Show #2242 - Tuesday, May 10, 1994

1994 College Championship semifinal game 2.


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Kristin Brewe, a senior from the University of Minnesota

Brooke Gallagher, a junior from the University of Maryland in Baltimore County

Dave Goldsmith, a senior from Colgate University

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Jeopardy! Round

1993 ROCK
    $100 1
Found in Australia, the largest of all marsupials is the great gray species of this
    $100 11
Johnny Cash performed as a guest vocalist on their Zooropa album
    $100 22
In 1904 Daphne du Maurier's father, Gerald, became the first actor to play this villain in "Peter Pan"
    $100 21
This first first lady was an accomplished knitter
    $100 16
In Swahili he's your baba; in Esperanto, your patro
    $100 6
In Roman numerals, it's the symbol for 1
    $200 2
The pichiciago, a small one of these armored mammals, lives underground
    $200 12
In January 1993 Bill Wyman quit this group after 30 years
    $200 23
The first known Tellspiel—a play about this hero—was performed in Switzerland in 1512
    $200 24
After graduating from USC, she taught typing, bookkeeping & stenography at Whittier Union High School
    $200 17
An informal term for a grandmother, or the kind of knot she might tie
    $200 7
It's the letter turned backwards in the name of America's top toy store chain
    $300 3
A popular pet in Mexico, it's the largest lizard in the New World
    $300 13
Neil Young & 10,000 Maniacs were among those who released albums from this MTV series
    $300 25
This character, known in Italian as Arlecchino, first appeared in the commedia dell'arte in the 1500s
    $300 28
In 1993 LHJ devoted a special issue to her, saying she's still "the most intriguing woman in the world"
    $300 18
A mentor who criticizes you sternly & frankly is called a "Dutch" one of these relatives
    $300 8
In describing measurements, it represents the word by
    $400 4
The macaw is a long-tailed parrot & the macaque is a large, powerful one of these
    $400 14
She topped the charts in October with "Dreamlover"
    $400 26
In the 1640s these supporters of Oliver Cromwell closed all the theatres in London
    DD: $500 29
In 1946 she appeared in the Broadway musical "Lute Song" with Mary Martin & Yul Brynner
    $400 19
It’s the term for the relationship of the children of first cousins to each other
    $400 9
In sign language 3 fingers held up & slightly spread represent this letter
    $500 5
Known by its descriptive name, it's the most common wild rabbit found in North America
    $500 15
Elton John & Frank Sinatra each released an album with this title
    $500 27
London's Royal Coburg Theatre was renamed the Royal Victoria & affectionately nicknamed this
    $500 30
A last-minute shopper, she didn't buy a bridal gown until the day before her 1975 wedding
    $500 20
Term for the granddaughter of your brother or sister
    $500 10
In Japanese, all words end with either a vowel or this consonant

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dave Brooke Kristin
$2,900 $1,300 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Brooke Kristin
$3,800 $1,700 $500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 24
Fashionable colonial men covered their faces with masks while this was done to their wigs
    $200 1
This month is named after the Roman god of purification; he must have been a short god
    $200 7
In 1972 over 90 nations agreed to ban dumping this liquid metal, Hg, into the oceans
    $200 11
It's the holiday on which you'd most likely wear a shamrock
    $200 3
These supports come in setback, diagonal & clasping types as well as flying
    $200 21
This island famous for its giant stone statues is part of Chile's Valparaiso region
    $400 25
Ashcake, which colonial cooks baked in hot ashes, is a type of bread made from this meal
    $400 2
Aizen Myo-o, the Japanese Buddhist god of this, has 6 arms, all the better to hug you with
    $400 8
Among elements isolated by Humphry Davy are barium, boron & potassium; he also named this element, Cl
    $400 13
Roman Catholics observed this holiday on January 6 until the 4th c., when it was moved back 12 days
    $400 14
Wedge-shaped blocks called voussoirs make up these structures that span openings
    $400 22
The inhabitants of these islands east of Argentina are mainly of British descent
    $600 28
In June 1610 the timely arrival of Lord De La Warr & his men kept this Virginia colony from being abandoned
    $600 4
The Spanish call it arco Iris, translated as the goddess Iris' arc
    $600 9
The "Valley" in California between Palo Alto & San Jose is nicknamed after this element
    $600 15
All Saints' Day, observed on this date, is a legal holiday in Louisiana
    $600 18
The Manueline style of architecture peculiar to this country is named for King Manuel the Fortunate
    $600 23
It's Canada's largest island on the Pacific Coast
    $800 29
Many Europeans volunteered for this kind of servitude in exchange for passage to America
    $800 5
Some translate the name of Huitzilopochtli, an Aztec war god, as "the left-handed" one of these tiny birds
    $800 10
The postal abbreviation for the Cornhusker State is the same as the symbol for this noble gas
    DD: $1,000 16
The national ceremony for this holiday occurs at Fort McHenry National Monument
    $800 19
This Cambodian temple complex was built for King Suryavarman II
    DD: $500 26
A civil war that began on this island in 1963 brought Turkey & Greece to the brink of war as well
    $1000 30
Colonial children slept in these movable beds that were stored under larger beds during the day
    $1000 6
In Greek mythology he was Poseidon's brother who ruled the underworld
    $1000 12
Scientists believe it's the most abundant metal in the earth's core
    $1000 17
To honor its 1521 discovery, this U.S. Pacific territory celebrates Magellan Day on March 6
    $1000 20
Completed in 537, the dome of this Constantinople church collapsed in 558
    $1000 27
Caprera Island near Sardinia contains the tomb of this Italian leader of the "Red Shirts"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Brooke Kristin
$6,400 $5,800 $6,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Headings in this 1854 work include "Solitude", "Brute Neighbors" & "The Pond in Winter"

Final scores:

Dave Brooke Kristin
$12,700 $11,431 $0
Finalist 2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dave Brooke Kristin
$6,400 $6,600 $6,100
22 R,
3 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $19,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-02-28
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