Show #2407 - Tuesday, February 7, 1995

1995 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


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Shannon Shelton, a senior from Detroit, Michigan

Mathew Sandler, a junior from Smithtown, New York

Susannah Batko-Yovino, a junior from Altoona, Pennsylvania

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
This dinosaur came in third on Forbes' list of the highest-paid entertainers
    $100 26
Marvel's new "Fantastic Force" is a spinoff from this comic
    $100 1
Before St. George slew this beast, the townspeople had attempted to appease it with sheep
    $100 11
At a 1988 General Assembly session in Geneva, this PLO leader accepted Israel's right to exist
    $100 19
These cherries sometimes sold in green syrup are usually of the Royal Ann variety
    $100 12
This word for a woman engaged to be married comes from Old French meaning "trust"
    $200 7
This British colony held its first fully democratic elections on September 18
    $200 27
In a 1994 contest among the Amazons Artemis defeated Diana & was named this heroine
    $200 2
This apostle may have reached southern India as legend suggests, but some "doubt" it
    $200 15
His diplomatic career began under Sadat in 1977; in 1992 he became U.N. Secretary-General
    $200 20
The limequat is a cross between a lime & this fruit
    $200 13
As a noun it's the crops that ripen in a season; as a verb, the act of gathering them
    $300 8
In October Mike Espy announced his resignation from this cabinet post
    DD: $800 28
In the crossover event of the year, Marvel's Punisher met this character, seen here:
    $300 4
St. Romanus the Melodist wrote 1,000 of these religious songs of praise; about 60 survive
    $300 16
After his assassination in New Delhi Jan. 30, 1948, the General Assembly set aside a period of mourning
    $300 23
A large one these fuzzy- skinned fruits from New Zealand has more vitamin C than a medium-sized orange
    $300 14
This word for a whirlpool bath is a trademark
    $400 9
The ferry Estonia sank in this sea on September 28, killing more than 800
    $400 29
This TV & movie Spock has created the PriMortals for Tekno Comix
    $400 5
St. John of this Syrian capital is a saint of both the Roman Catholic & Greek Orthodox churches
    $400 17
Harry Belafonte & Audrey Hepburn have been special ambassadors for this U.N. agency
    $400 24
The small, lantern-shaped habanero is one of the more-fiery types of this
    $400 21
The name of this starch used to make pudding comes from a Tupi Indian word
    $500 10
A November Senate report blasted the CIA's handling of this man's spy case
    $500 30
This late martial arts legend has his own title at Malibu Comics
    $500 6
St. Catherine of Siena helped convince Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome from this French papal city
    $500 18
Talks between G.B. & Argentina over these islands began in the '60s & were still on when the 1982 war began
    $500 25
The Bosc variety of this fruit is good for poaching & baking
    $500 22
This word is combined with "mechanics" for a theory in physics about the behavior of atoms

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Susannah Mathew Shannon
$2,500 $200 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Susannah Mathew Shannon
$5,600 $1,300 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This Scottish queen was born in Linlithgow Palace on December 8, 1542
    $200 16
A museum at Washington Square in this Massachusetts city depicts the witch trials of 1692
    $200 18
The L.A. Times reported that devotees of this Andrew Lloyd Webber musical call themselves "Phans"
    $200 4
Because its coefficient of expansion is close to constant, this element works well in thermometers
    $200 11
In 1945 this Kansas senator's right arm was permanently disabled in combat in Italy
    $200 22
"In a certain village in La Mancha, which I do not wish to name, there lived not long ago a gentleman..."
    $400 2
In 1588 Philip II sent this fleet to England, hoping to restore the country to Catholicism
    $400 17
Arlington, Vt. has an exhibition of this Saturday Evening Post illustrator's works & a film on his life
    $400 27
In scene 1 of this play, Daisy crashes her car & her son Boolie decides to hire her a chauffeur
    $400 5
The name rubidium comes from the Latin rubidus, meaning this color
    DD: $2,500 12
In 1994 Ben Cayetano became this state's first governor of Filipino ancestry
    $400 23
"Marley was dead: to begin with"
    $600 3
The name of these people came from Aztlan, their supposed homeland north of the valley of Mexico
    $600 19
This "dark" region of Germany is especially famous for its smoked ham & cake
    $600 28
His play "Brighton Beach Memoirs" takes place in a small house in Brooklyn in 1937
    $600 6
Henri Sainte-Claire Deville developed a method for the industrial production of this light metal
    $600 13
In 1994 this Democrat lost his bid for a fourth term as governor of New York
    $600 24
"Mr. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens..."
    $800 7
When this mongol conqueror was a lad, his father, Yesugei, was poisoned
    $800 20
When traveling to this European capital, you may land at Hellinikon Airport via Olympic Airways
    $800 29
Justine Bateman appeared in a 1990 revival of "The Crucible" by this playwright
    $800 9
NASA's space capsules were largely made out of this silver-white metallic element
    $800 14
In 1994 this co-owner of the Texas Rangers was elected Texas governor
    $800 25
"Half-way down a by-street of one of our New England towns, stands a rusty wooden house..."
    $1000 8
Cosimo III's son Gian Gastone was the last member of this Florentine family to be Grand Duke of Tuscany
    $1000 21
On weekdays a blacksmith demonstrates his craft at the Old Cow Town Museum in this largest Kansas city
    $1000 30
In 1867 this Norwegian wrote one of his most famous plays, "Peer Gynt"
    $1000 10
This Russian predicted the existence of germanium in 1871; a German found it 15 years later
    $1000 15
Robert Bennett & Orrin Hatch are this state's 2 U.S. senators
    DD: $900 26
"Mr. Jones of the Manor Farm had locked the hen-houses...but was too drunk to remember to shut the popholes"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Susannah Mathew Shannon
$11,300 $11,200 $3,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was the last national capital to host the Summer Olympic Games

Final scores:

Susannah Mathew Shannon
$13,600 $22,400 $7,400
2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Susannah Mathew Shannon
$11,700 $9,100 $3,700
27 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
8 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $24,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1995-01-03
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