Show #2707 - Tuesday, May 14, 1996

1996 Teen Tournament semifinal game 2.


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Anthony Chiu, a sophomore from Louisville, Kentucky

Peter Friedman, a senior from Marlboro, New Jersey

Amanda Goad, a junior from Richmond, Virginia

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Those 2 letters of the alphabet will begin each correct response.)
    $100 11
On guard duty, this seamstress' 1st husband John was killed in a 1776 explosion; she remarried twice
    $100 21
This term for a man who cuts hair is from the Latin word for "beard"
    $100 4
Mick Jagger
    $100 25
In 1992 Michael Stich & Boris Becker won the doubles gold in this sport
    $100 1
You can kiss under this "Christmas" parasite, but don't eat the berries–they can be poisonous
    $100 9
Enter's opposite
    $200 12
John Trumbull was an officer & an artist; his works include "Surrender of" this man "at Yorktown"
    $200 24
It's a clerk at a bank who accepts deposits & cashes checks
    $200 5
Eddie Vedder
    $200 26
In 1994 this Ukrainian won figure skating gold a day after a training injury that required stitches
    $200 2
This green plant pigment still absorbs light when extracted & dried
    $200 17
To breathe out
    $300 13
John Parker led this group against the British in the first battle of the war
    $300 23
A film "cutter", or the person at a publishing house who revises & oversees a manuscript
    $300 6
Layne Staley
    $300 27
For Olympic play in this sport, a 30-second rather than a 24-second shot clock is used
    $300 3
Honey locusts & pyracantha shrubs are examples of plants with these sharp-pointed modified branches
    $300 18
It's how a Roman Catholic archbishop or a foreign ambassador should be addressed
    $400 14
Ezra Lee was the pilot of David Bushnell's "Turtle", the first attack type of this craft
    $400 22
The headwaiter at a restaurant is commonly referred to by this French term
    $400 7
Billy Corgan
    DD: $500 15
This host country won the most total medals at the 1994 Winter Olympics
    $400 28
This "bald" swamp tree is the state tree of Louisiana
    $400 19
Another name for the White House
    $500 10
David Williams, John Paulding & Isaac Van Wart became celebrities after capturing this major, a British spy
    $500 20
Apothecary is an old term for this profession
    $500 8
Dolores O'Riordan
    $500 16
This event where athletes slide down a track on a runnered vehicle joined the Winter Games in 1964
    $500 29
The sphagnum type of this plant usually covers a bog
    $500 30
It marks an interjection

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Amanda Peter Anthony
$1,200 $1,400 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amanda Peter Anthony
$3,500 $3,100 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Color of a coward's bell
    $200 20
The U.S. is world's leading coffee consumer; this large nation is the leading coffee producer
    $200 9
In May 1974 India tested this type of explosive device
    $200 22
In this Hans Christian Andersen tale, a little child remarks "He doesn't have anything on!"
    $200 7
He began to form his special theory of relativity when he was 16
    $200 30
“A word to" them "is enough"
    $400 17
Jeff Foxworthy has many tests to see if you're one of these
    $400 3
While rounding the tip of South America in 1520, one of his ships deserted & returned to Spain
    $400 10
In October 1957 she became the first British monarch to open Canada's parliament
    $400 25
He spins straw into gold for the miller's daughter
    $400 8
This naturalist's "On the Origin of Species" has been referred to as "The Book that Shook the World"
    $400 29
"Where there's a will, there's" this
    $600 15
A shade of brown used to be made from these preserved bodies of ancient Egyptians
    $600 1
This Chilean capital is dominated by 2 hills: Cerro Santa Lucia & Cerro San Cristobal
    $600 11
In 1985 researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute located the wreckage of this liner
    $600 24
Before becoming a sea captain, Lemuel Gulliver practices this profession
    DD: $1,500 5
This Russian physiologist coined the term conditioned reflex
    $600 28
"None so" this "as those who will not see"
    $800 18
Rhodopsin in the rods of your eyes is also called "visual" this royal color
    DD: $1,500 2
With huge oil reserves in the Maracaibo Basin, this country is the continent's top oil producer
    $800 14
In 1928 Ataturk removed the constitutional provision that named this Turkey's state religion
    $800 23
This legendary outlaw of Nottinghamshire began appearing in children's books in the 19th century
    $800 6
In 1977 this "A Brief History of Time" author became professor of gravitational physics at Cambridge
    $800 27
"Don't wash your" this "in public"
    $1000 19
Tattletale this is a shade of dirty white
    $1000 4
South America's largest wild land animal, this hoglike creature can grow as large as a pony
    $1000 12
9 members of this cult escaped the fire that engulfed their complex near Waco, Texas in 1993
    $1000 21
This book's first edition said it was "translated from the original equine, by Anna Sewell"
    $1000 13
This "Father of Modern Astronomy" was born in Germany in 1571
    $1000 26
"Never" do this "of the dead"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amanda Peter Anthony
$10,100 $8,000 $6,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the only president preceded & succeeded by the same man

Final scores:

Amanda Peter Anthony
$16,001 $0 $12,000
Finalist 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Amanda Peter Anthony
$10,100 $7,300 $5,000
24 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $22,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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