island
    $400 7
It's what "The road to hell is paved with"
    $400 9
Family whose cow is credited with starting the Chicago Fire
    $400 15
In 1839 she moved to Springfield, Illinois to live with her sister Elizabeth
    $400 29
His real name is Wally West, but he's also this hero, the fastest man alive
    $400 24
They come in 4 basic types: valance, draw, sash & cafe
    DD: $1,000 21
Artifacts from the Chaco War are displayed in the Military History Museum in this Paraguayan capital
    $500 8
An old variation of this proverb said, "The dashe of a pen, is more greeuous then the counter use of a launce"
    $500 10
Elsie the Cow is this company's mascot & spokesanimal
    $500 17
She was Georgia's first lady 1971-75, before she became First Lady of the United States
    $500 30
After the death of Superman's cousin Kara, Matrix, a shape-shifting alien, took over as this heroine
    $500 25
You may want to set this bed, a Japanese folding pad, on a tatami mat

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Steffanie Brian Allyson
$2,300 $400 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steffanie Brian Allyson
$4,500 $1,500 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Founded in the 200s B.C., this Egyptian city's library had the world's largest collection of scrolls
    $200 16
It's the shortest distance between a pair of points on a flat surface
    $200 1
This "whale" of a Herman Melville novel inspired Peter mennin's "concertato" for orchestra
    $200 6
This trademark name of a flying plastic disk comes from a Bridgeport, Connecticut pie company
    $200 17
When the Civil War closed this river, Mark Twain gave up his career as a steamboat pilot
    $200 18
As of January 4, 1995, this party controlled the U.S. Senate
    $400 12
c. 115 B.C. the Himyarites gained ascendancy over this Arabian kingdom whose queen appears in the Bible
    $400 23
It separates units from tenths
    $400 2
Liszt's symphonic poem "Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne" is based on a poem by this "Les Miz" author
    $400 7
The Latin uti, "to use", evolved into this word for a kitchen implement
    DD: $800 27
Name shared by cities on the Greek Ilissus River & Georgia's Oconee River
    $400 19
On September 7, 1995, this Oregon senator announced his resignation
    $600 13
In 72 B.C. this gladiator & slave defeated 3 Roman armies & reached Cisalpine Gaul
    $600 24
6,450 raised to the power zero equals this
    $600 3
The libretto for Verdi's opera "Il Corsaro" is based on this English lord's poem "The Corsair"
    $600 8
Meaning socially awkward, it's French for "left"
    $600 28
Brazil's Guanabara Bay was 1st called this by sailors who thought it was a river
    $600 20
This South Carolina Republican is the president pro tem of the Senate
    $800 14
The age of 9 he accompanied his father, Hamilcar Barca, on a Carthaginian expedition to Spain
    $800 25
This number is the cube root of 27
    $800 4
The title of this composer's "Pomp And Circumstance" is a quotation from "Othello"
    $800 9
A fringe benefit, "perk" is short for this
    $800 29
The 2 Great Lakes named for Indian tribes
    $800 21
And then there was this Georgian who will not seek reelection in 1996 after 24 years in the Senate
    $1000 15
c. 304 B.C. Agathocles, tyrant of Syracuse, brought all of this island under his control
    $1000 26
It's the highest power of an unknown variable in a quadratic equation
    $1000 5
The 2nd movement of Charles Ives' "Concord Sonata" is named for this author who lived in an "Old Manse" in Concord
    DD: $1,200 10
Meaning "to spur to action", it comes from the name of an Italian scientist famous for experiments with frogs' legs
    $1000 30
The 1945 Potsdam Conference set the Oder & Neisse Rivers as the border between Germany & this country
    $1000 22
These 2 women are California's senators

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steffanie Brian Allyson
$11,100 $4,300 $2,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This country contains North America's most southerly point

Final scores:

Steffanie Brian Allyson
$12,200 $8,600 $4,400
Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Steffanie Brian Allyson
$11,100 $4,300 $4,000
29 R,
1 W
12 R,
2 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $19,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1996-01-09
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