He left a farewell note on a stationery pad that said, Don't let the turkeys get you down" |
This god of commerce, contrary to his name, wasn't a liquid at room temperature |
Game in which you can score 3 points for a "ringer", 2 for a "leaner" & 1 for landing nearest the stake |
The luminescent effect some minerals show was named this, after fluorite |
A live 60 lb. boa constrictor was one of the props she posed with for her Playboy pictorial |
La Toya Jackson
Your city's collector of errant canines |
the dog catcher
At the inaugural gala, this actor introduced himself as "Conan the Republican" |
Arnold Schwarzenegger
He presided over the Roman games, sort of like the deal the Greeks had with Zeus for the Olympics |
In tag, the one who's supposed to touch another player has this 2-letter title |
Obsidian is a natural glass formed by rapidly cooling lava & is usually this color |
In May 1984 the Jacksons announced the details of a U.S.-Canada tour called this |
the Victory tour
A stray feline, whether or not he's in the street |
an alley cat
The parade included a replica of the Avenger, the plane which had this historical significance |
Bush flew that plane in World War II (the one he was shot down in)
Shamu could tell you he's the Roman god of the sea world |
Card suit whose shape is based on the French trefoil symbol |
(David: What is spades?)
To test for this property in a mineral, use a Geiger counter |
This Motown star "Presents The Jackson 5" was the title of their 1st album |
Diana Ross
He played Atahualpa on Broadway in "The Royal Hunt of the Sun" before starring in "Kung Fu" on TV |
David Carradine
When she administered the oath of office to Dan Quayle, she left out 6 words |
Mrs. Sandra Day O'Connor
One of the few gods whose name begins with "U", he's the father of the Titans |
With a standard card, you can get a bingo with as few as this many numbers called |
(Tom: What is five?) ... (Alex: Yes, you use the "Free" space.)
It's the only rock we could find that would fit in a "STARTS WITH "GN" category |
(Alex: Less than a minute to go.)
Singer of the following, this Jackson also achieved fame on "Fame": "What have you done for me lately? / Ooh ooh ooh yeah / What have you done for me lately? / Ooh ooh ooh yeah" |
(Alex: David?) (David: I can't name it.) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds.] [The song was not played going into the break.]
Janet Jackson
In November 1976 it was announced that this 9-year-old girl would attend a public school in Washington, D.C. |
Amy Carter
At the inaugural ceremony, this evangelist led the invocation |
(Jason: That would, who is... Jimmy... Swaggart?) (David: Who is Pat Robertson?) (Tom: Who is Falwell?)
Billy Graham
Roman underworld figure who was boss of all down under, & we don't mean Australia |
Nolan Bushnell, who founded Atari, invented this 1st popular video game |
Clay containing iron & manganese used to make a brown pigment sometimes described as burnt |
Swimming stroke in which the swimmer kicks twice with 1 leg for each stroke of the opposite arm |
the Australian crawl