Show #1367 - Tuesday, July 10, 1990

1990 Seniors Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


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Arnold Yellin, a manufacturer from Chicago, Illinois

Cecelia Moore, a teacher from San Pedro, California

Marge Mayer, a real estate property manager from Orange County, California

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 9
Her name was Goldie Myerson before she Hebraized it to this
    $100 8
Oscar Wilde said, "I like men who have a future and women who have" this
    $100 6
"Dynasty" character who's been married to Blake Carrington, Cecil Colby & "Dex" Dexter
    $100 1
Cities named Niagara Falls are opposite each other in this state & province
    $100 14
Field in which the name Georges-Auguste Escoffier is legendary
    $100 26
"Oh! How we" did this "on the night we were wed"
    $200 10
This British ruler sponsored a translation of the Bible that now bears his name
    $200 17
P.T. Barnum once punned, "Every crowd has a silver" one of these
    $200 7
On TV, Timothy Hutton's father, Jim, played this detective created by Frederic Dannay & Manfred Lee
    $200 2
These can be viewed from behind in the Cave of the Winds
    $200 15
Scientists say in the Devonean Period, 350 mil. years ago, the length of this was about 22 hours
    $200 27
Girl who'll "look sweet, on the seat, of a bicycle built for two"
    $300 11
On March 24, 1958 he became Army G.I. No. 53310761
    $300 18
Thomas A, Edision quipped, "When down in the mouth, remember" this biblical prophet, "He came out all right."
    $300 19
Actress who's starred as Coretta King, Marva Collins, Harriet Tubman & Jane Pittman
    $300 3
Experts figure in about 25,000 years the falls will cut all the way back to this lake, their source
    $300 16
In 1980, 6 others were tried with this group that supported Mao, making a total of 10
    DD: $700 28
Title of the following, 1950's biggest hit: "Last Saturday night I got married / Me and my wife settle down / Now me and my wife are parted / I'm gonna take another stroll downtown"
    $400 12
He was killed in his red Fokker plane near Amiens, France
    $400 22
U.S. Grant said, "I only know 2 tunes; one of them is" this patriotic ditty "and the other isn't."
    $400 20
In the 1950s Sherman Billingsley was host as well as owner of this elegant Manhattan "Club"
    $400 4
To keep up the spectacle there's a limit on the water that can be diverted into these plants
    $400 24
Gasohol is a 9-to-1 mixture of gasoline with either ethanol or this other type of alcohol
    $500 13
His father, a violinist, was a founder of the Bombay String Quartet & Bombay Symphony
    $500 23
Paraphrasing Shakespeare, Dorothy Parker called it "the soul of lingerie"
    $500 21
Jon Hall was this character "of the Jungle", whose name meant "white medicine man"
    $500 5
The tourist boats that go around the pool at the base of the falls are all named this
    $500 25
Olympic sport in which opponents face each other on a measured strip called a piste

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Marge Cecelia Arnold
$1,100 $700 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Marge Cecelia Arnold
$1,600 $1,500 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1980s
    $200 7
In 1941 a "Guaranty Seal" replaced this magazine's "Seal of Approval"
    $200 26
After victory in this 1982 war, Margaret Thatcher said, "Those islands belong to us."
    $200 12
This artist's "Manao Tupapau" depicts a superstitious Tahitian girl terrified of a dead spirit
    $200 1
The 2 voices in English grammar are active & this
    $200 6
Because it contains no nerves, it doesn't hurt the baby or mother when it's cut
    $200 21
You can see gators jumping for food at the Gator Jumparoo Show at Kissimmee in this state
    $400 8
This humor magazine's price is "$1.75 cheap"
    $400 27
On September 1, 1983 the Soviets shot down this airline's flight 007
    $400 13
Augustus John's portrait of this man in a kaffiyeh headdress looks a lot like Peter O'Toole
    $400 2
The 3 interrogative pronouns are which, what & this one
    $400 17
The waterproof layer of your skin
    $400 22
Of all the southern states, this one is first alphabetically
    $600 9
Founded by DeWitt Wallace as a reprint magazine, it began printing some original material in 1930
    $600 28
This author's novel, "The Garden of Eden" was published in 1986, 25 years after his death
    $600 14
His "Burial of the Conde de Orgaz" pictured his son & members of Toledan society
    $600 3
A complex sentence contains 1 or more dependent ones
    $600 18
The leg proper is only the segment between the ankle & this
    $600 23
You might say Avery Island is one of Louisiana's hot spots; it's the home of this famous hot sauce
    $800 10
Time Inc.'s 2nd successful magazine was this business publication which debuted in 1930
    $800 29
"Energy Turns the World" was the theme of this Tennessee city's World's Fair which opened in '82
    $800 15
His art can be divided into Paris, Arles, & Saint-Remy periods
    $800 4
A participle is a verb form used at this part of speech without losing its character as a verb
    $800 19
Blood enters this organ through the hepatic artery
    $800 24
It's Virginia's state flower & its state tree; we assume its bark is worse than its bite
    $1000 11
It calls itself "The International Magazine of Fine Interior Design"
    $1000 30
The 1981 Oscar ceremonies were postponed from March 30th to the 31st due to this
    DD: $1,000 16
He painted "Fog Warning" & other seascapes after moving to a lonely point on the Maine coast
    DD: $500 5
English has 6 tenses: present, past, future & these 3
    $1000 20
You don't need stones in the gall bladder or kidneys; you do need the otoliths, stones in these
    $1000 25
This state's largest lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, is named for a poet & native son

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Marge Cecelia Arnold
$1,200 $10,400 $6,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

President with the most recent birth date

Final scores:

Marge Cecelia Arnold
$0 $13,400 $2,700
3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Marge Cecelia Arnold
$1,900 $10,900 $6,700
12 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
18 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $19,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1990-02-26
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